Me today! Can you see my curly tummy fur? Go ahead and pet it!
Hi Everybody!
Sweet Pea here. I'm the other white Kat in the Lounge, but my coat is long & lush while The Baby's is short and plush. I'm a rescue, just like a lot of my brofers and sisfurs. But it almost didn't happen...
At the time the big Catio wasn't built and The Baby would get to go out in a big cage to get her away from Tiny Johnson, who wanted (still wants!) to eat her. I was homeless and I could smell her yummy kibble in the cage, and sometimes pieces would fall out and I'd gobble them up. One morning Mommy was putting The Baby outside and she heard a cat wailing. She remembered what Daddy had said and unhappily went back in. The next day, same thing. The NEXT day, she caved and secretly put some food out for the wailing cat, (me!) and she kept it up for a week. I was really friendly and showed myself right away. Mommy could see I was really starving and she was so torn about what to do. So, she decided to call Daddy from work and tell him what she had been doing. Boy! He was MAD! (Daddy has such a soft heart but he was going nutso from all the Kats in the house.) But Daddy calmed down and that night they both put out canned food for me and I hopped over the wall of the back yard and inhaled it. Daddy picked me up and I burped, I had eaten so fast! I was light as a feather.
So they fed me, and started asking around to see if anyone wanted a nice white kitty.
Then it started to get cold...and the weatherlady said it was going to get freezy cold, and Daddy had a fit about me not being warm. So they fed me, picked me up, and took me INSIDE, " just until they could find a home for me." (hee hee!) I had special accomodations--a room to myself--but I'm a pretty social gal and by the end of the night I got to inspect the house and the other Kats. I got busy eating and washing the dirt out of my furs and catching up on my sleep.
And Mommy & Daddy put up signs for "lost cat" all around because I was so obviously someone's cat at some point.
They called me Sweet Pea, because I was so snuggly and purry, and a couple of people came to see me...but they didn't take me. They told Mommy that they could see I was already THEIR kitty! And it was true. I was a Lounge Kat. Then, because Daddy didn't want to end up in an asylum for crazy cat people the Catio got built off the back of the house--a 16' X 33' safe outdoors fur all of us to play!
I'm Mommy's girl, though I like Daddy too. I sleep with Rupert and KonaKitty and CC (you'll meet him soon) all squooshed up like sardines next to Mommy at night. I LOVE to play, especially with feather toys, and I love the nip. The red dot isn't bad, either! Most of the time my furs look kinda shaggy but I'm very soft with curly tummy fur. I'm very proud of my ear hairs and my three-inch long pantaloons, which I do NOT like Mommy combing! But she can love on me all night if she wants to...
Purrs! Sweet Pea
Nice to meet you Sweet Pea. I love your clever plan to catch the humans :) i hate being brushed too - my tummy fur is sacred
ReplyDeleteHeehee...we haf dat prollem 'cept it's our mom dat sez "no more" and der is only three of us. But since she is da only one dat cleans litters, brushes us and takes care of washing, feeding, watering, etc. she always gets da last word.
ReplyDeleteOh, Sweet Pea, you are a gorgeous, lovely girl; our Mommy would love to rub that precious belly of yours!!...We're so glad you found such a loving home; who could resist you?...We love your house full of awesome kitties!!...Have a happy weekend, beautiful...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
ReplyDeleteoh sweetpea that's a lovely story! we are so glad you got a nice home !!!!
ReplyDeleteOh Sweet Pea! You are so beautifulz! And that was a real exciting story to read. I am so glad it had a happy ending!
ReplyDeleteThanks for coming to visit my new little blog. I am an only cat for now, but maybe someday I will get a brother or sister.
Humans! They should just accept that we know best and accept us when we adopt them.
ReplyDeleteYou are very pretty Sweet Pea, and you have lovely tummy fur. We are glad you won and got your Forever home.
ReplyDeleteWell, helloooo there bootiful Sweet Pea! My goodness you look lovely!
ReplyDeleteThat was such a great gotcha story Sweet Pea, you Gotthem fur sure!
ReplyDeleteOH Sweet Pea...we can't wait to get a closup of those ears.
ReplyDeleteHi Sweet Pea! You are very pretty!
ReplyDeleteHello Sweet Pea it's lovely to meet you and see your Hovver Kitty act (very cool) We especially admire the way your arrival drove your Dad to the point where he almost went mad, but instead built your fabulous Catio. Sweet Pea you are a powerful pusscat indeedy!
ReplyDeleteWhicky Wuudler