Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oh No...or maybe Hooray!

Yay! I get a reprieve from the v-e-t! The kind and gentle Dr. St. John is stuck in England because of all the volcanic ash from Iceland. The bad news is I still HAVE to go, probably on Wednesday. Boo! Hiss! All you U.K. kitties, if you see Dr. St. John she's pretty cool...give her a few headbutts because I'm sure she's sad to miss checkin' me out today!
Here's a picture of me as a youngster on Daddy's desk; looks like I'm holding down the TV guide. I'm helpful that way!

Your Happy Friend, Felix


  1. Aww Felix, if I see Dr St John, I promise to let Charlie give her a few headbutts!


    Take care

  2. A reprieve is always welcome in my book. We hope things are okay with your doctor though!

  3. Our Beans are very glad they are going on holiday in a ship and not a plane next week. Mum heard on the news tonight that 23 countries have had to stop flights now.

  4. You look might comfy there! Enjoy your reprieve my friend!

  5. Whst a darling baby kitty picture! You were helpful even back then!!
    Any day that is not a v-e-t day is a good day!!

  6. Keep in mind that you're gonna hafta go sometime ... The stabby place isn't all that bad (or so I tell the Feline Americans) ... Just buck up, dood!

  7. What a cutie you were (and still are)! We hope that nasty ash clears up soon 'cause it's making problems for lots of beans.

    Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

  8. Lucky you! I hate going to the vet. I sing very loudly all the way there (I never sing at any other time - except maybe for a little meep as the food bowl is carried across the kitchen). But sometimes the vet comes to us! Usually Äiti then just gives her cups of tea and she is very nice and plays with us.
    I hope you get checked soon - it is a drag but you need to know that naughty kneecap is behaving. Are you going to get some seraquin tablets to chew - I think they are yummy and they help me. Also Äiti gets me to stand on my back legs for special treats (she has a clicker thing and when I hear that I know I get a treat). She says this training is to make my muscles strong. Aila doesn't have treats or training - she is still very nervous and in the bedroom. Her kneecap is healing okay though.

  9. Oh dear, he may be stuck here in England for some time. There are still no flights allowed.

  10. Wednesday is forever away from now, so try not to worry too much!

  11. Don't worry, Wednesday is a long way away!

  12. Glad you missed out on seeing the v-e-t, Felix. I hate going there. Not that my v-e-t is a bad person, but I just hate that place. I'd rather just stay home and snooze. I'm sure you would too!

  13. This invisible (to us) ash cloud is certainly affecting a lot of people! We hope your nice Dr. St. John makes it back soon!

  14. Oh, that's a shame. We hope your vet has a safe trip home when she can make it. You take good care of your leg until she can check you out.

  15. We hope when you do go, you get a great report!!!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!