Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, August 2, 2013

Friends on Friday


We were given a fun award...just for being us! 
Lots and lots of us.

It's the Multi-Cat Blog Award from Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette over at The Cat on My Head!  Stop on over and say hello, they are a ton of fun.
Thank you so much, guys and gals!
We love it.

And...we know that we have gotten some badges and awards that our hopelessly inept secretary Mommy bookmarked in Google Reader and LOST when we swapped over to Feedly--we apologize, as techie as Mommy wants to be, the reality is quite different.
(stupid Google Reader--ed.)

In other news, Mommy is working six-and-a-half shifts next week and we might be a bit scarce.  It's a bummer having her gone an extra day, but on the other paw it means breakfast is only late one morning!

In other, other news, one of our fellow bloggers' kitty has suddenly become lame, possibly from a fall.  Please stop over to purr for Thompson at Cat's Eye, his Dad (whose witty comments never fail to pith Mommy off) is pretty worried.

And now,a gratuitous kitteh shot:

Happy Friday!

XX  The Lounge Kats  XX


  1. Concatulations on a very well earned award.
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  2. We love us some mancat beefcake late at night or any other time of day!

    Happy Friday!

  3. Wow, 4 1/2 shifts - that's harsh. Hope you get some time off after! T.

  4. I am sorry for your friendcat. I hope he feels better soon.
    I love the photo of Johnny

  5. *I* have a bone to pick with your Mommy. She says *I* am F-T but William is skin and bones. I feel an injustice is being perpetrated and I am hoping some of you will help me wreak vengeance upon her.

  6. Oh yeah, you kitties have MORE than earned that award! I don't know the blog with the injured kitty - I will have to go look.

  7. Oh Johnny! That pose on its own deserves an award!

  8. Awwww gorgeous Johnny!! You are a sight for sore eyes - and a great way to start the weekend!

    Yay for your fab award! Take care

  9. Congratulations on your awardie! Wow, Johnny's fur is starting to come back in isn't it! So cute!!

  10. Johnny , Long time no see....Pretty Flashy here...tee...heh..Concats for your award and thanks for the news. I'm heading to Thompson right now.

  11. Thanks for the Johnnycake! srsly!!

  12. Oh, Johnnycake, the head peep just wants to snorgle that tummy!

  13. Wow Johnnycake we think you are looking SEXY.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  14. Woohoooooooo! Extra treats all round.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  15. Johnny Cat, you are enchanting and tempting. Mom is on her way with a fork to see if you are as tender as you look.

  16. I think some tiny girl over here has a crush!

  17. We hope your kitty friend is okay. We LOVE Johnnycake!

  18. conga rats on yur award guys....N thanx for de gracious shot johnny..veree gracious oh ewe ta bee sew gracious even if we iz knot spellin gratuitous rite....hope everee one haza awesum week oh end, eat plentee oh ham smiches....N tell yur mom knot ta werk sew hard, rememburr what happened last time her werked 87,355 hours ina row...

  19. Johnny looks like he wants a treat!

  20. Concats on your award!

    Furry handsome mancat you is Johnny, we hopes your furience is feeling better soon.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  21. Y'all sure qualify for that award! Congrats!

  22. ConCATulations on your award -- very well deserved, indeed!

    We don't know Thompson, but we will go offer our bestest purrs.

    Johnnycake ... ooh la la!

  23. Congratulations on your award. I love that photo.. Hugs GJ xx

  24. Congrats on the award. Funniest thing, we got the same award and also our awards wind up in the same place as yours. Lost.
    Love that shot Johnny. Fantastic belleh. Hope all of you have a good weekend.

  25. Concatulations on your award!

    The Paw Relations

  26. The gratuitous kitteh photo is the best, BUT we really appreciate you posting our award and linking back to us. We never understand why our Dad thinks "Eight is Enough." We've told him about the 13 of you and shown him your blog, but he is unwavering. Have a really great weekend. We are going to hop over to Cat's Eye as you suggested.Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. Heh heh heh! Another beefcake foto. Seen some others today but Johnny is kind of a her of mine since he bit the Mommy and sent her to the Urgent Care.

  28. Whoa Johny!!! Mate, that's made mum turn the screen round!!!

  29. Pawsome award!!
    Pawsomer tummy ;) heehee
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger,JJ and Julie

  30. oh pshaw!! You always say you are gonna be scarce but you never are! Not that I want you to be! MOL! Try not to work TOO hard and congrats on your awards!

  31. What a purrfect award for you guys!!!
    You ALL make us smile and laugh : )

    Go easy on the mom next week!

  32. Well, our day is now complete that we got to see that shot. Heheheh.

    Congrats on your award. And we're a little worried about our buddy Thompson. We sure hope he's okay.

  33. Johnnie we thought that was a cheese cake pose!

  34. *snicker*snort* we LOVED your comment about late breakfasts. Dontcha just HATE those weekend mornings?!?!?


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!