Scouty here.
This is a picture of Me-Inna-Box...
...and so much more!
1. Do you see Johnny in the background? He is ELEBENTY kinds of jellus that *I* am in this box and not him. No matter that the larger, more accommodating (for John's ginormous girth) is vacant; he wants the box that I'm in, the one with the nice cozy Squash Factor.
2. Check out all the little cardboard bits strewn about--those are my toothywork. No box is nap-worthy without "renovations".
3. The blue bowls? EMPTY!!!! Mommy has some cockamamie idea about us not having endless bowls full of kibble anymore and we get portions nowadays. So unfair.
4. Mommy is much closer to me than it looks like in this photo...lately I've been allowing her to get Seriously Close to me, Like, almost within touching distance! Not that she would try to pet me or anything, but still.
So I guess this photo was worth a thousand (162, actually) words, huh?
Happy Thursday!
XX Scouty XX
I agree - boxes must be chewed and sculpted a little before occupation. This is a delight to me too. And then everyone gets REALLY jealous about box ownership. But ginger mancats have automatic rights to them. Until girlcats come along that is. Pöh. SO, empty bowls and protions - is this all part of Mommy's grand plan to get all of you in one photo ?
ReplyDeleteScouty? I think you should consider the potential joys of a light, soft touch on your sweet widdle heady, even perhaps a tiny scritch. They can feel so very nice--in moderation, of course.
ReplyDeleteYou look verrah comfy in your box Scouty. Did you stop to consider that if you ate endless bowls o'kibble you might break down the sides of your comfy box with your girth? Then where would you be other than boxless?
ReplyDeleteWe noticed the bits and pieces of the box, first. A kitteh needs his roughage. MOL!
ReplyDeleteWow, there is SO much going on in this picture, Scouty. Thank you for pointing all of those cool stuffs!
ReplyDeleteBox looks just right with the special mods. Nice works!
ReplyDeleteScouty you are smart to fix the box to suit your taste. You are so cute. our mom would like to snuggle with you.
ReplyDeleteemma and buster
You've come a long way Scouty! Why, in another five years or so, someone might be able to give you a little scratch under the chin!
ReplyDeleteYou have a great box, shame about the empty bowl. Maybe you could let her just have one stroke.:)
ReplyDeleteAaaaaw How cute yous awe. And yous know it wuldn't matter how many boxes yous had or what sizes, don't yous know weez all want da one weez can't hav?! MOL
ReplyDeletePee Ess: weez postin' ow video today of me wiff da silvervine. Fank yous so vewy much again. It's just pawsum.
Luv ya'
Dezi and Lexi
I feel kind of guilty that no kitty here does any box sculpting! I guess we are not very artistic. Scouty, I will tell you a secret - it feels really nice when humans touch a kitty! I highly recommend it.
ReplyDeleteWe are so impressed that you're letting your human get so close to you, Scouty. Even Ashton will admit that it's good when humans touch you (as long as they aren't scary man humans). Maybe one of these days you'll give it a try. You might find that you like it.
ReplyDeletePortions??!! UGh. That sounds suspiciously like a diet to us. And of course you have to renovate the box. Who doesn't know this?
ReplyDeleteWe get our food GRAMS!!!
ReplyDeleteMummy Janey says that we get more than if it were in ounces.
So sad that you are all so starved that you have to eat cardboard...*sigh*.
The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
That box is definitely on our wish list as we've never seen another one like it.
ReplyDeleteLuv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
That box shredding sure is a fun hobby!
ReplyDeleteOh my, PORTIONS????? My mom tried that since the little Hoovers are eating us out of house and home. The reality? One of them--we'll call him "Ivan"--pushes everyone out of the way, vacuums most of the food and then promptly yaks it up. After three times of this, Mom finally got a clue and everyone's back to leisurely grazing.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad I have my very own diet food and don't have to worry.
that is a very nice box you have there.... and we know what you mean about portions - sigh
ReplyDeleteThat box is pretty purfect after your work on it! You are a gorgeous guy! Oh no, limited kibble???
ReplyDeletedood....yur mom better flip de tee vee on & tern ta channel 1... coz therz a late brakin mews storee on ....bout de law that JUST PASSED moe mints ago
ReplyDeleteitz now ill egull ta feed a kitteh by portionz....catz HAZ ta have de a bill a tee ta graze...24/7
itz called de grazer bill N itz knot just for cattle any mor
get thoz bowlz bak on de floor & fill em up ♥♥♥
Is that a bit of trust you are forming there buddy.. you know she won't try to grab you so you are willing to not run when she gets near? Impressive..
ReplyDeleteit probably helps she gives you such primo boxes too
Scouty, when your momma pets you for the first time, you are gonna LOVE IT! So, whenever you are ready, she'll be there...I guarantee it!
ReplyDeleteYou have done a very good job sculpting that box to the exact shape you want.
ReplyDeleteThis picture tells eleventy gazzillion words.
ReplyDeleteVery nice box modifications. Olive Garden has unlimited pasta bowls right now, maybe you should go there if mom isn't feeding you enough.
ReplyDeleteNobody likes a big box---you gotta have the itty bitty one. I guess it affords more challenge to get in....and out.
ReplyDeleteWe once went an entire winter with a box in the family room because the cats loved it so much. Seriously...I vacuumed the damn box every week.
Scouty any photo of you where we can see more than your laser eyes is very'mean??
ReplyDeleteScouty, you better keep an eye on Johnny...he may try to take that awesome box from you.
ReplyDeleteOur mommy is starving us as well, partly by giving us less kibble and partly by giving us stuff we don't like. That is Astrid's favorite thing to do with a box or any other paper...shred it! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo
ReplyDeleteWOW, we are totally impressed with how close mom can get to you. i bet before long she'll sneak in a couple of pets. You might actually like it.
ReplyDeletePuurfect box Scouty, and properly chewed to size!
ReplyDeleteWe want to thank you for the wonderful presents that came yesterday. Tanaka was so excited and Bujang spent much of his time yesterday in the red tent.
ReplyDeleteone more word: fantastic.
ReplyDeleteScouty, that is the best kind of box in all the world, the kind with bitey marks on it. Have a good box-enjoyin' weekend! Purrs...
ReplyDeleteCustomized boxes are the BEST!
ReplyDeleteThis is a seriously exciting Thursday post! Concats all around for you Scouty!