Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, May 16, 2014

Beep's the Roadrunner!


We were all excited the other morning.
Not only did we see the Handsome Gracklebird outside on the front wall, the Roadrunner showed up too!
Mommy was quite excited--they rarely stand still long enough to get any decent photos--and this one actually hung around.

Roadrunners are voracious eaters.  They'll consume lizards, snakes, beetles, other birds, and apparently, cat food!  Daddy puts a few kibbles on the posts to attract the Handsome Gracklebirds each day and they caught the roadrunner's attention too.

Mommy only got a few frames off before he spotted her in the window.  See his head feathers?  They go up when he's alarmed or interested.

After another minute he flicked his tail a few times, and ran off.

*Beep Beep*

Kitties, Mommy is off to visit Shadow this weekend, and her parents, too.  
We'll be lurking...

Happy Friday!

XX  The Kats  XX


  1. Roadrunners are REAL??? Cool!

    Bet they are REAL hard ta catch.

  2. We wonder if they are all dark meat....

    Great pics of the road runner!

  3. I like roadrunners. I saw them when we were traveling about. Very funny birds.

  4. Whoa, how exciting is THAT!! - What kind of a noise do they make (well, besides beep, beep, that is...) :-) xox T.

  5. Oh my goodness, our mom loves this post. she has not seen a roadrunner in person, but she loves the cartoon road runner.

    emma and buster

  6. Oh wow. Äiti is is paroxsyms of delight - she would LOVE to see a roadrunner in the feathers. We would love to see one in the flesh. And there's really a GRACKLE bird - what a name! Do they, erm, grackle ? And is a grackle like a cackle ?

    So, we are thinking - in a race between the burmese ninjas and the roadrunner - who would win? Please send over 13 road runners to us so we can all check.

    Drool, drool drool.

  7. Very cool! Momma says she's seen roadrunners before, but I never has.

  8. Now that's what I call bird TV. My boys are chittering for feathers.

    AND our Katnip Lounge cat tour post is up!

  9. What an exciting Bird TV episode! He looks a lot like the cartoon!

  10. What you might call a TV dinner!! Yum :) You do have exotic birds. Ours are just run of the mill!

  11. This is our first roadrunner. Wow.

  12. The head peep said she saw a roadrunner running while she was in Nevada and couldn't believe it. How amazing that you have them on your bird TV!

  13. That roadrunner is cool!

    Tell your mom to have an awesome visit with her parents and Shadow.

  14. How very cool. He is one handsome little dude! Have a nice visit with the pawrents!!

  15. You have such exciting times and critters in Vegas! Enjoy your trip and see you all when you get back! Or maybe when we get back as our mom is off again too.

  16. We'd love to see a roadrunner in his natural surroundings - sparrows don't have the same appeal.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  17. We get grackles here too,but we have never never EVER seen a roadrunner!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxx

  18. Wow, how exciting you got to ses and capture photos of roadrunner!
    I didn't know they eat other birds. Love the head feathures fluffed up!

  19. Epic! Mom had her eyes peeled for a roadrunner sighting while she was out west, but missed out. She loved visiting the catio, and told our kitties all about it.

  20. That's pretty cool that you had a roadrunner at your house! Hope your mom has a wonderful time with Shadow and her mom and dad!

  21. wear iz wile e coyote when ya knead him......faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....jack azz burdz....


    and in honor oh R pal Godzilla’s new movie debute two day….heerz ta a dragonfish kinda week oh end !!

  22. Wow how cool is that to have a living Road Runner in your garden ?!
    A friend to my humans had different Road Runner 20 years ago , it was orange and very fast :)

  23. Great picture of the road runner.Hope you have a great visit with your Mom and tell her happy Birthday to her. I sure know what it is like to be in the seventies. The auction is shaping up really good, Take care.

  24. We have tons of grackles in Minnesota, but no roadrunners of course. We have loons. They make a laughing noise.

  25. You gets the bestest cat television! A roadrunner...where was Wile E. Coyote? Did he get squashed by Acme again?

    We has been away a furry long time 'cuz the mom abandoned us...bad bean! We are so sorry to hear that Baby and Johnny have not been feeling well (glad Johnny is all better). Lots of head butts and purrs for Baby!

    Have a great weekend efurrybody!

    Sami, Sasha, & Saku

  26. Kitties you are so lucky. That is the coolest bird. We don't have any of those here. We get flocks of grackles. boring... How are the hummers? Did the babies stick around? XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  27. Wow, that is some birdie, that's for sure! We want to say thank you to Lounge Mommy & Daddy for being such gracious hosts and being so welcoming and kind, thank you for letting us tour the catio and meet the kitties! It was wonderful meeting you. And huge healing purrs to The Baby.

  28. Cool. Wees luv da woad wunnews. Ya'll hav a pawsum set up. Hav a Pawsum weekend.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


  29. Oh, COOL!!!!
    We've never seen a real roadrunner before!!!
    I love his funny hat!
    : )

  30. What a cool bird!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  31. I am trying to keep those Grackles out of my yard as they chase all my little birds away. I think it would be fun to see a Roadrunner though!
    Happy Saturday kitties!
    xo Catherine

  32. Wow! Fascinating pictures! We only know the roadrunner from cartoons! Purrs from the Zee and Zoey Gang!

  33. Wow, you sure have more exotic birdies than we do!

  34. that is the COOLEST ever! I have never seen one up close!

  35. that is really cool! now the question is, do they actually run down the road?

  36. I've never seen a roadrunner before--how COOL! I love the wildlife photos you post. The desert is so interesting!

  37. Hey lookeee here! We're commenting from our (almost) completely re[aired computer! WOOT! WOOT!

    Faraday wants ta know if roadrunners are nommy and if one of the Katnip Krew has tried catching them? (j/k) Seriously - WAY cool photos!!

    (Did the google drive links work for you?)


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!