Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Filthy Dirty Wednesday


The Baby here.
Just enjoying the Outside.

The peeps had new irrigation lines put in the yard last week, which means lots and lots of fresh dirt, everywhere.

It's great.

I was able to dig four brand-new holes before I finally decided where to pee!

For some reason, this tickled Mommy.

I had a nice rollaround, too.

There's nothing so refreshing as a Dirt Bath.

Mommy says I have dirty heels--like that's a bad thing?

Crazypants woman.

Happy Wednesday!

XX  Filthy Dirty Whitey  XX


  1. Oh Baby, you're our boys fave dirty girl. We miss dirt baths and only have snow baths!

  2. Oh Baby you look gorgeous with dirty paws. Our Emma is so finicky she doesn't want any dirt around her.

    Emma and Buster

  3. Colored-fur kitties can only WISH to wear dirt as well as you do!

  4. I'm going to have some "dirty whitey" dreams tonight!


  5. The Farm cats can't wait for dirt to come back

  6. Oh The Baby, you are such a flirty dirty girly! You know you do it just to make the mancats swoon!

  7. There's nothing like a little old-fashioned dirt, is there?

  8. You do enjoy the out of doors so very much.

  9. The Baby, it brings a smile to see you happy and dirty. I always love seeing you.

  10. Oh you dirty girl :-) It must be like paradise there with lots of fresh dirt to roll around! Enjoy your dirt bath!!

  11. Well done, the Baby! Once upon a time, OK... The other day... Gandalf had something on his pantaloons and, like an idiot, I went to brush it off for him. Poop. Literally. gah! I think that qualifies as filthy dirty, don't you?

  12. Nice to see you getting down and dirty the Baby.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. There is just something wonderful about reconnecting with the earth

  14. LOL you're living the dream, Baby. :-)

  15. Baby...mol now if Johnny tries to eat you he'll get a mouthful of grit.
    Hugs madi your bfff

  16. Glad to hear you are a pee connoisseur.

  17. No one likes dirt as much as a white cat ;)

  18. the baby...we iz total lee gel uz...can ewe go bak out side N roll in sum dirt for all oh uz....few 100 times for each trouterz if ya can...manee thanx....roll on !!!

  19. You sure like being dirty! Maybe a pile of dirt can be delivered to the catio for all the other cats to enjoy!

  20. It feels really good to get dirty doesn't it The Baby. We have had so much rain that I can't go outdoors without coming in with muddy heels.

  21. oh you just LOVE getting that gorgeous white fur all dirty, don't you? xoxo

  22. She sure is Crazy,you wanna come roll in my mud patches.. Dat will make her crazy MOL.. xxoxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  23. Waffles want to know how he can turn his furs white so he can be crazy dirty too. I think he's crazy enough just being orange though.
    ; ) Katie

  24. Well done! Nothing sets off a white fur coat like a good dirt bath! We like all the close-ups.

  25. There's nothing like a good roll in the dirt, huh, The Baby??

  26. Dirt baths are the best. All-white angel Madison was a great dirt bather and Mauricio is quite excellent at it as well. Mom gasps and runs for the wet paper towels when she sees one of us come in the house with all that dirt covering us. We don't understand how she does not get how good it feels. Silly human. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. Dirt baffs are the best!As a kid, Mom had a white cat who loved his dirt baffs too.

  28. oh, we envy your dirtiness and being allowed out for a good roll, The Baby! now be sure and walk across that Crazypants Woman's sheets with your dirty heels :D

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  29. Whoa! I thought only dogs liked to be dirty. I’m licking myself clean just looking at you.

  30. We unnerstand about having so many pee-holes. When TBT digs up the garden in the Spring, we hardly can decide WHERE ta go at all!

  31. Oh, FDW, I am all a-shivering with excitement looking at your sweet FD paw and furs! Sooooooo exciting!

  32. that looks so delightful, SP. the only dirt out here is covered in slush, which isn't so nice to have a roll around in. Trust me on this. I'm keeping a close eye on the dirt situ, here, as February is mole mating season and I intend to crash a few honeymoons. wish me lucks!

  33. Oh, sweetie you enjoy that dirt for as long as you can. Bath time can always come later. A good dirt roll is wonderful. Hugs and nose kisses

  34. Dirt baths, hmm. Are you part chicken?

  35. well Baby, that was FRESH clearly sterile and not 'dirt' at all...your paws look just fine to me


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!