Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, April 24, 2014

The Mystery Solved.


Our house is all topsy-turvy!
It's verreh disturbing.
The ceiling in the hall (that caved in last May from the leaking A/C unit) is fixed.

The rotten drywall and wood from the whizz wars (us vs. the darn dogs that were here before) by the front door is gone.

The furniture is discombobulated!

The window that Daddy and T took out--the drywall is floated out and finished.

Did we mention the state of the furniture?
It's great fun.

The washer and dryer in the kitchen were only there temporarily (rats!) for some wall repair in the laundry room.  However, they will return to the kitchen for two days next week when the painters come...Mommy says we'll be banished to the Catio while the work is going on (double rats!) but to compensate the furniture will be even more jumbled together!  We can't wait.

Mommy is more excited about the fresh paint than the new parkour course, but of course she's crazypants.  Priorities, woman!

And you know what's funny?  Salem  never sits on the appliances when they're in the laundry room but as soon as they appeared out in the kitchen she was on 'em like a shot.
Go figure.

Happy Thursday!

XX  The Kats  XX


  1. you must be some kinda stressed with all this going on Mom, That Woman sends her sympathies. She gets all wiggy if one dumb candle is out place!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  2. Sounds like things have been loads of fun at your place!

  3. Oooo we would not like it at all if this happened to us. We would all hide and NOT make a sound and san would have to look for us everywhere and nowhere. Yous are all brave kitties.

  4. Nightmare. I mean, how long will it take you to get those walls to a state you like again ?

  5. wow, you all been busy!! Getting all the work done before the big Blogpaws tour, very good timing!!

  6. We are giddy with excitment for you! The furniture obstacle course is just pawsome!

  7. Lots of upheaval! Love it!

    Oh... to diminish hairball seasononal effects I called my vet to see about getting Grayson shaved and they scared me to death... $160. No, thanks.

    I may have to taker the clippers to him myself~ and THAT should scare Grayson to death. bahahahahaha!

  8. Wow, you guys all need a new house ta stay in! Come visit us fer a few days.

  9. When this is done, you're practically going to have a new house! Sounds like lots of excitement with the furniture all jumbled up like that. Great climbing action.

  10. Ha ha ha...crazypants! I love that expression! Such interesting happenings at your place!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. that's crazy. are you even going to recognize the place when all the discombulation is over?

  13. House reforms are so boring!!!!

  14. At least you have good places to snoop around in. I just hate it when they do major work around our house. How dare they disturb our peace and quiet.

  15. Lots of things happening at your place! Charlie gets 'nervous' when the furniture is in an uproar!

  16. Wow, that would be freaking us out! So much going on.

  17. That's the best part about home improvement, the furniture being all mental! I used to love it when my mom got a wild h.i. hair.

  18. At least in our house it's just the living room! We posted about it, too!
    Come see!

  19. Wow, your house sure reminds us of ours. The humans are always up to something. We got two more ductless air conditioning units coming in sometime this summer. Glad y'all are having some fun with it at least. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giuletta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  20. Sounds like all kinds of excitement around your House. Nothing better than to have the furniture rearranged. So at least the cats are having some fun. Take care.

  21. Sounds like fun for you exploring things that are not where they should be.

  22. You all could help paint with your tails! 13 more brushes.

  23. Holy mackerel and catfish. This is going to look fab when you're done!

  24. Oh boy! There's a lot of exploring and furniture climbing to be done.

  25. Me thinks the furnitures to climb on is da best part !


  26. I hate when things are out of order!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!