Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, September 23, 2013

Eating With the Enemies

Kitties! sent us a free sample of a food we'd never had before:

We received the flavor that's pictured.

Mommy dished it up.
She was doubtful that we'd eat it; there were visible veggies in it, and the meat was chunks.  In general, we are pate-only eaters, and our only* main vegetable is grass.  (shut up!  We're supposed to be picky, we're cats!)

The Baby was eager to make a liar out of Mommy.

She snoot-dived before the dish hit the shelf!

She loved it.

"Mommy, I approve of this food."

The Baby licked off all the gravy, and ate a few morsels.

Johnny was next.  Despite his size he's a finicky feline.

He dug in too!

Mommy put the paltry remains down for the rest of us, and an hour later the dish was CLEAN.  As in it looked like there had never been food in it.  This normally is not the case; we always leave a cementaceous crust in our bowls.

Thus demonstrating that Mommy is clueless about what we might (and might not) eat.

We really enjoyed the Natural Balance Platefulls.  Mommy is going to purchase the other flavors to see if there's one that Kona will really go for; at 17-ish she's very particular, but she did show some interest--which is like a standing ovation considering the source.  The rest of us thought these were Da Bomb.

Thank you, for sending us something new to try!  Our el cheapo Mommy wouldn't have shelled out for these otherwise, but now she HAS to.  heh heh.

Happy Munching Monday!

XX  The Katnip Lounge Kats  XX

*Salem the Fruit Bat and Sweet Pea the Begatable-Muncher excepted.


  1. We received a package of the duck flavor and loved it. Brûlée also licked off all the gravy before eating the chunks.

  2. We loooove the Chicken & giblets too! Uh, and Baby, you and Maxwell do the very same thing: gravy-hogs! (MOL)

  3. Wow, it sounds like the plate started full, but that it was EMPTY by the time you kitties were done with it ! :)

  4. Gosh...that looks better than what I cooked for supper tonight... LOL! (OK actually...that's not even funny cause it's true...)
    xo Catherine

  5. In our house Oui Oui is the picky one, we wonder if it would pass her test? And Carl is the one who likes to lick the gravy off.

  6. So, Mommy will order loads of packs and then you decide you don't like it. Very clever.

    And what is it like when it emerges at the other end ? This is usually Äiti's other test. Obsessed!

  7. The Farm cats snarfed these down too - except Pumpkin. Pumpkin does not eat anything but a certain type of food. Pumpkin is a pain.

    They will show you on Tuesday.

  8. Thanks fur the review. We are always interested to find foodables that us finicky kittehz might enjoy.
    Happy Monday!

  9. Wow that sounds YUMMY! And because it's grain free there is a chance mom will go buy us some to try! purrrr

  10. My review is today too - only I got a different flavor!

  11. we did a review of The Natural Pet too. Sadly, Mr. Chewy didn't choose us for one but we are thrilled you gotted stuff to try. I am very picky about what I eated and I like lots of gravy on top too. That Woman trys to get more fudz inside of me by putting extra gravy on it but I just licks it right off like The Baby. WE know how to do it right!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  12. Of course the real test is whether you will eat it the second time around...

    The Chans

  13. I am very good at eating every little morsel of something the very first time I receive it. Then when the human rushes out to buy several pantechnicons full of the stuff, I then decide it's not for me! Such fun I have :))

  14. An hour? with 13 cats? Mother Mercy! My cats eat their foods and polish their bowls in less than a New York minute.

    Of course, if they don't, Gandalf WILL.

    G is for Gluton in my house!!

  15. Oh wow!! You all ate the vegetables too!! I always steer clear of kitty food with vegetables as I never think the kitties will take to them - but you never know!! Yay! Take care

  16. We're glad to see this was a hit. We're in the process of moving from kibble to canned food, and let's just say Pierre is not being cooperative. This might be worth a try for him!

  17. Sounds like you all enjoyed that food. I am a gravy licker too unless it is something I really like and then I pick at the meat.

  18. veggies? what's next, legumes?

  19. We are wondering if this formula has grains in it. We feed the Natural Balance limited ingredient diets and are curious.

  20. Oh wow, look at The Baby and Johnny, they seem to really enjoy the food! I hope the other flavors will attract Kona, too!

  21. I would lick the gravy but those chunks are orfullie big for a kitty.

  22. Looks yummy! Single serve sizes are great for travel.

  23. We've been reading good things about this food. We're gonna hafta get the mom to buy us some so we can try it.

  24. Looks like you don't need a dishwasher anymore!
    We've heard great things about this food from some other cats too! If the Katnip Kitties approve, it's GOT to be good!
    : )

  25. Looks like a lot of sauce licking there and then Johnny scarfed it all! Way to go, Johnny!

  26. We tried these too and will reveal the results soon! We're glad you all liked it though!

  27. Hi Sweet Pea! I am back to say I have an award for you on my blog. It is not for any of the others, just you.

  28. We is sure we'd like the gravy too, but maybe not so much the begetables. Oh well, mom says she cants get here yet, so we may never know, MOL!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  29. That's what I do. Lick all the gravy and leave the chunks.

  30. This has now been reviewed by oodles of kitties on many blogs, and it seems to be universally popular. We only like pate as well, but Mom said she would get some of this for us to try. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  31. That is a great review, guys.

    The Paw Relations

  32. A BIG score to you :)
    Me I don´t like the mashed kinds of foods me LOVE the small chunky ones with lot of gravy.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!