Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Pretty in Pink


The Mommy here.


Somekitty helped me paint the bedroom!
(Sorry about the orientation...didn't mean to make you dizzy)

They were teeny tiny prints...

...and I checked as many paws as I could find for evidence with no success.
I suspect May Ling as she was rather interested in the entire painting process...but she's keeping mum on the subject.  Which for her is Highly Suspicious--that meezer loves to talk!

And no, I didn't clean off the prints, they are too cute.

Happy Caturday!

XX  The Mommy and Mystery Prints  XX


  1. Such cute prints deserve pride of place. We are glad your mom decided to keep them. You cats rock at painting!

  2. Aw, those prints are so cute, glad to hear they are being kept. We suspect silence is the giveaway to the culprit in this case.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  3. I am glad you recognize fine art when you see it!

  4. One of my cats did the same thing with pink paint. She knocked over the paint tray and I yelled and startled her. So she took off and ran all over the house - from basement to upstairs. I threw open the back door and she ran out and promptly jumped up on my little white sports car and got her pink prints all over that too!

    I couldn't be mad at her because it was my fault I startled her and I should've made sure she was out of the way. You gotta love them. ;)

  5. Glad you didn't clean them off, they are works of art after all....

  6. So they (whoever) was a huge help with the painting. Fantastic decorations and unique too. Have a great day.

  7. It's nice to know that someone gave you a paw with the repainting!

  8. Haha! Those are cute little painted toe prints.
    xo Catherine

  9. They are so cute...signed by the artist is cool!

  10. Lil' pink paw prints! That looks like a good way to put your mark on the holiday season! xxx to you all from the Museum crew.

  11. We think those are even cuter than kitty prints in cement...and such a lovely shade of pink ;)

  12. We have kitty paw prints in the cement by our fireplace...still don't know who it was!
    Jane x

  13. I have Grayson pawprints all across my baseboards. I almost sanded them off and repainted but I decided I loved them!

    Carry on then!

  14. That's a LOT of paws to check in your house! Love the idea of keeping them.

  15. So many kitties. We are happy at least one decided to help you paint :) They signed their work too :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure,Tiger and JJ
    and Angel Tillie

  16. Reminiscent of the early renaissance period I believe...

  17. Oh, that's funny! Nice to have such good help. :)

  18. hee hee! we love that you didn't clean up the prints :D

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  19. We love the little pink prints! Somekitty is an artist!

  20. sweet are those prints? How come our mom didn't think so when we helped paint at the old house? She's a silly bean, your mom is pawsome!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  21. I have to say you so need to leave those there.. never clean them up :)

  22. Yay for not cleaning them day you might need a million bucks. I'm sure the paw print is worth that much.
    Hugs Madi your Bfff

  23. PS Please tell Shadow WTG on table surfing!!! WooHoo!!!
    Hugs madi your bfff

  24. I wouldn't either. The paw prints are precious and momentoes of loved babies.

  25. aiiee!! No way would my Mom clean off those paw could like maybe get a bunch of green papers from peeps who want that kind of cat art on all their floors...maybe even walls!!

  26. Some cat has left her mark! What beautiful artwork! :)

  27. I’ll never tell! They’ll remain like the pawprints of the Clemson tiger.

  28. Snort! I had a similar experience with red pawprints and a staircase this summer!

  29. M says "ah yes, the joys of painting with a kitty or kitties in the house." Those prints are too cute.

  30. true, that is very suspiciousnesses...but did you eva stop to fink that maaaaaybe Miss May Ling is silent due to the trauma of witnessing a Phantom Kitteh float all spooky-like into the baff room, dive into teh paint and then skitter off into the nether-worlds? I mean, did you? No. YOU decide to blame teh victim. How cruel.
    p.s., tell May Ling I said "there, there. teh pink ghosty is gone."

  31. And just where would you have been without kitteh snoopervsion we ask?? (MOL!)

  32. We think it is so cool that you left those adorable paw prints. They, unfortunately, will wear off eventually. Mom has had lots of problems with paint paw prints when she had dogs, but we are usually pretty good around paint. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  33. Lovely delicate prints! I'd keep them too, although my husband would definitely over-ride me on that. Boo Hiss.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!