Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Swag and Surprise!


Thank COD that BlogPaws (and the Invasion of the Crazy Cat Ladies) is over...although Mommy cleaned up really well with the vendor swag!

Actually, this is only a portion of what she shlepped home; the pantry is chock full o'treats, foodables, and toys, which she is stingily appropriately doling out for our discriminating palates and amusement.  

And speaking of amusement, look what Mommy won for us in the Hauspanther drawing:

A spiffalicious Cat Tree!!!
We LOVE it.
Thank You, Hauspanther!

We have lots more to post about BlogPaws, but first we want to say "Thank You" for all your good wishes for Johnny and The Baby.  John is 100% well (and producing his regular epic poops), and The Baby is feeling a little better.  She's having an ultrasound this week to let the vet have a look at her innards and hopefully image whatever the problem is so she can move forward with getting back into tip-top condition.

We're just taking it easy today, so more tomorrow!

Happy Tuesday!

XX  The Lounge Kats  XX


  1. Swag and a SWEET new cat tree! You guys got it all! All the bloggy ladies are talking about visiting you. We had to come visit online because they love you guys so much!
    Marty and the Gang

  2. That swag looks ace, and the tree is well modelled (and clearly strong). We have missed you lot, and been a bit jealous about all the blog paws stuff. We are very pleased that all are well or getting more well. Mirsku sends his wibbly regards to his beloved Meezer.

  3. What a lot of great loot! And a great prize too!
    Can't wait to see mores pictures.

  4. My human was so excited when she saw you won that cat tower! She knew it would be put to good use immediately! She had a lot of fun visiting the catio - and thanks you so much for putting together the evening with Ginger Jasper's humans!

  5. Charlie is drooling over the kitty loot! Great news about Johnny and The Baby!

  6. I am so bummed I missed the tour! I so wanted to see the catio. Someday....

    That cat tree is AWESOME!

  7. Concatulations on that pawsome win!!
    We kittehz are so jealous.

    The Mommy says the visit to your lounge was lovely and she is showing a pic of the gorgeous Salem for Tuxie Tuesday.

    Hope you kittehz enjoy your swag as much as we are!


  8. I'm so glad the kits are feeling better. We will keep purring, so they can get super better.
    We sure wished that we could have visited, I can tell you how I've been dreaming of going in the VIC skybox... just sayin.
    Love, TK and Pip

  9. Yay for the cat tree and for Johnny feeling all better! Hopefully The Baby will be all back to normal in no time!

  10. You guys scored!!! Looks like fun will be had by all for a very long time :)

  11. That is some kind of swell swag!

  12. That is one splendiferous cat tree. We are glad the kitties are well.

  13. Yay for Johnny! We're purring for the Baby!
    Wow did you guys clean up at blogpaws!!

  14. You guys are the purrrrfect winners for that tree,and we're glad you're stocked up on so much pawesome swag, too. The head peep loved meeting your humans and appreciated your letting her and the other cat ladies interrupt your life of luxury for a visit.

  15. Sweet cat tree!

  16. Wow, that's what I call a MONSTER Haul of swag and mew even got a cat tree too!! :D


  17. Cat tree?
    Luxury condo more like!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  18. Congratulations on winning the amazing cat tree. It's so nice to see your catio mentioned all over the catosphere!
    Wishing Baby good health.

  19. What a great cat tree. Looks like you Katnip kitties are enjoying it. Hope that Mom is getting some rest after all the visitors there. Have a great day.

  20. Fantastic loot, and the cat tree is the bomb! Here's hoping The Baby quickly reaches 100% like her brother did.

  21. the boyz are jealous of that tree.

  22. You got quite the haul and we love that big ass cat tree! :D We're so glad Tiny Johnson is better and we're purring for The Baby to get better soon too! Our mommy is so happy she got to see her!

  23. nice haul! you did well! rock on!

  24. What a haul...and a freebie cat tower! We think you kitties hit the jackpot :)

  25. Our mom so wished she could have come! Your mom is the Queen of the Swag! Look at all that loot! And just love that unique cat tree. Know you will all put it to good use.

  26. Wow how lucky that you got Hauspanther cat tree! It looks fantastic!
    Glad Johnny is better. I hope the ultrasound will help detect the issue so The Baby can get proper treatment. Continued purrs for your sweet girl.

  27. Sighs. That cat tree would be purrfect for us.

  28. What a great takeaway! Wow and what a superb condo! We know you are loving it! WE will all purr for the Baby. Mom has been through several ultrasounds with Abby and Grace. Keeping our paws crossed for Baby.

  29. A nicer purrson or kitties couldn't have won that tree! Thank you SO much for inviting us all in and sharing your Catio with us! It was the highlight of the trip!

  30. Purrs to The Baby..

    I can't wait to read more on your experiences..

  31. Man, we thought the cubes we won were cool...that cat tree is da bomb!

    We're glad The Baby and Johnny are feeling better. We did a whole post on you guys today. Thanks for putting up with our mom.

  32. guys...that bee a swag bag mega load !!!!! awesum...

    N speekin oh mega kewl yur new cat tree iz just that !!!

    mor frum R pal Frank two ewe the baby & johnson...never hurts ta haz two manee blessings coz ya can save em in a savins a count on a count ya mite wanna use em again ♥

  33. It sounds like you guys made Blog Paws really special for all those who were able to attend. well Done!

    Glad Johnny is 100% and ongoing purrs for The baby.

    The Chans

  34. That’s a pawsome cat tree! And lookit all the food, even Weruva and you didn’t even have to worry about having it all send home. MOL! It was cool to see the catio as Plush CK.

  35. We are so glad your mom won that cat tree! And you all seem to be very much enjoying it. We heard all about our mom's visit to see you, and we are super envious of your catio. You guys have a PALACE!! With THREE litterpools!! Our mom will be sending your mom something in the mail.

  36. I am so happy you won such a great prize! I am so sorry that my freakin' schedule wouldn't allow me to visit the catio.......that was the MAIN thing that I wanted to do too. I am hoping that you will forgive me, with the responsibilities I had there, it just wasn't going to work :( I am soooo soooo sorry! Glad the kitties are feeling better too!

  37. You kitties are so lucky. That is an absolutely pawsome cat tree. And what an incredible amount of goodies. Our mommy was so sad that she couldn't make her visit to meet y'all on Sunday. That nasty scorpion really did a number on her. She hasn't even unpacked yet. So we have no idea what she brought home for us, but she better reveal it soon. XO, Lily Olivia. Mauricio, Misty May,Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  38. Visiting you, Scott and the kitties on Sunday was the cherry on the top of attending Blogpaws. I wish I'd felt better and got worse after I left Vegas on Monday, but I got some good kitty pics and will blog about it on Friday :-0

  39. WELL DONE! And congrats on the tree house!! Can't wait to hear how the kitties like Against the Grain!

  40. OMC! We are jaw-dropped on the stacked cube thing!!!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!