Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, April 13, 2015

Manly Monday


Today we have video proof that our peeps have gone completely around the bend:

or click HERE

Mommy is traveling today (Monday/Tuesday) so we may be a bit sporadic posting--however--you can follow along with Mommy on Facebook!  (It's a Public Page; you don't have to join Facebook to view it.)

Happy Monday, and we'll be back shortly!

XX  The Katnip Lounge  XX


  1. Even my momma ain't nutso enuf to ride a bike inside, MOL!

  2. And you are being LEFT with him??? ::shudder:: I'll send The Baby my number in case you kids need help down there.

  3. I hope daddy survives - not to mention all of you- her absence

  4. We hope you'll survive without your mom ; is she sure she wants to let you home alone with him ? Purrs

  5. I was worried he was going to crash into one of your cat trees! I can't wait to start following your human's journey to the Finnish (north) clan!

  6. Oh, a very lively household indeed!
    Guess the catio is the place to be kitties ;)
    Safe journey kitty mom!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  7. We hope you were all in hiding for that! OMC, your beans sure are crazy. LOL.

  8. You are crazypants for sure! The cackling of the mad woman videoer made me groan (Ed: really did!) MOL Have a safe journey :)

  9. MOL! We didn't see any kitties in that movie, which means you're smarter than the humans. You were staying out of the way while he did that!

  10. Trish you may need some sweaters in Finland.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  11. I WILL NOT show this video to the hubby...he'll want to ride his bike around the house too, scaring the kitties half to death...NO!

  12. Your Daddy has good control of that bike in those tight turns!
    Assume you are here by now, Trish. We will check out Facebook.

  13. Love it, wish I could cycle indoors.

  14. We think your Daddy is missing your Mommie!
    Be safe in your travels.

  15. OMC! You guys are in for some wild times while your mom is away.

  16. Looks like your daddy will provide plenty of fun times while your mommy is gone!

  17. guys...sinz yur mom iz a way N yur dad says...any thing goes.....

    PARTEE AT DE KATNIP LOUNGE....if ewe haz de grill we haza cargo load oh surf N turf.♥♥♥


    a safe journee two yur mom ~~~~

  18. ummmm...have you guys taken out life insurance policies on your parents? You need to get one for each worth at least a kabillion cans of gooshy goodness each policy. They are DANGEROUS!!!

  19. Ok, I have officially decided you should live next door to Easy :)
    Have a FANTASTIC AND SAFE TRIP!!!!!! xoxo

  20. OK, So, I'm thinkin' while the cat's away, the mice will play, but, hmmm - Scott, didn't anyone ever tell you now to ride your bike in the house? Ha ha ha.... Happy travels Trish! T.

  21. Well, at least he was wearing a helmet! And you kitties were smart enough to stay the heck out of his way, MOL.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku
    Pee Ess: Mom bean says your mom bean might want to check her privacy settings on Facebook. There is a comment from an Elvie - she's a high school acquaintance of our mom bean. Guess she thought she recognized your mom bean too.

  22. OMC Yous pawents do know how to have a good time doon't they?. MOL

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  23. Well, by definition, the Beins are ALLUS "completely around the bend". MOL!

  24. We wish your mom a safe and fun trip!

  25. I love the Oulu updates about you – I’m so glad that you could help Äiti!

    P.S. I gave you the inspirational blog award, , but don’t feel stressed about it. (I felt a bit at least).

  26. I'm so impressed he's wearing his helmet! LOL

  27. Your humans are even crazier than mine *mol*



Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!