Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Thankful Thursday

Friends and Kitties!!!

Sheebie here, with an abject apology for our extended absence.

I've been sick.  I caught a small head cold on the flight to Finland, no big deal, it didn't get in the way of having an absolutely fabulous trip and enjoying myself to the was the flight home that killed me and I've been prostrated in bed for three days hacking my lungs out with what I'm pretty sure was bronchitis.  I'm up and on the mend now, and dying to weed through my photos and FB page to record my adventure properly...all in good time.

The Cats were suitably miffed at me when I got home although Rupert DID sleep on my face the first night!  (He usually resides on my chesticles.).  Scott was happy to have me home and has been an absolute star taking care of me...and the Horde...I'm just a little bit jealous how they didn't miss me so much!  Although Scott said around the ninth or tenth day there was some testiness amongst the ranks.

Anyway, sorry about the radio silence and I'll get on the stick soon with photos and more!

Happy Thursday!

XX. Sheebie. XX


  1. 'Small head cold' - you and Äiti were sitting there coughing away like you'd smoked woodbines for the last 20 years! We had our paws over our ears. But seriously, we are missing you loads here: Mirsku feels unloved (unspanked morelike), and there are less laps to purr over. So if your Horde don't really miss you (and we are sure they do) you are welcome to come on back over to Finland.
    Get well soon - from all of us here! And we look forward to the photos and commentary - from your perspective! It will be very fun.

  2. Hope you feel better Shebbie! Thinking of you and can't wait to see all your photos and hear all your stories.

  3. Feel better first then the blogging. Hope the kitties will step up to the plate and take care of you.

    Emma and Buster

  4. Dratted colds! The one I snagged earlier this month seemed to hang on for too long...feel better!

  5. Get well soon! We look forward to your pictures and commentary when you are well.

  6. Hoping you are "up to snuff" soon. We anxiously await those pics!

  7. I hope you are soon feeling better, and can't wait to see the photos.

  8. Perhaps The Baby might catch a nice vole for you--comfort food for you recovery.

  9. We're glad you made it home. Awful to be sick after your pawsome adventure though. We look forward to more pictures and stories.

  10. Welcome home..and feel better soon!
    Jane x

  11. So glad to hear you're home safely. Thoroughly enjoyed coming along on your trip. What a grand time. Planes are illness breeders. Every time I fly I end up with some kind of crud. Nothing like home, kitties and a caring hubby to make things right.

  12. That air travel will get you every time. So sorry you're under the weather...we're happy to hear you're home safe and sound! Can't wait to hear more about the big adventure!

  13. Welcome back and feel better soon.
    We want to hear more about your trip :)
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  14. Dang, we sure hope you are seriously all better! Welcome home!!!

  15. We're glad the adventure went well, and can't wait to hear more about it... but first, feel better soon!

  16. Look forward to hearing more about your trip when you are feeling up to it.

  17. Those flights are hotbeds of sickness! I'm glad I'm a cat and am not able to catch most human bugs.

  18. Sorry you got sick when you got home. I hope you feel better soon. I am sure every cat missed you, they just like to play hard to get.

  19. We were wondering what happened to you! Hope you feel better!!

  20. That is why I HATE flying!! I get sick after I fly, each and every time! Feel better soon!

  21. Driving back from Calgary last week, at one of my pit stops, I crossed paths with some person who was a cess pool of noro virus. 12 hours after getting home, I spent the next 72 hours trying to decide which end was over the porcelain throne. I'm still sick! Makes me wonder while I travel.... Feel better soon, you have my deepest sympathy! BTW, when I fly, I take Cold FX and it really stopped my flying bronchitis.

  22. Rest sweet Bein, we will wait patiently fer posts and comments til you are better again...

  23. we were following your adventure on FB and can't wait to hear more about it....hope you are feeling 100% soon

  24. Sending lots of purrs.... as if you aren't getting lots of those already. Can never have enough, we say!

  25. Glad you had a great time in Finland, and that you are safely back home. Feel better soon!

  26. I sent another little fun package your way. Maybe it will help you get to feeling better!!

    I bet the cats are happy to have you home and play nursemaid :) Welcome home!!

  27. Thoose airplane rides sure can give you the colds from hell say´s my mom-person.
    Hope you are feeling better now !



Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!