Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

We Interrupt our Normal Programming

Friends and Kitties--

Mr. Crazypants and I have been praying to the porcelain gods the past day and a half...where in the world we picked this scourge up is beyond me as we're both the "wash your hands and avoid small children at all costs" type.

The upside is that we'll be runway ready in about...oh...another two hours, provided you strap me to a gurney and gently roll my skinny wizened carcass down the catwalk.

The cats are in heaven.  Two beds occupied continuously with extra-hot sweaty humans, too weak to move.

I just ate a banana.

Wish me luck...

XX  The Puking Princess, Sheeb  XX


  1. Sorry you are both ill, hope you feel better real soon.

  2. Oh, it's too early for that stuff! The only bright side is you'll get it over with for the season...we hope you feel better soon.

  3. Aaccckkkk! Sounds nasty, nasty, nasty. Purrs for a speedy recovery for you both!

  4. Ugh, sounds like the flu the hubby had last year. He was not a happy camper. I, fortunately did not catch it.

    You didn't have any bagged salads did you. I do believer I read of another e coli problem

  5. Oh - definitely feel better real soon. Goat hugs from the Farm

  6. Bummer!! We send (from a distance) plenty of purrs for quick recovery!! xx

  7. Well, you certainly have enough nurses to tend to you. Feel better soon!

  8. Hope you both feel better soon. There isn't much worse then that urpping feeling. Kitties be kind!!

  9. Ack!! Feel lots better real soon!

  10. Terrible! My mom had that explosion thing going on a few months ago and couldn't figure out where she picked it up either. Feel better soon!

  11. Oh that is just so messed up! Sending purrs and hopeful wishes of speedy recoveries!
    Ms Stella O Houligan

  12. Maybe it's hairballs?
    feel better soon, both of you!

  13. Aw, that sucks. hope you both feel better soon, even if that disappoints the kitties.

  14. oooh...The porcelain god is a cruel god. it demands sacrifice. But you have given quite enough I bet!! Get well soon, say all the Museum crew.

  15. Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!
    Purrs for you both to feel better soon :)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  16. I hope you both feel better soon!! Sounds awful. If I can bring you soup (and leave it on your kootie-free doorstep) let me know.

  17. nothing much worse than both humans down for the count

  18. Sending purrs and hope you are both better very soon.

  19. Feel better soon...yucky stuff for sure! Purrs!!!

  20. We knew we loved yoo and da "wash your hands and avoid small children at all costs" type proved it! LOL! Owr mom picked up da same dis-ease last week. Da werld looks so much better when yur better!

  21. eeewwww...bananas? no wonder you are sick. this is pitiful. can't ONE of those bazillion cats you own bring you a lovely warm mousie? that would make you feel better in no time. Shame! Shame on teh Lounging Loungers! Get to work, you guy! At teh verrah least, go puke a lizard into their slippers. Your Humans NEED some lovin'.
    p.s. good lucks.

  22. Something for you over at my cats' blog....don't bring your germs...I wouldn't want to fall out!
    Jane x

  23. Oh poor you! We send our purrs and hope the kitties are good nurses.

  24. Get better, we are purring for you.

  25. OMC! I'm sending healing purrz. Have you eaten in Olive Garden? TW picked up something there in June and it's just now going away.

  26. At least you have the bestest medicine ever - bunches of purring kitties. Feel better soon!

  27. Yuck. We hope you and Mr. Crazypants are feeling better soon.

  28. "...provided you strap me to a gurney and gently roll my skinny wizened carcass down the catwalk."

    A very clever turn of phrase.

    I'm going to let the lady know that she needs to improve her writing skills, post haste.

    Hope you feel better soon. XOX

  29. oh noooooo, we sure do hope all is better at your house. We can't think of anything LESS fun. UGH!

  30. oh noes! so sorry you are not feeling well! We know you do it for the kitties though ;-)
    Seriously, sending you plenty of purrs. Hope you're getting better real soon!

  31. Oh my goodness, you and so many others I know . . . . feel better soon. Those porcelain dieties are merciless.

  32. :( Sorry to hear you guys are ill.
    Feel better soon.

  33. Oh, NO!!!
    So sorry to hear this...
    But with your description of the whole thing, it's pretty hard not to giggle. Just a little.
    Feel better soon!

  34. Mom says that she hopes you two are better. Lucky kitties to have two hot bodies to curl up with. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  35. Everyone here at The Very Best Cats is thinking of you and sending you hugs and lots of healing love vibes. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  36. Oh kitties your work is laid out for you. You better get appropriate expressions of gratitude when then come out of this.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!