Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dancing on Caturday!


The theme of this Saturday's PhotoHunt is *Dance*

Little Miss Bee Dances from flower to flower on the Fairy Duster plant!

Happy Caturday!

XX  The Katnip Lounge  XX


  1. So beautiful! Thank you fur sharing.

  2. she looks like she is doing the hoolahoo!

  3. A creative and lovely take on this week's theme. :)

  4. Oh what a spectacular dance that is!

  5. That's a beautiful picture but I still do not care for The Bees. They has bayonets, you know.

    Plus, we has not seen a Kitty in daaaaays and daaaaaays. I misses dem.

  6. Do they make Fairy Duster honey? T.

  7. Nice. Like dancing on a ledge, or more like pole dancing. :))

  8. Beautiful shot! What a great idea for the theme.

  9. I wonder if bees taste like honey. My human says I do not want to find out!

  10. Very pretty - just needs a mancat in the shot........

  11. Awwww, it so pretty...but why come Mumsy says we can't plays with dat bee? The pretty fluffy pink flower is okay? Isn't it?

  12. Very creative take on the theme and a lovely picture.

  13. Our human, Jane ,once caught Oscar with a bee in his mouth. She had a hissy fit. We thought he was really cool.
    The Maple Syrup Mob x

  14. Beautiful photo. You have the most interesting plants! Nothing like that would live in our climate.

  15. What a beautiful plant! It looks like the bee is wearing a pink Hawaiian skirt:)

  16. I'd like to eat the bees, but the strange lady human sayed that I'd get sick if I did! She sayed I hadda come over say hi and introduce myself, so "hi and introduce myself!"


  17. What a beautiful picture! I'd love to see Miss Bee dancing from flower to flower. I love the flowers, too, so pretty!

  18. What cool plant! We've never seen it before!

  19. Wow, that plant looks like it's dancing in the wind on it's own! The bee *shudder* not cute.. can we edit him out? MOL

  20. that is great photo! Bees are so impawtant for our world...scary, maybe...but impawtant!

  21. Miss Bee is a lovely dancer and when she gets home she and her sisters have some real moves.

    Katnip Lounge I'm not sure if its mine blog but when yous comment it gets eaten by the spam monster. Its the only one and we are trying to fix it so they know the comment is not a tasty treat.

  22. Hiya everyone!
    I love to dance! Without knowing it I too posted a dance on my blog today! Although it's a video, not a pic.
    As for bees, I think they have pretty colors but I like fireflies better because they glow in the dark =^.^=

  23. what a beautiful photo! I love the detail of the bee and each little strand of the flower.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!