Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, July 16, 2012



Mommy is home.
We all ignored her for about two seconds and then we swarmed her!  She got busy right away, making it up to all of us.
Salem:  My cacky bottom received the Ye Olde Warm Washcloth Treatment.

Sweet Pea:  Me and Rupert squished Mommy on the sofa for hours! 

May Ling:  Mommy played with me and Headless Maui...then she trimmed Maui's toenails.  Not that the one has anything to do with the other.

Johnny:  I followed Mommy around woo-ing piteously until I got more than my fair share sufficient rubbins.

CC:  I got my bottom properly spanked!  And Scouty was served real live dead shrimps.

The Baby:  Was she gone?  I didn't notice.  I'm Daddy's girl.

KonaKitty:  I bared my barbered bosoms!  Mommy can't resist 'em.

Felix:  See my tail?  I'm still cranky about Her leaving.

Grayce:  Oh goody!  I like to bite Mommy.  Tastes like chikkun.

Sylvester expressed his displeasure most eloquently.

What do you think?  Was our punishment enough?

Happy Monday!

XX  The Kats  XX


  1. I think Sylvester is very eloquent. I need that statue...

  2. Oh kitties! You have to give mommies vacation some time....or they don't appreciate you as much.

  3. We dunno, seems like there should have been more treats involved in that punishment! Hope she stayed home from work and didn't leave you again!

  4. Well, we didn't see any yak or misplaced poo. Sometimes we like to leave "racing stripes" around our litter box area. (just fur fun) If you need ideas fur punishment, just contact us. MOL!

  5. There was no mention of any sue-ven-ears! Did she get anything for you poor little abandoned kitties?

  6. Meh, I think you could have punished her MUCH more!

  7. Poor kitties, poor Mommy - I'm sure she has been sufficiently chastised and that all is right with the lounge world now. :-) T.

  8. We are so glad that mummy is back. You are all funny, but I think mummy has been punished enough. You know, she would have missed to lots and lots and that is punishment enough :)xx

  9. I'm sorry but she got away lightly. You should all punish her all over again - with photos!

  10. Come on kitties! We need to see blood and plenty of it. Methinks you are somewhat slacking re revenge and retribution!!

  11. Sylvester, my person has a statue just like your mommy's, only hers isn't broken. How did you do that?

  12. Good job! Now she will realize she must NEVER leave you again. Ever.

  13. Punishment? YAWN....that takes too much effort!
    The Maple Syrup Mob xxx

  14. Sylvester we think your showed your Mom just what you thought of her absence without moving a muscle!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  15. i think all in all your reactions to your mom's return add up to someting appropriate. of course sylvester's was closest to the one i get from the boyz after an absence.

  16. The Baby, we think you were really happy to see your Mommy back. Some of us just don't want to show it ^..^
    Happy Monday!
    ~ The Bunch

  17. ha ha -well you certainly gave it a good try. I probably would have punished M for at least 20 minutes so she would really get the message. Now I'd like to know just who gets attention first when there are so many of you. How does mommy do it?

  18. MOL!!! I absolutely LOVE The Baby's comment...

  19. Still laughing over the barbered-bosom baring. Yes, I think Mommy has suffered enough now!!

  20. You kitties really know how to lay on the guilt trip!
    xo C

  21. It's very impawtant to keep the hoomins in line. But we still do need to show that we luff them when that's needed too. After all, they're only hoomin.

  22. MOL funny post!But now it's time to enjoy the company of mammy, it's so nice she is back home!

  23. Our crew is more like Baby....the 'what, you left us?' attitude. That after I usually worry myself sick the entire time I am gone.

  24. I, too, got the stink eye from my gray babies for about 37 seconds after my return from my 2-week vacation! Bless their hearts.

  25. MOL x thing you forgot..that I find most a few whips with a wet noodle.

    You guys know how to keep Mom in line.

    OMCs we have been knee deep in Olympic gymnastic photos and sorting. We hope you are all doing well.
    hugs Madi your BFFF

  26. oh I am everyone of the punichments..especially kona kitty and the one flipping the glad you are home to receive yet more punishments from your babies.;)gotta love em.;)

  27. Your comments on the photo's are hilarious. After such clever captions, you definitely require no more punishment.

  28. Hahaha!! Great pics, esp. that last one. I think that pretty much says it all about how you kittehs felt about the hoomin Mom having the audacity to go away!

  29. the price you pay for going away is twice as much work when you return :)

    and such cute work it is (even tushie scrubbin)

  30. Oh, yes! WE think you kittehs did a brilliant job of letting your mom know that she should never, ever go away again. :)

  31. Yup I think you showed her good.. NOw enjoy your mum time... HUgs GJ xx

  32. The Baby's comment made me laugh...nothing like a little cat truth to put us in our place - LOL!!!

  33. MOL! Love the picture of Sylvester and the finger!
    Hey Sweet Pea, want to come and climb the tree with me? I'll make sure you don't fall

  34. That last gesture is how we feel about Mondays around here..

    Glad Mommy's back!!

    Tom xx

  35. Well, as long as she had a BIT of proper punishment!

  36. We're still chuckling over "barbered bosoms" so we're off to a good week, thanks!

  37. Barbered bosom...I know a Tortie would could have been sorta there with you. She barbered a lot..but not to that extent. But only because it hadn't occured to her. xoxox

  38. MOL, oh yeah, you punished her well... I'm sure she suffered..

  39. Did you ever think that maybe your Mommy figured all of this was a labour of love and not a punishment at all?

    It seems to me your Mom works overtime to keep all of you happy -- after she comes home from work.

    Where's your Daddy, anyway?

  40. Looks to us like you gave that Mom quite a working over. Bet she won't leave again for a little while anyway. But I betcha you were glad to see her. Take care.

  41. Sylvester, the "barbered bosoms" and "Baby" were my absolute faves! Stop making me laugh!

  42. poor misunderstood Salem...with a yucky bottom...and looks like efurryone was trying to show off to get Mom's attention!!!

  43. Love the captions. They're perfect, just like your brood. But you can't show us the statue and then not tell us where we can get one, or a dozen!

  44. Sylvester we all got a big hoot and holler outta your response.


  45. Smashin post....I likes it...

    What is 'young love'?

    The above response is from Four Dinners, Aide de Camp to Maximus Spittimus (and it should be noted Four Dinners has no idea...he just does what he is told)

  46. We dunno. It sounds as though your Mama will need to take some more time off to REALLY indulge your every little whim.We could help with suggestions to make it a little more painful for her if you like...:p

    the critters in The Cottage xo

  47. Yup!!!!! You kitties missed your Mom !
    We miss our Mom when she's away too ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Tiger,Treasure,JJ and Julie

  48. I'm still giggling at "the finger!" Hahaha!

  49. Oh I'm very happy your mom is back! I think 2 seconds of ignoring her is good punishment enough!
    Felix, I can see your cranky tail :-) But I think Sylvester gave the best punishment! LOL!

  50. Maxwell: CC! DUDE! real live dead shrimps? uhhh.....

    Felix, we're wif you on that one! Not enuf groveling!!

  51. Oh wow, so much love to spread around.

    Yes, we are almost as hot as you guys some days. You can have it back any time.

  52. Yep, your mom's punishment is to give you all non-stop lovin' and attention!!

  53. What a rough crowd you are! {{eye roll}}

  54. You had to do what needed to be done for her to understand how you felt when she was gone.
    Maybe you could ask for more treats?

  55. Wellllllll, I guess you all did pretty well. Seems like there wasn't enough BLOOD or TREATS, but I guess that might be coming tomorrow in Part II???


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!