Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, November 6, 2013



Johnson here.

Mommy's day turned out to be an utterly spectacular craptastic disaster.  Her personal Road to Hell* was lavishly resurfaced.

Which is why I told her "Off to bed!" before the sun was even down. So she grabbed me, her kindle, and some hot cereal and marched straight to the bedroom for some purr therapy.  Sometimes Mommy shows uncommon Good Sense.

Hopefully today won't be quite so epic.

Happy Wednesday, dammit**!

XX  Johnny  XX

*that would be the one paved with Good Intentions

**Mommy said it was OK to cuss, this one time


  1. oh no. That is not good.

    I hope tomorrow is a better day.

  2. Johnny, I'm sure you'll get her all fixed up.

  3. My Human said "dammit" doesn't even count as cussin'. Your Mommy needs some cussin' edumacation. Do you has HBO?

  4. That purr therapy will have her all better in no time.
    Rev up the engines!

  5. Oh boy, I hear THAT. Luckily a warm kitten compress fixes all manner of ills. Better day tomorrow, Mommy! - from your friends at the Museum!

  6. Tell her to take some chocolate too.
    Hope tomorrow is a better day

  7. That is the best way to make a hellish day better! Here's to a less stressful Wednesday.

  8. Nothing like a little Johnson to make it all better! We hope your Mommy has a much better day tomorrow. XOXO

  9. My human can't do that on her bad days... the bedroom is right next to her boyfriend's music room!

  10. Sorry for the bad day - maybe thinking about the Sting/Paul Simon Road Trip concert series will make her feel better. :-) T.

  11. Well, admittedly, one of our few real jobs is to comfort the Bein on bad days...

  12. Your poor Mummy, hope she has a better day. I am sure you are helping. :)

  13. Doesn't sound good! I hope your purr therapy worked wonders and your mummy has a better day today.

  14. a Sheebie Sheesh? Well, dammit, let's don't do that 2 days in a row. srsly.

  15. Mummy and Daddy were sailors..want to know some real good swear words??
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxx
    PS Hope your Mummy feels better soon.

  16. Aw, poor mommy! And you are such a good kitty to try to make it all better for her.

  17. We hope it was a very rude word you used Johnny.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. "No good deed goes unpunished" comes to mind. My mom said it to me often enough, growing up.

    Here's hoping today is a MUCH better day all round.

  19. :-( However, we know from experience that cats and a book makes everything better!

  20. Johnny give mom some extra loving from me
    hugs madi your bfff

  21. you kiss your mom with that mouth?

  22. Believe me, I'm not far behind you! Mine comes in tens! But Hey, Love You...take care! Miss Kitty & Mum

  23. Purr therapy always helps a bad day!

  24. Oh no so sorry your mom had a bad day. I'm sure purr therapy will help her :-)

  25. Oh no! Does not sound good. Hope your Mommy is OK today!

  26. We truly hope it gets better for your Mom.

  27. hey kitties what about group purr therapy for your mom?

    Emma and Buster

  28. ut-ohhhhh, our mommy sez she totally has had one of THOSE days...! We wish her a happy day despite it all!

  29. Yes indeed, a cat is the best company for a human.

  30. Purr therapy cures whatever ails you! We hope your mom is doing better soon.

  31. We have full faith in our Johnny to make her feel better. If anykitty can do the job, we know you can for sure! Purrs to Lounge Mommy from us.

  32. We hopes mom's day went better today! We is sure the snuggle with you heped lots, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  33. Oh I hope tomorrow will be better! Sometimes a long nap is what the humans need to fight the crap of life.
    Sending you purrs!

  34. Wow, sounds like you did the only reasonable thing! Johnson looks like really, really, REALLY good company, tho. What a gorgeous boy.

  35. Mum is hoping that by the time she reads your next post mommy will be feeling a lot less crappy! xx

  36. That is one fine saying. And Mom really showed great insight with the bed, cereal and cat purr therapy.
    Nothing like it


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!