Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday in the Garden with The Baby



The Baby here.
Do you see me? 

Ta Daa!!!  Here I am!
I was hunting lizards in the Lantana.

Come with me on down to the other end of the yard, I want to show you what Daddy did earlier this week. 
He put in a Fall vegetable garden!

Here in the desert it's possible to get a second crop of veggies, so Daddy planted kale, butter lettuce, tomatoes, purple bell peppers...and catnip, of course.  This is the first year he's tried this...he and Mommy are excited to see what's gonna grow--Mommy is dreaming about fresh organic salads already.
I think everything is growing pretty well.

Now I have other, more important Catly things to do!

Like nap under the arborvitae while Mommy has a cuppa joe and reads her book. 

But first, I need some pets...

Kitties, we have an announcement:  Mommy is OFF WORK for the next sixteen days, and she has declared a sporadic blogcation!  We said it was OK, just this one time...possibly we were bribed just a tiny bit by the thought of all the extra lap and play time.  (Not that they'd ever admit to it--ed)  Mommy will be zipping down to Tucson to see Shadow and the Grandpawrents, so expect a post or two from the Remote Catio...and who knows what else...with our Mommy anything could happen!

In the meanwhile we'll be lurking around here and there, and back in business by October 14, if not before--see ya then!

Happy Monday!

XX  The Baby  XX


  1. Hang on, hang on - something doesn't add up. Mommy is of work, and this is when she says she'll have a blogcation. Err, no, we don't think so! What is it with these illogical humans?
    Well, we hope there's loads of lap time and play and garden supervision for you in it. And of course a visit to Shadow is most important.
    We love the idea of an autumn crop of veggies and 'nip. Here we are fast approaching winter. Pöh.

  2. 1. Did you leave a "deposit" in the garden?

    2. Whaddya mean blogcation???

    3. Be sure to get filthy before you go inside. (we like a dirty girl)

    4. Tell Mom to have a great time!

  3. Good thing your daddy planted some catnip in the fall garden!

    I know thirteen kitties that are going to be spoiled rotten--okay, make that fourteen--while your mommy is off work ;)

  4. That is a great garden Baby. Thanks for showing it to us. We here have no garden of our own, only a corridor for our mommy to plant flowers. We hope your mommy has a good time visiting your grandpawrents.

  5. Tell your mommy to have fun and enjoy her vacation.

    I would kill the male person if he planted another garden....

  6. Can I tell you a really embarrassing secret about my human? She is such a terrible gardner, not to mention really lazy, that she has actually considered HIRING a crew to put in a vegetable garden and tend to it at our house! There is a service that does just that right in our neighborhood, so I guess my human is not the only lame/ lazy one. She really wants fresh kale.

    BTW, you kitties are EASY - I would never let my human take a blogcation for such an easy bribe.

  7. Enjoy your outdoor time. Garden looks lovely. Hope your Mummy has a great time. :)

  8. Don't be too irresistibly naughty during your blogcation that your peep has to blog anyhow. Enjoy!

  9. Hope you found a little pet to play with , The Baby :)
    Sounds grreat that your mom-person are going to have a sixteen day´s off work time !

  10. I predict a little color. Yes, indeedy! Enjoy your blogcation!

  11. A second crop of veggies is terrific! We'd need a greenhouse for that here. :-)

    Tell your mom to have a fabulous vacation!

  12. If you pee on the plants they will grow faster!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
    Pee Ess, we are not allowed near the seedlings in the window because Mummy and Daddy don't want them to grow too fast.

  13. Ooo, a second garden, lucky you! And we are glad to hear you will soon be spoiled, I mean, treated like you should be while your mom is off.


  15. jealous of:

    1) second garden (as our weather has become decidedly fall like)

    2) mom's vacation.

  16. weird that daddy would plant stuffs in your outdoors litter box, kinda gross actually but humans are weird like that.

  17. That is a great fall garden we bet you will have lots of organic veggies, now we just wonder if um er you fertilizer it organically for them Baby?? Hope your Mom enjoys her blogocation! Have a safe trip and we'll see you when you get back.

  18. Know your Mommy will enjoy her blogcation, but we will miss all of you, but we will get to see Shadow!
    Looking forward to watching your garden grow, especially the nip.
    ~ The Bunch

  19. Well! I ask you!!!!???? A blogcation! This is an outrage! Humans are so darn lazy! Wait! No! That's us kitties for 20 hours of every day!

    Baby, did you christen the nip?

  20. Very cool to have a double garden if that is what you could call it.
    And keep the Mom working the pets.
    The help can get very lax if you do not keep a firm paw on them

  21. a safe trip ther N bak ta yur mom the baby...hope her enjoys her time offa werk ...N ya could fooled uz... coz we never ina million... wooda thinked there bee lizards in montana to hunt !!! ewe haza safe trip home two :)

  22. Awww The Baby!! You're doing such a great job snoopervising your mum and dad that we know you're garden patch will soon be overflowing with fresh yummy green food! Yay!!

    We wish mum a restful blogcation and a fabulous trip to Tucson! Take care

  23. Hi, The Baby! How great that the garden is going to produce a second crop of yummy stuff (especially catnip)! We hope that Mommy has a nice vacation, and that you kitties get spoiled, spoiled, spoiled!

  24. We can't wait to see updates from Shadow! Hope your mom enjoys her blogcation!

  25. Nice Job Daddy! Enjoy the blocation Mom!

  26. You look like you're having a great time in that garden Baby! I hope your mom has a great time on her vacation!

  27. The Baby, you're a great garden snoopervisor. Are you gonna fertilize those plants, too?? ;)

    Enjoy the blogcation!!

  28. We is so jealous 'cuz it is getting cold here and we cants even go out in our sunroom most days! And you gets to go into the garden, you lucky kitty!!!

    Tell mom to have a good rest on her days off. We has to put up with mom taking blogcations too so we unnerstand! See you when you gets back.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  29. Hope your mom has fun seeing her pawrents and Shadow. Guess Dad Scott will be home with all of you while she's gone.Hope you do some fun stuff. Baby, did you have any catnip while you were inspecting the garden? Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Maurico, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona,Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  30. Wow, and *I* was mad when she decided to skip TWO days. Sixteen.

    I wanna see you roll in that dirt, FDW!

  31. Oh, and "she" = my Human, not yours, MOL!

  32. oh, GOOD for YOU, the Mommy! take off works and then do nuffin else, not even Blog-o-vate! Very Cat-like, if you ask me. Very impressive. Hope you all enjoy teh lettuces and teh nips. Happy Second Veggie Season.

  33. A blogcation sounds wonderful - have a great time!

  34. Hi there! I'm new here, and I wanted to say I can't wait to read more from you guys! Have a great day!

  35. Sweet Baby the garden is beautiful and you look terrific strolling through it. Tell your mom to enjoy her days off. We know all you sweet kitties will take good care of things while she enjoys her time off. Hugs and nose kisses

  36. I will be looking for you and your paw rents, The Baby. xoxoxox

  37. We hope you have a super time off work!!!! See you when you get back :-)

  38. Baby, you look so cool and comfortable in your garden. Maybe your dad will plant some catnip for you? We can hope! Purrs...

  39. meowzers! That is some long away-cation Mommy has! And Baby, I betcha you left a little fertilizer somewheres around that garden...*wink, wink*

  40. That garden is going to produce some yummy greens for everybody! Tell your Mama to have a fun and relaxing vacation :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  41. Are you really on a blogcation or are you writing your novel, "Hunting lizards in the Lantana"?

  42. What a fantastic trip to the garden. You have lots of plants to visit, planters to climb and stuff to rub on. I wish I were allowed out free. I have to wear a harness and it sometimes freaks me out.

  43. Your mommy and daddy are going to have some very yummy fresh salads. It looks like the tall plant has a pepper shaped cat toy on it that needs to be whapped.

  44. You can hide real good. That garden looks so nice. I wish I had one indoors like that.

  45. My Human has been SOOOO unreliable about helping me visit. It's a disgrace, especially since you are looking so fetching, The Baby. You are kind of clean though--could you get a little FD for me?

  46. The Baby you are Queen there in the Garden and what great duties you preform. Enjoy a good R n R with Mom and the lounge cats.

  47. Your veggie garden looks fantastic! Fresh organic salad sounds great. And of course fresh catnip :-)
    I hope your mom will enjoy vacation and blogcation!

  48. You hunt for lizards? Are those anythin' like snakes? My sister Constance and my dad are real snakers.


  49. Our mom kind of neglected her veggie garden this summer. And then lo and behold, a big fall crop of ARUGULA AND CHARD!! Now she's very busy trying chard recipes, because that chard is MAMMOTH.
    We hope your mom has a good blogcation. Our mom seems to take them and not tell anyone she's away. She is very unreliable, but she's very good at taking care of US, which is the most impawtant thing!

  50. MOWZERS - KALE! Our mommy's officially jealous. Our garden is winding down and it was especially plentiful with tomatoes this year - hey, if you plant basil, you could have a great italian thingy going there with your tomatoes :-)

    Enjoy your blog-caytion!!

  51. We hope you are all enjoyin a wunnerful calm blogcation!

  52. How are you kids holding up without your mommy? We could not survive that long!

    P.S. We wanted to thank you for your kind thoughts when PQ went to the Bridge. It's getting a little easier for us each day.

  53. Hasn´t it gone 16 day´s soon ?!
    I miss you <3

  54. ENjoy your vay-cay!

    Imagine, planting veggies in the fall! While I'm out madly covering tomatoes in hoping of getting another week out of them before the frost prevails...

  55. YOu guys OK? Haven't heard from you in two weeks! Purrs.

  56. We are having Lounge Kat withdrawal. We hope you're having a great blogcation. We miss you!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!