Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Formal Snoopervision


Sylvester here.
One of the many Important Duties I perform is *Helping* in Daddy's office.

 Right now I am assessing the quantity of cassette tapes in this appears there are just enough (missing) for one generously-sized Cat in formal wear to fit.  Please note my artfully draped tail, ready to drive Daddy insane flick across the keyboard at a moments' notice.

Since I have smushed precisely wedged myself into this box I do not appreciate any interference with and/or rearrangement of my furson.  See my Ears of Annoyance?

However, a scruff scritching (reward for a job Well Done) is completely allowed.

Kitties, how do you help?

Happy Thursday!

XX  Sylvester  XX


  1. We are laptop experts. Especially those warm ones you plug in. Seppo has an unbelievable knack for turning down screen brightness and putting on iTunes simultaneously. Isn't it incredible how quickly the youngster learn ?

  2. Harry likes to sit in my lap and keep me from typing

  3. I sit on the desk in front of the computer screen, right in the middle, purrfect blocking space, to let Meowm know when it is bedtime. Or just time to pay attention to me.


  4. First, the 60's called. They want that shirt back. Heh, heh.

    I help by scoopervising the removal of slightly soiled granules from my, er, facilities.
    The lady usually takes too long "fishing for nuggets in kitty river" (as a friend of hers used to say).

  5. Correction on the above. I think it was "panning" for nuggets.

  6. Hee hee, good work! Leo helps by testing the repeat function of all the keys on the laptop by standing on it with his giant feets!

  7. Emma said I keep mom warm at night by sleeping on top of/in between her legs. Buster does nothing, LOL!!!!

    Emma and Buster

  8. We like the hiney hangover. Draping a nether region over a keyboard is an excellent way to interfere,er, help!


  9. I micromanage my human! I have to, or she would get nothing done. I actually have to stand on her chair while she is sitting in it sometimes.

  10. As I type this Gandalf is directly between me and the monitor, curled up into a loaf. Gracie is just inches from my left elbow on the blanket on the desk, curled into a loaf. Grayson is about 2 feet away from my right elbow on the ottoman under the window, yup... also curled into a loaf. Crowded by cats.. I has dat.

  11. My mom-person also LOVE´S when I flick my tail across the keybord :)


  12. You are certainly a master as it. Tanaka would walk across mom's keyboard and swipe her face with his tail. Akira would sleep on her lap for hours until mom is too stiff to get up from her chair. I Bujang will sing for
    Mom, very loudly as I know she loves to hear my voice.

  13. Sylvester, you are so handsome! I'm sure that just looking at you makes your humans more productive, and they really LOVE tails on the keyboard...don't let 'em fool you.

  14. Oh, what would our 'rents do without our help ?

  15. i worked in a record store for nearly 20 years and i must say in all my years in the bidness i don't think i've ever seen better cassette sorting supervisory work.

  16. Lucy gives Mum neck exercises by sitting centrally in front of the monitor when she's trying to comment!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  17. Aw, you're doing a great job there, Sylvester. We help our mom with all computer work. Someone has to monitor our blog!

  18. that is a nice box....and how generous of you to "volunteer" to snoopervise your daddy :)

  19. Funny you happen to ask today. Kiefer helps me type when I work from home like today. I have to be careful though - his skilz deteriorate when he's hungry so I must feed him before work starts. Otherwise, there is quite a bit of "fat pawing" happening.

  20. I like to lean against Mommy's laptop vent and enjoy the hot, HOT air blowing out from it. ;)


  21. You are such a great snoopervisor, Sylvester! I love your beautiful tail draped nicely. The rearranging photo is so funny. I sometimes do that, too, when my boys' tails are in a food dish :-)

  22. Jenna parks herself by my laptop and flicks her tail across the keyboard...must be a cat thing.

  23. That tail positioning is a master piece!

  24. Personally, I like to walk back and forth right in front of my mom until she gets enough fur up her nose.

  25. Great job! I help by chasing my sisters away from the busy areas!!!

  26. What would your daddy do without your help Sylvester? We sit in front of the monitor to make sure Mommy's eyes aren't strained from the light and we also warm the back of her chair which basically reminds her she needs a smaller butt to sit on the edge.

  27. Sylvester I hope you have a union rep 'cause I'm purrty sure you are underpaid
    Hugs madi your bfff

  28. Wilbur usually has at least one mush session in Mom's lap, with lots of love looks and head butts and purrs. Louie and Skootch get active around mealtime and start attacking each other and pacing in front of the monitor so Mom can't see the screen. Skootch sits on Mom's scanner before dinner and STARES at her.

  29. I like to lie on the desk and point out which keys mum needs to press. If she is a bit slow I do it for her.
    You are doing a very good job Sylvester.

  30. Oh we do lots to help the Person, such as circling the monitor. That is quite fun and drives her nuts. We have lots of other ways to keep track of her too. Have a good evening.

  31. Sylvester, you seem to have the role of personal assistant down very well, and it seems as if your dad knows exactly what payment you require for your services. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  32. Seems to have enough boxes on that desk. Na mean? Surely he doesn’t need them all. Does he have problems with the tapes biodegrading. Pop lost a bunch of his.

  33. Well, now that Mommy has a desk job (for a while) me can supervise Mission Control! Me has missed navigating the 3 keyboards, The 2 lap tops and the monitors! Me has scattered Mommy's pens on the floor at least once a day! Gosh me has missed all of that!
    Thanks so furry much for asking!

  34. We hope you get paid well for all the work you do, Sylvester. We like to help the mom when she's on the computer...we'll stand right in front of the monitor to make sure she's getting it right. :)

  35. It's hard work running and office and maintaining an appropriate cassette tape to cardboard box ratio.
    ; ) Katie

  36. Sylvester, you do excellent work!

  37. That is a VERY long tail! Or maybe it was just the camera angle. Either way, I bet that keyboard needs to be vacuumed out a lot! I am constantly picking Melly furs out of my computer equipment.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!