Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Easy on Sunday


Here in the desert, it is HOT outside.
We spend the day indoors, doing chores napping.
Johnson likes the cubby in the head board.
Whose tail is that above him?

It's Maui!
Boneless as usual.

Felix prefers a nest in the quilt.

We'll sleep here all day, and mosey outside on to the Catio about Seven or Eight o'clock at night.
So if you want to come over and play, bring your night vision goggles and set your alarms accordingly!
We'll be waiting.

Happy Sunday!

XX  Johnny, Maui & Felix  XX


  1. Napping is good although it was lovely here today. But a touch chilly this morning. We had FROST.
    Can you imagine?

  2. It's hot over here too. Our human mop to cool the tiles for us to lounge with the fan on as well.
    We love Maui's boneless sleeping style! :)

  3. MOL.. I think most genius who can handle the heat so well is Mauil " Happily ever napping " Look at Maui's smile..Precious !!!!

    And I will charge my battery now , and I will see you guys at 7pm. Sharp !

  4. O hai! Kisses to all of u. Plz drink lots of water. :)

  5. Nighttime is the best playtime anyway! I am always ready to rumble around midnight!

  6. Greetings to you all,

    Most of the country has been hot and this coming week we here in northern California are to reach much higher temperatures and maybe even reach the triple digits. At least this week has been moderate with a breeze now and then.

    I know there is not much one can do other than to find a cool spot and just crash out. Looks like you all found a great place.

    Wishing you all the best,
    Miss Kitty and Egmont

  7. We'd luf to hang on your catio! We'll set our alarms. Night vishun goggles, ready! Anyone bringin nip?

  8. Hey folks, how can I turn up an offer like theese one...Johnny, I'z headed over with my night vision goggles pronto!

  9. Stay cool kitties. You must be stealing all the hot weather, as it feels like fall over here! Happy Sunday.

  10. Weeeee got our goggles! That sounds like fun!


  11. Those are busy chores! I might come over and help CC with his chores.

  12. Me and Charlie are off to get some night vision goggles cos we'd love to play with you all!! Yay!! Awww hello there Mr Johnson, Maui and Felix!!! Take care

  13. I'll bring my goggles and seepy bear (for daytime) and be right over. We can order out for pawzzo bread and some cool ::ahem:: refreshment!

    Enjoy the day!


  14. Oh it's hot weather there...I don't know what it means anymore! MOL
    just kidding, it's all because the weather here is awful, rainy and cold! :(
    Anyway, you are right dear friends, warm or cold, it's better go for a nap!
    lovely pictures!
    purrs and happy Sunday

  15. Even Maui's tail looks "hot" from the weather.....We are all spread out on the floor where it's cooler but it's still SO HOT!

  16. Find a cool spot somewhere and maybe take a nap. It's the only way to put up with heat.

  17. May I stay with Rupert? It's scary and noisey here!

  18. I am there! Terrible wet weather here and I have awful cabin fever...see you soon.
    Vicki thanks you for the kind wishes and she is on the mend now.

  19. Have a great Sunday where
    ever you may nap...

    pawhugs, Max

  20. Have a great lazy sunday where ever you snooze :)

  21. We're just pushing mum out the door to go and get us sone night vision goggles - we hope the shop hasn't sold out. We can't wait to come over and have fun on your Catio.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  22. Night vision goggles? May I borrow Robocop's one? har har har *evil laughs*

  23. It's been so hot here too...even with the cold air blowing thingey on, it's hard to get motivated to play. We may mosey over later and go out on the catio...maybe we'll see George!

  24. Well that sounds like fun. We are packing up our gear right now and will be on our way. Night time is the best to have some fun. So back to our naps for now. Take care.

  25. It cooled down nicely here last night but I think we are in for a hot one again today!

    Looks like you all have a few cool places to hang out!

    Happy Sunday!
    xo Catherine

  26. Take it easy in the hots!

  27. Count me in too gang, I would love a night time romp on the catio!

  28. Andy, Kiefer and GusJuly 24, 2011 at 7:12 AM

    We know what it's like to have hots out. We also have humids and that's worse. It doesn't go away at night. We stay in the cooooool house day and night. That's ok - we have lots of toys to play with and Mom doesn't close the blinds all the way so we can look outside whenever we want. Just don't come and peep in our windows!

  29. We hope you guys are staying nice and cool! We hear that the temps crazy! Keep Safe!

  30. I wish I could send you some of our lovely FOG--I will try to waft some your way. I might also pop over for a nighttime Catio play session-maybe just with Bad Whitey, Salem, Grayce, KonaKitty, May Ling---is that ALL the girls??

  31. I will definitely be ofur, I haf been wanting to check out the Catio!

  32. A nap iz deevine! Any old time! Espeshully when it iz da hottest evfur. I justee goez limp biskit & stretchez out so da air cirkylatesez abouts my furz.
    Tanks fur vizytin' us durin' hard timez & new timez. Although Ella iz not a replacemint fur our Angel Auntie Stinkie, she iz bringin' some divershun fur us catsez who were down in da dumps. We tink Ella iz just what da Doctor ordered! I guess I should know dat, bein az... well, I yam a dr, ya' know?
    Dr Tweety

  33. yes.. Sunday is a week to rest....
    Cat also..

  34. I guess it's like having a permanent hot flush! You kitties are cool whatever the weather >^,,^<

  35. You 13 are smart...the least amount of energy expended in this heat is the best.

  36. Harley is THRILLED with the idea of playing with night vision goggles!

  37. Napping must be all u can do in that heat! At least u get to play when the sun goes down!Hope u all r having lots of cool refreshments :)

  38. oh we would all love to come over and play on your catio....
    be right over!

  39. Hopefully it's not as hot as it has been here in the northeast. Things have gotten pretty bad around here and it's really humid too. At least you guys get the "dry" heat.

  40. Naps are GREAT for Sundays! My kitties love love love your pawprint beds!

  41. Well, Spitty, while you distract the girls, I'll pop over and show the mancats some mighty fine ladycat! Then we can romp and play when the sun goes down! I think I'll be up for napping afterwards too! Now, to find a kitten sitter...

  42. We can't believe you go outside at all in this crap! It's still over 90 degrees at 10 PM.

    Mr. Maui, if YOU are calling ME Crazypantz, then I take that as a huge compliment! I mean, you are the King of Crazypants! I've been napping all day on my ham-mick, resting up to see what other crazy things I can do tonight!

    Your friend, Zoe

  43. Be right over. (chuckle - if only)

  44. You guys have a great plan on how to spend your hot days! Does the hot temp outside cook the little lizards?

  45. We have had The Hots here, too. Well, hot by Cleveland standards! And The Humids, too! Last night when Mommy got out of the car, her glasses fogged up immediately! She couldn't see to go from the car to the house! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

    And Thank You So Much for helping to celebrate Sunny and Sky's First Birthday!

    Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky (& fosters Jett, Panda, and Domino)

  46. I borrowed some nightvision googles so we can enjoy your catio. Thanks for the invite I always wanted to explore the catio.

  47. oh, how fun! We'll be over to make noise and play on the catio all night long, running up and down the ramps! It'll lull your folks to sleep :D

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie

  48. Maui does boneless very well! We like night time the best for going out as well. It's when most of the mousies buy their one way tickets into our garden.

  49. Good idea to siesta all day, and samba at night! We've had it pretty darn hot here, too -- and humid. I don't know but imagine you have a dry heat being in desert country. More tolerable, I believe.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!