Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Sunday ALREADY!?!?!?!

Friends and Kitties!


Sheebie here, and somehow, I ran out of time.

All is well here, just busy! 
 Training at work for our new computer control system means lots of overtime, plus I'm gearing up for a trip down to Tucson to see my parents and Shadow (perhaps not in that order).  How is it that holidays are so much work beforehand? 

Please enjoy some gratuitous kitteh pictures instead of my usual epistolary raving.



You'd think they'd remember about that the sprinkler...

*rolls eyes*

Happy Sunday!!

XX  Whirlwind Sheebie  XX


  1. Hey! When did Sherpa leave here to go there? ;)

  2. We were just thinking that if Princeton were there... the sprinkler head would be toast!

  3. We absolutely need an indoor garden...sans sprinkler.

  4. We love the first picture of shooting kitty love at each other! Purrs!

  5. Love the grass planter sprinkler thingy... especially if a kitty gets an unexpected shower! Har!

  6. Happy Sunday to you and all the Lounge kittehs.

  7. Lovey photos! The grass bed is really nice and kitties are enjoying a lot...even with sprinkler :-)
    I hope you will have a great time on upcoming trip to Tucson!

  8. That sprinkler causes a lot of consternation! We would like a patch of grass like that, but we don't think we would like a sprinkler on it.

  9. Great pictures and hope that Sheebie makes it though all the chores that she has to do. Have a great day. Hope the sprinker doesn't go off too often.

  10. Hope shadow is completely recovered...

  11. Looking forward to some pictures of Shadow.
    We think we'd love the sprinkler, positive we'd love the grass!
    ~ The Bunch

  12. There aren't enough hours in the day! Or maybe there are and the cats have the right idea. Relax, have some fun, and take a nap!

    Have a good week.

  13. You need a 30 second warning on that sprinkler!

  14. Great, great, enjoyable pictures!

    Yes, going away, even short distances, creates so much work! Seeing Shadow (and your parents) will be worth it.

  15. Well those are darn good photos! Good luck!

  16. We see some mighty fine lookin' kitties there. Hugs and nose kisses

  17. Mom likes the raving ;)
    We like seeing you kitties :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  18. Mommy says she will miss your raving, but we are cats so we don't care. We're just as happy to look at pictures. Have a safe trip and tell Shadow "HI" from us. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Lisbeth, Astrid and Calista Jo

  19. Well, we always love your raving, personally! But these pictures of the kittehs are pretty darned awesome, too. :)

  20. Every Sunday my human wonders how come the Monday has arrived so quickly! Why do you have to give names to days, humans? Without names, no evil Monday!

  21. Gratuitous kitty pix are always welcome!

  22. I would like an indoor sprinkler !
    Dad say´s I don´t need any since I use his indoor fontain as one :)

  23. I love reading your usual Senile Sunday posts. MOL!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!