Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Triple Tee Tidy Tuxedo Tuesday!


Salem here.
As you can see, I'm performing a thorough tongue-tidying.

I like to go top to bottom, so I do my ears and whiskers first.

My vest is next.

Then I work on my shirt ruffles, right to left...

...with a minor detour to lavish a little lavage upon my Plump, Juicy, Thigh.

Slowly, I wash my way down to my tasty tuxy tummy.

And beyond. 
 (not pictured for modesty reasons)

A final spit shine to my sleeves,

and I'm done!

Happy Tuesday!

XX  Salem  XX


  1. Wow, that seems like a lot of work! You have the time to think of all your alliterations. And tease with your titillating thighs.

  2. ::thud::

    Spitty will be taking an extended break from the Blogosphere now. I'm not really sure when he will be able to post again. He ws doing all right, really, until he came to the "...plump, juicy, thigh" picture, and then we lost him.

  3. Wow, that was, well, er, it was those plump, juicy thighs that did us in!

  4. Errr...Salem...mind if I send Seb to take grooming lessons from you? Not much help for a tuxie in a house full of tabbies. purrr...meow!

  5. Salem, this kind of meticulous grooming SHOWS!

  6. There's one word for you: Tuxie TEASE.

    Okay that's two words, but you know Miss Salem, that the mancats of the blogosphere are all swooning. Except for me -I am true to my gorgeous tortie girlfriend Maggie May and I didn't even look at you meaty, lucious, shiny, bodacious thighs.

  7. There's one word for you: Tuxie TEASE.

    Okay that's two words, but you know Miss Salem, that the mancats of the blogosphere are all swooning. Except for me -I am true to my gorgeous tortie girlfriend Maggie May and I didn't even look at you meaty, lucious, shiny, bodacious thighs.

  8. Salem - You need someone like Gracie to help you clean your furs - She and George have big Lick Fests where she cleans him and then he cleans her - It's pretty funny - and now that I have figured out the movie thing on my camera I'm hoping I can get a picture of that one some time - he he he...

    Thank your Mommy about her kind words on our sheep fleeces - (they always look like big open fuzzy flowers to me) T.

  9. So that's how you keep the whites so white and the blacks so shiney!
    You forgot a "T" though... I do belive you're in cat Tree.. So is that a Triple Tee Tidy Tuxedo Tree Tuesday? Oh, and what the other's have said, Triple Tee Tidy Tease Tuxedo Tree Tuesday? Terrific!

  10. And don't you just look amazing. All fluffed up and ready for the day :)xx

  11. Hello Salem,
    I think you take good care of your beauty! :)
    Very well done!

  12. Beautiful Salem!! Your beauty regime is fabulous!! Me and Charlie are taking down notes! Yay! take care

  13. I'm impressed because you do such a good job. You are squeaky clean!

  14. Oh you sexy thang! You're tormenting my girl-kitties with your cleaning routine. :)

  15. Wow, that certainly was a thorough bathing routine, Salem! We say it must be time for a nap now, after all your exertions.

  16. Wow. That is very thorough. We are impressed.. and even more impressed that your Mom preserved your modesty. That's cool.

  17. done? you've gotta a lot of siblings that need washing too.

  18. Salem that was a beautiful bath!!!

  19. Your organized approach is noted. Where good grooming is concerned, you can't be too careful. Just one thing: Should we be taking note of your convention-busting fashion-forward daring? I refer, of course, to your wearing of white gloves. Before Easter. We will put it before the Deportment Committee whether we should Resolve that this is a good show of individual creativity or defiance, or whether the old way should be preserved in this important matter.

  20. That was a real tuxie all over spit and lick job. Austin's quite enamoured ;)

  21. You could give our Miss Emily a lesson. Mom has to help her because her furs are so long. Sometimes she does not appreciate the help.
    Well, most of the time, actually.
    Happy Tuesday!
    ~ The Bunch

  22. Well Done deserve a 10 hour nap now.
    Hugs Madi

  23. Spitty...Rupert will sober you with his manly glare! He looks after all his girl sibs.

  24. good job look very handsome!!

  25. That was lots of work, but the end result is impressive!

  26. A feline's work is never done.

  27. That is a very thorough wash session and look how it pays off with your sparkly white furs.. Special... Hugs GJ xx

  28. NOw it is time for a nap! Grooming is hard work!

  29. That was a very thorough bath Salem. You are lucky that your mum preserved your modesty. Our mum would have exposed us to the world.

  30. Salem, aren't you spiffy for the first day of spring!

  31. Harley's eyes almost bugged out of his head!

  32. Nice and clean from top to bottom.

  33. That was quite the thorough washing, Salem!

  34. Don't let Callie know, but Kozmo spent at leat a hour looking at Salem's bath!
    There is drool all over the iPad!

  35. First of all...Love your name, Salem! You are lookin' good!

  36. Salem, it's clear you're well on your way to a centerfold spread! Tell your mom the photos are FANTASTIC and the captions are CRACKING HER UP!!!
    ; ) Katie


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!