Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, March 9, 2014

About Face!

Friends and Kitties!

Sheebie here.

Back in 2000 I had Lasik surgery to correct my extreme nearsightedness, and it changed my life, not to have to wear glasses to do virtually anything.  I think I navigated in the dark better than I did in daylight without glasses.  My vision was really bad.  I got my first pair of specs at age six and that's when I realized that trees had individual leaves.  Anyway, I think I missed the stage in development where one learns how  to distinguish faces, because I couldn't see them before glasses; people were just pink or brown blobs.  To this day it amazes Scott that I don't recognize actors from show to show, if they differ by much I cannot figure out who they are by sight alone.  Now, if they speak I have a fighting chance because I'm quite good at deciphering voices--probably not very surprisingly--that's how my brain adapted to poor visual acuity.  After thirteen years at my job I still have a hard time putting names to faces, I think it's a skill I just never mastered.  
Or, maybe I'm crazier than I thought.

The reason I'm bringing this up is that I'm going to BlogPaws in May (HURRAH!) and I'm excited to be meeting so many of you in person, but I'm a little intimidated by having to process so many new faces at once.  I'm hoping there will be name tags, ideally with photos of your pets on them, because I don't have a hard time remembering/recognizing animals at all--especially if I see their photos everyday!  Please, don't be insulted if I ask what your name is elebenty times.  I've been studying up visages on Facebook to better the if you only would look like the cartoonized avatars I'd be set!

Oh well, I intend to enjoy myself, even if I'm the only person who's name I can remember...

Happy Sunday!

XX  Sheebie  XX

pee ess:  I have video of the hummer nest--post upcoming!


  1. How cool to be able to go to Blogpaws. It will be very exciting. Maybe they can put their pets and their cartoon avatar. That would be twice as helpful. We can't wait for the video. We have seen one hummingbird at our corridor garden.

  2. Our mommy is so bad with names and faces that some times she doesn't recognize herself in the mirror!

  3. My human will see you at BlogPaws! Don't worry, she doesn't recognize everybody all the time either! Although HOPEFULLY she will recognize you, having spent an afternoon at your place!

  4. That will be SOOOO much fun going to BlogPats and you know that you all must make good reports for those of us not lucky enough to go. I'm excited just thinking about it! T.

  5. No worries - ever since my brain surgeries I have to meet someone at least 5 times before I remember them so I'll be going around reintroducing myself to people....and I used to be one of the folks who would remember a person after one meeting.

    I'm so glad you're going so I can meet you 5 times and remember you.

  6. Our Mommy is seething with jealousy. She wants to go to Blogpaws so badly!

    Hope you have a super easy Sunday!

  7. Blogpaws is a great name for an event.

  8. LOL! Our human says animals are easier to recognise than humans! Purrs!

  9. At least you have an excuse for not recognising faces - your sight. I am just ignorant! I bet if all participants wore a picture of their felines, you'd know who they were!!!

    Looking forward to the hummer video - we have the sparrows in the enst box to look forward too. And Seppo LOVES his little oven bed. It took ages to get it fixed 'just right' and now he is in it all the time.
    Many thanks!

  10. Brad Pitt can't put names to faces either so you are in good company! My Human is looking forward to meeting you at BlogPaws, she's going! (Can you send Johnny back with her?)

  11. Heeeyyy, you know what? You have just given me something to think about. I've had to wear glasses since the First Grade. I was about five when I got them. My parents did not notice I needed them, it was my teacher that called them and said I could not come back to "regular" school till I could see! But I never thought about the not being able to recognize people the way you have it here - and it makes perfect sense! I am terrible with names to faces as well. Hey, thank you. I'm gonna think on this some more. And you, don't sweat it. Much like you shared with me, you are not alone in that boat :-)

  12. You'll have a great time and I don't think the names will be an issue--people will understand. :-)

    BTW, I don't even have a valid reason for names not sticking in my brain. I've been at my work place for 13+ years and there are people in the building who will greet me by name, only I have no idea what theirs is. Embarrassing!

  13. Someone said something, just can't quite make out ....?

    OK the human is a seething mass of green stuff!!

    Have a great time! xx

  14. I have horrible vision but, unluckily for me, I am grossly farsighted. Lasik only works for nearsightedness. Bugger. I have to wait until medicare will pay for cataract surgery so I can get a lens replacement.

    Name tags would be an absolute necessity for me! I don't remember names. Or book details, or movie details. It must be bad brain cells in my family because all of my sisters have the same affliction. The upside? We can read a book or watch a movie we loved and it is almost brand new again but with a deep sense of familiarity. Wierd, eh?

    Have yourself a marvelous Easy today!

  15. People all look pretty much the same to me.As soon as they have told me their name,it's gone.
    Jane x

  16. The head peep has the same problem with remembering names and faces, but she doesn't have eyesight to blame. You're right, if everyone had to wear photos of their cats at BlogPaws, it would be much easier to identify them! She's excited that she will be able to meet you there.

  17. I wear glasses and am very nearsighted too but it started when I was around 30. I know you'll have a great time and I'm so envious. If only I were still living in CA! Can't wait to hear all about it even if there aren't any names mentioned.

  18. MOL Sheebie Mom said should she ever attend such an amazing event her name tag would read
    "Madi's Mom"!!!
    Looking forward to the video
    Hugs madi and her mom

  19. How exciting...going to Blog Paws! Mum wears glasses too and can't remember names so it's all good. Hope you have a great time and gets lots of SWAG for the kitties!!

  20. Sheebie - you are in luck - everyone gets a nametag at the event!! Wish mom was going....

  21. I forget names all the time. Heck, I couldn't remember Greg's name until the end of our first date, then promptly forgot it again until he sent me a card! I kept thinking his name was Ralph for some reason, not even close!
    A lot of times I'll see a face and think I should know who that is, but the name, gone!

  22. Hey, we're not going this year, but most peeps call my Dad by Brian...and he thinks (correctly so) that it is a compliment!

  23. Just do what I do, call everyone Debby.

  24. Oh how I wish I could go to BlogPaws too. Even though their things seem, from what I have read to usually be dog related, seeing the cat moms and dads would be the treat of the day to mom and me.

  25. Our mommy is going to BlogPaws so she'll meet you even if you don't remember her, it's okay! Will there be a tour of the Lounge on the conference agenda? :)

  26. Blogpaws sounds like a great event. Someday I hope to attend and meet the wonderful folks behind the kitty blogs I read. Enjoy!

    Like you I've worn glasses since I was young. I was a rotten kid and broke or lost several pairs over the years so didn't wear them continuously.

    Have a great week!

  27. So excited to meet you in person at BlogPaws. Everyone has name tags and many attendees bring pets. You will have a blast!

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I can't wait to meet you at BlogPaws! Yes, there are name tags. But last year when I went, I found myself calling the humans by their cats name. For instance, I kept calling Janis, Sparkle the whole time. And Terry (Brian's human) was Brian, of course! But it was a lot of fun meeting everyone. And you won't miss me...I'll have the shortest blondest hair there. :)

    Island Cats mom

  30. I'm so happy for you!!

    when I was there most everyone wore their name badges around everywhere.. so you should be all set :)

    fyi, there is actually a condition where people can not recognize faces.. for the life of me I can't remember the name of it, but it is a real thing.

  31. My secretary should get a lasik operation too! Allthough, I just love dropping her glasses from the table in the morning, it's a sure way to wake her up!

  32. Kudos for going to BlogPaws.
    I would bet you MOST people have problems remembering names, especially when there is more than one new person being introduced. Just wear a name tag that says "HI I'm Trish but I don't remember your name please remind me!" OK I know that's a bit much for a name tag! HAhahahaha

  33. I am so looking forward to meeting you and cant tell you how excited I am. I don't care how many times you ask my name. I have trouble with sight too and have all my life so can relate.

  34. How fun that you're going to BlogPaws! We bet lots of people will have a hard time putting names to faces. You may be on to something with the nametags having CATS' pictures. :)

  35. It's exciting and a little daunting for the shy like me to meet all those new people - I'm glad I already know you - You do recognize me right? Maybe I can get a Greyson or Quill mask....

  36. Isn't it funny, but that is exactly what Mom said when she first had glasses: She could see the individual leaves on the trees. She has heard so many others express this same thing. She didn't get glasses until she was 18; even though, she had needed them her entire life because of bad astigmatism. Her parents were like that…always in denial. Anyway, no problem at Blog Paws, but now that we know your problem, some teasing could ensue, like people telling you a different name each time they are with you.! MOL! Mom really looks forward to meeting you. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  37. We don't think you should worry.
    Mom is not always good at remembering names, so it kinda evens out ;) heehee
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  38. Have a wonderful time at Blog Paws! Names are a minor issue, get lots of pics and show us - those of us who won't be there!


  39. I had a severe concussion and head injury back in 2001 and I have lost the attachment between names and faces! That's my reason and I am sticking to it!
    I really wish they would have blog paws in Midway, or Calgary or Spokane, or Seattle....then maybe I could make it!
    Nellie's Mommy

  40. Yup, there are name tags. TW’s not going this year but, if you like, you can host ME. TW has been reading me the CWB FB page for years but still can’t remember which human goes with which cat.

  41. Name tags with your blog on it, very small. But, no one really knows who they are looking for and that's half the fun. Our mom isn't good with faces & names either and she doesn't have the glasses excuse. But it's ok, its all fun and everyone is meeting so many people no one is offended if you can't remember them. Hell, I wouldn't remember MY name if I didn't hear it all the time!

  42. Don't worry, we're all in the same boat. I'm good with faces but not names! It'll be so good to see you!

  43. There will be name tags....and possibly flat cats! Feel free to call our Meowm Junior, Orion, Sammy or Emily.

  44. Soooo happy you are going and YES YES YES (as others have said), there are name tags!
    Don't feel bad, most of us only know the names of the cats, dogs, etc and NOT the people!
    I often have to ask everyone their name ELEBENTY BILLION TIMES!

  45. Good point - we'll tell Mom to have our names and pix on her name tag. Maybe she'll even wear a Cattywumpus Tshirt (like she did last year. Mom looks EXACTLY like the drawings she does of herself (except she packs a few extra pounds than her flattering pix indicate!)

  46. That's soooo cool that you're going! WOOT! We're sending our mommy to meet you! Someone on FB mentioned the idea of getting t-shirts made with the blog logo on it. But all you hafta do is wear a tie-dyed creation and WE'LL all know YOU!! :-)

    Actually, our mom's speaking at BP too, and may contact you to see about a possible local connection for her session. It's on how to create effective video for shelters & rescues. she's toying with the idea of having a shelter bring a real adoptable dog or cat (probably dog) for a practicum at the end. Maybe - if there's time. Still pondering...!

  47. Oh Miss Trish, my Mom Linda and even Dad Peter are going to BP too! I asked Mom Linda to get your autograph...I luvluvluv you Miss Trish...purrrs, Savannah


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!