Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Sticker Shock

Friends and Kitties!

Sheebie here.

Scott came home from Wally World Friday with an oil pan, palm tree spikes, and a watermelon. (This is pretty much a normal haul for him.)  To my glee, the melon had a very tempting sticker on it.  Tempting for me, that is.  To adhere to poor, unsuspecting felines.

I apologize for the fuzziness; I had the camera on the wrong setting.  That, and I was giggling like a crazypants madwoman so much I couldn't hold still.

Just enjoy!

Not Impressed.

Get this blasted thing off of me this instant!

Seedless, huh?

That would be me!
ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
John was totally all "whatevs"  about being be-stickered and Salem complained bitterly the entire time--the next time I decide to so adorn her I'm going to get video, her irritated scolding was hysterical.

Say, do you see that ultra wild and fun quilt those two are laying on?  I have a whole story to tell about it, but you'll have to wait until next the meantime, I challenge you to sticker your pets this week!
It's way fun.

Happy Sunday and enjoy the week!  

XX  Sheebie  XX


  1. Mum better not do that! But she just gets little stickers on her peaches.

  2. No one gonna sticker this kitteh! It looks painful. Besides, a watermelon sticker on a black cat is just so un-PC and just wrong!

  3. I'm getting the quilting "twitch" again... but before I go buying myself a new sewing maching (I just sold my old one in a yard sale) and a bazillion dollars worth of whisles and bells and notopns I'm thinking I'll just borrow my friend's. I just want to make some shams. I tend to go all OCD when I start something. Perhaps you've noticed? Or not.

    What did you say?

    Have yourself a fab day!

  4. I have NO idea what "notopns" are. That was supposed to say "notions".

  5. Oh! How I wish there was audio of the Great Wailing! John seems to be growing some furs, eh?

  6. Letting the world know that both Salem and Johnson are 'seedless'! (Psst, so are we!) Our human had a good laugh! Purrs!

  7. Luckily, mom would never stickerize me and she'd put dad in the dog house if he tried. Your watermelon sticker looks kind-of Christmassy. It's cute.

  8. I suspect my cats would react similar to Salem. It would be funny.
    I was admiring that quilt from the very first photo. Looking forward to hearing more about it.

  9. No. No. No.

    We do not want any stickering here.

    Äiti, where are you going ????

  10. My human rarely comes home with produce, thank Cod!

  11. THankfully my Mummy knows better than to put a sitck on me! LOL Have a great day kitties and I like that great looking quilt. :)

  12. Oh we so want to sticker Two Two.That does look like great fun and the kitties are seedless. That sure is nice. Take care.

  13. We have been stickered with sticky bows at the holidays, and that was quite enough stickering for us. Lots of "Take it off! Take it OFF! TAKE IT OFF!" We're pretty sure we are seedless, too.

  14. Just one word for you Mrs Human...KARMA.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxx

  15. Seedless,huh? Oh dear Salem you aren't seedless are you? Mommies find things to be funny when they're not, but we suspect turnabout is fair play. WE bet you and Johnny are just scheming!

  16. I think it's time to seek professional help.

  17. I think your mom and my mom are related. What's up with stickers? My mom put sticker on my nosey last week after eating her orange. Meow!

  18. We're glad our mom doesn't try to sticker us.

    Uh...what's that, mom? You said you just haven't had the chance?

    Uh oh! We think you started something, Sheebie!! Thanks, alot! *said with sarcasm*

  19. Not funny! Mum will be looking for stickers now. She often used to put them on me but hasn't had any good ones lately.Good ones? Her words not mine. There is no such thing as a good sticker. She is more interested in the seedless bit. She has watermelon for breakfast and says the seeds drive her nuts!

  20. I warned mum she better not. can you imagine with long fur.. Mum is also interested to see seedless as we have never seen that before. Hugs GJ xxx

  21. Seedless Tiny Johnson! MOL!!!!! Oh how I wish we could hear Salem!

  22. LOL! I would love to hear Salem's scolding. Simba was whatever about being stickered too.

  23. that sticker would be perfect for Ivy - mom calls her a watermelon!!

  24. Our Mom has been known to do that :/
    Good thing the only stickers she gets lately are from nectarines and she puts them in the garbage :)

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  25. We get stickered too, but it is usually with one of those stick-on bows. It is always stuck to the top of our heads where it is very hard to remove without help. And the idiot human who stuck it on us will not take it off. It is amazing what stoopid things make you humans happy! Purrs and hugs, LO, M, MM, G, F, A, L and CJ

  26. Hmmm Charlie is NOT a fan of being stickered! LOL! But I think it's funny!

  27. Look away, Peepers. There's nothin' to see, here. Turn away. No, don't look at that sticker. I mean... WHAT sticker?


  28. there appears infiltration by a crazy lady into your Katnip run run
    Hugs Madi your BFFF

  29. It is reassuring to know we aren't alone when it comes to produce stickers. . . and putting them on your cats.

  30. Our crazypants mom is always putting the banana stickers on us. NOT amusing!

  31. Well, at least there was no sticker shock!!!

  32. Our mom thinks this is very funny. She only puts stickers on us at Halloween. She thinks placing one pumpkin sticker on a kitty's forehead is a Halloween costume.

  33. TBT says he used to do that sticky thing, but the kitties he had at the time "convinced" him to stop doing that by going all crazybutt and destroyin stuff runnin around to get the stickies off.

  34. Love the quilt. Scrap quilts are my favorite to make. It's very nicely done.

  35. Oh NO , now you gave my mom another bad idea !!
    Thank´s a lot *pfft*

  36. We only get itsy bitsy stickers being a small country!!!! The Staff better not try that on me!


  37. oh like 'yeah'...that is sooooo not happening here! They can hardly pick me up, let alone stick something on me...nope, not happening...and that quilt thingy is very nice indeedy...


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!