Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sunday with Shadow (and Sheebie)


Shadow here.
I have informed My Servunts that they may (from now on and forevermore) sleep on the floor.
This bed is mine!

In other news, the offensively touchy-feely human offspring of Mommy and Daddy has arrived, upsetting my purrfectly orchestrated schedule.  However, I admit this may not be all bad--I was able to wake everybody up at 5 AM yesterday morning, an entire hour earlier than normal!   I will continue to scheme to work this turn of events to my advantage...


Sheebie here!

Well, I'm having a wonderful time at my parent's Shadow's house.  Saturday I had a 2-hour nap, the first one in weeks.  Bliss.  After all the hubbub of late it's nice to to have no responsibilities for a few days.  Shadow is such a sweet kitty, although she's definitely Mom and Dad's cat, she does enjoy a few pets from me.  She sure loved the valerian root I brought, though!

I have a question for you Apple users.  My Mom has an iPad 1 (the oldest) and when she opens an embedded link (like YouTube) there appears to be no way back to the original page.  So, do the newer versions allow you to navigate back to the original page or is that a glitchy feature of the latest iPad as well?  Or is there a secret way "back" that only certain Apple people know?  Mom really loves her iPad and would like to get a new one but the navigation issue is a deal breaker.

I'll be lurking around for a few days yet.  It's been so much fun to read your posts, those of you who did a Catio feature.  I am going to do a round-up post and put all the links in one place for everyone to enjoy, along with a video I made of the Catio.

Scott reports that The Baby is feeling better, and that she took her pills at the vet's office like a good little trouper.  She enjoys car rides (!!!) and the vet is only 10 minutes away so it's only a half-hour round trip for the two of them.   Fingers crossed she'll be around to pester bestow her benevolence upon us for many years to come.

Well, off to relax some more.

Happy Sunday!

XX  Shadow and Sheebie  XX


  1. We think the Lounge kittehz might have gotten to Shadow and taught her some tricks. MOL!

    Have a wonderful trip!

  2. My human has an iPad 2 (second generation) and says if she puts her finger on a link and holds, it gives you the option to open the link in another tab, and that you can go back to previous pages by touching the arrows at the top left hand side of the Safari browser. She doesn't know how the first iPads work... has she updated the OS?

    BTW, come visit my Caturday Art when you have a chance - my human did some creative stuff with her photo of Grayce!

  3. I'm guessing your mother is going to have to replace it with something soon... one way or another. The original iPad can't be upgraded to the new OS. I had one myself and I gave mine to my nephew. When I discovered he couldn't upgrade to the new OS I bought him a Kindle Fire HD and had him give the iPad to my sister since she only uses it for Facebook updates. Since it can't be upgraded I can report that it's constantly crashing on her.

    I currently have an iPad Mini and absolutely ADORE IT. It does indeed have a standard little upper corner back arrow to return to the previous page. You know... one of these thingys in the upper left corner...


    I wish I could remember how the original iPad worked but I am not very good remembering backwards technology. haha! But it did indeed go back to the previous page.

    Have fun fun fun!!!

  4. No responsibilities for a few days sounds like sheer heaven. Truly. I can't even remember what that's like, though I fantasize about it frequently. LOL.

    Enjoy your holiday and continued purrs from the boys for The Baby. They can't believe she LIKES car rides. :-P

  5. Glad you are having a good time and getting some rest too. And we are really happy to hear that The Baby is doing so well.
    The auction is shaping p really well. Take care.

  6. Mom has an iPad 2 and gives her a headache most of the time. She said she wants an iPad mini or an iPad air.

  7. Have a fun time! Sparkle is right on the iPad thing. I am sure glad The Baby is doing some better.

  8. Hi, Shadow! You're looking good.

    From the head peep: I have both an original iPad (usually used for cat games these days) and a current generation iPad mini (which I love much more than I ever did the larger one). The first generation iPad can't update past iOS 5.1.1, which means it hasn't received security updates since September 2012. It also means that it has less and less compatibility with apps, etc. Your Mom will probably find that more apps embed videos rather than forcing you to click away to go view them when she can download newer versions of the apps. For instance, I was able to view Sparkle's Sunday Catinee video inside my blog reader without having to click away to go watch it, where the older version of the same app would make me click to a web page to see it.

    That said, if you're talking about the built-in iOS email app, clicking a link inside it launches the appropriate app for the link. (Usually the Safari browser for web content, but if the YouTube app is installed, it launches the YouTube app for those videos.) There isn't a back arrow then because you're in a different app. Most apps seem to want to keep you inside and don't behave this way, but the iOS mail app is "helpful" (inconsistent) this way, which might be confusing your Mom. The fastest way to get back if the mail app opened another app and you want to go back your mail is to double-press the home button to display the list of running applications along the bottom of the screen. They display in order of most recently used, so the mail app will always be the second icon displayed, and you can touch it to return to mail.

    As Sparkle said, if you're in the browser itself, you can long-press the link to get an option to open the link in a new tab. Some pages automatically open in a new tab, which would then not give you the option to navigate back, but you would need to close the tab to return to the tab you came from.

  9. What a great way to take a breather--chillin' and just enjoyin' one black kitty and the pawrents :-)

  10. Enjoy your mini-vacation!

    I echo your sentiments regarding Baby, here's hoping whatever ails her is remedied by this course of meds.

  11. Glad the Baby is doing well. Have a nice time and Shadow has it correct!

  12. Shadow, it's a good thing you planted your paws firmly down on getting the bed from now on. It's a great fit for you.

    Tell mom that M really enjoyed seeing all the pictures taken at your house by the BlogPaws visitors. Wish I could have been one of them.

  13. Shadow is such a cute kitty :-) Glad you are having such a good time in her house!
    And I'm glad The Baby is doing well. Continued purrs for her xoxo

  14. We hope you have a wonderful trip and visit.

  15. What a pawsum bed yous hav Shadow. MOL Hav a Pawsum Sunday and meez so glad da VET visit went well.

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty kisses ♥♥♥


  16. Shadow, we can see you've got all the peeps trained well.

    Sheebie, enjoy your time off. And make sure you cater to Shadow's ever whim. Oh we guess that means you won't be able to enjoy your time off after all. Heheheh.

  17. Congrats Shadow! You now rule the roost completely!

  18. Shadow, sounds like you have your humans under your paw, good going! MOL
    Sheebie, so glad you are having a nice relaxing time! Rest your camera clicking finger because we are going to need lots of kitty pictures when you get back!
    Yay for the Baby feeling better! Keep it up the Baby!

  19. Good luck holding possession of the bed Shadow! Our best efforts have never worked.

  20. Kitties of the Lounge: Do you SEE that? Some floozy gigolo in bed with YOUR Mommy? Are you just gonna stand for that????? Well, alrighty then, let's see some ACTION over there!

  21. Glad you've been having a well-deserved rest! Also glad to hear the Baby is doing well. I sent you a package by snail mail, it should get there next week. I've been getting frustrated with Blogger - maybe it's the power of suggestion - I was told repeatedly from several different sources (at BlogPaws) that I should switch from Blogger to Wordpress - and last week and this weekend it (Blogger) started acting up and DELETING things! Argh. I've put out some feelers for tech help and haven't had any luck yet.
    I'll probably do a post about my frustration.

  22. Glad you are having such a good time. Probably a much needed rest after the shenanigans of last week.

    I go with what Sparkle says about the ipad. The first generation ipad doesn't support latest updates, so you will find it harder to run some things. And yes you are probably opening the Youtube video in the app not the browser. I have recently got ipad mini and love it totally. The only problem is with reading and commenting on blogs in some readers! It doesn't always work!! Eg Feedly and for me also Bloglovin for some reason. Also commenting on blogs with embedded comments causes it to freeze. Other than that ... perfect!! Caro :)

  23. Sorry, can't help with your Apple question, since I only have a iMac. Glad to hear that The Baby is better, and I'm really jealous that you got a 2-hour nap!

  24. Chillaxing sounds heavenly! We haven't done our Catio feature yet and the mom is thrilled to say she got a shot of Scott's hand through the kitty flap and Scouty bolting like a bat out of hell.

  25. Glad The Baby is doing well.
    Relaxing is a good thing for you, enjoy yourself while visiting Shadows house! She looks fabulous in her bed :)
    Purrs for The Baby,
    ~ The Bunch and Mom Bobbie

  26. I hope you're enjoying a fun getaway!
    We've also been enjoying reading all the cool catio visit recaps! vicariously though them.

    Though we're all apple here, Glogirly has a hand-me-down iPad she hasn't even touched in years. So sorry, but she's no help.

    Glad to hear the Baby is taking his meds! Looks like his auction is off to a great start!


  27. WooHoo it is good to see Shadow is living the life style of the lazy, and famous...MOL MOL MOL I can say that cause it is my style too.

    Sheebie enjoy your had a busy time during blogpaws
    Hugs madi and mom

  28. We have just seen on FB the vet bill for darling Baby.. Wez gonna be at the auction :) xxxooxxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  29. Shadow, Elliott and I do enjoy seeing you so much!

  30. I just know about The Baby
    Big purrs, Heap of purrs, Purr with love..Just for The Baby
    Lots of love
    Puddy Boy & Mom

  31. Our Catio post is up if you are interested and can stop relaxing enough to work up the energy to check it out. MOL!

  32. That sounds like fun. We hope you enjoy your visit with Shadow (and your parents).

    Glad to hear The baby is doing so much better! :)

  33. YAY for The Baby!! Oh, and naps are totally IN says our mom. She needs 'em after BP & NV. Still recovering. Whew.... BUT WORTH IT!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!