Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, September 17, 2013



May Ling here.

Mommy is working unCodly hours the next ten days--so as soon as she got home I preemptively plonked her fat arse shapely bottom down on the indoor trainer bike for an invigorating spin, and then stretched her out on the Cushy Green Mat in the vain hope that a little exercise might help exhaust her Chihuahua-like OCD tendencies and she wouldn't run around like a crazypants nut job trying to do housework, laundry, et cetera.

I felt she needed a little encouragement with the Cat-Cow pose:

You know what's funny?  I snuck up underneath Mommy (her eyes were closed) and when she arched like a Cat she stuck her nose in my nethers!

Happy TortieDay!

XX  May Ling  XX


  1. It is nice of you to take such good care of her. If that doesn't work, remind her that all work and no sleep .. no wait.. all work and play.. well obviously she's playing,,

    Apparently *I* need some sleep..

  2. There is a tabby quivering dribbling heap here. He is staring at the screen wibbling and drooling. He is 7,5kg of droopy muscle, unable to support himself on 4 paws as he is so overcome with LURVE. And now, he's sticking his bum in the air.................

    Please, no one tell these two intercontinental lovers about tantric yoga.

  3. suprised that she didn't bribe you with treats to get the yoga mat back.

    emma and buster

  4. I love helping my human do yoga - I walk all around her legs and arms when she is on the mat. It helps teach her balance!

  5. May Ling, that is totally awesome! I know you're a little lady, but it would have been even more funny had you passed kitty gas at the exact moment... or is that just my sick sense of humor?

  6. What a helpful kitty May Ling. Have a great day kitties.

  7. Miss Mayling,
    I love your style :)
    My pawrents don't do yoga, but I help daddy to lose some weight every day by lying on top my daddy's belly ..tee..heh..when I'm there, mom could see the balloon..MOL


  8. May Ling, great job helping out with yoga! We all know that cats are yoga experts.

  9. So yoga is tossing down a green mat and scritching and screaching at a cat? I could totally do yoga!!!

  10. the green mat certainly will get an oscar nomimination for best supporting mat.

  11. Bwahaha! That was funny that your mommy stuck her nose in your nether regions!

  12. I think you placed yourself on the Yoga mat so your mom could catch her breath after the spinning session :)

  13. Our mommy doesn't know how to do yoga but I make her hold me while she does the elliptical!


  14. good job May Ling....someone has to keep those moms in line

  15. May Ling, we love your expression and round eyes.
    You look just like Georgia when you do that ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  16. Those were some neat positions May Ling!! Mommy could learn a thing or two!!!

  17. May Ling, we bet you could show your mom a thing or two about yoga!

    (Oh crap, we typed this and then looked up and saw Austin's comment. Honest! We weren't copying!)

  18. May Ling, how much are you charging for your yoga class? My human needs to get in shape.

  19. MOL! Did you blow your trumpet? HAH!

  20. may ling...we wood pay top dollar ta see R mom due a yoga poze N knot hafta call for help coz her be stuck...her iz still laffin bout maui's washrag oh discipline post. her said yur dad kneads ta sell washrags oh discipline in hiz shop....!!! best fishes ta yur mom in trainin~~~~~

  21. May Ling, you aren't silly. We see you're just trying to be helpful! We know helpful. We try a little every day and our mom calls us silly too. Silly mom. Purrs...

  22. We like to wait until Mom is actually down on the floor. Then we like to get on top of her to impede her movements. MOL. Good times! Thanks for stopping by our birthday party. Hope everyone had a great time. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  23. Ah, mommy also has a green yoga mat. And it's as good as the day she got it on accounta she keeps furgitting she has it. May Ling...GOOD job with the nethers!!!

  24. Good work May Ling! Our mom is all squee over your poses, she says thinks you'd be a pawsome cuddler. And what mom doesn't what that after a furry long day!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  25. She is so sweet!! I love it when I'm doing a downward dog and some cat wanders underneath me and plunks him/herself down on the mat. Makes the subsequent upward dog a little difficult to perform!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!