Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Ye Olde Grizzled Whitey Report


The Baby here.
I'm outside in the back, sun-bathing.

Daddy brought out a padded box for me in case I didn't want to rest on the rocks.  He, with his puny human intellect, fails to understand that I like laying on hard, pokey surfaces, and damn the soft life! 

In fact, I was so comfy I went belly up.


Daddy knows just how I prefer to have my tummy rubbed.  It's taken many many many many many biteys to train him, but it's been well worth the effort.

I gave him a nibble as a reward for a well done rubbing.

Kitties, Tuesday I went back to the vet for an ultrasound.  (These photos were taken before I had my tummy *gasp* shaved.)  The vet didn't see anything unusual, no lumps or masses or swellings--which is good--so she and Mommy have decided to pull out the big guns and combat the infection in my innards with three types of antibiotics, plus another medicine that dissolves gall stones, just in case I have a partially blocked biliary duct--which the vet thinks might be the root of the problem.  I get FOUR pills in the morning, one in the evening, milk thistle sprinkled on tuna juice as a snack, and plain yogurt for my gut flora.  I need a daytimer to schedule all my stuff!  Mommy's a champ piller but she's going to visit Shadow on Friday so Daddy (that gutless wimp) will be taking me to the vet for my pills whilst she's away.

The good news is the vet is optimistic that I can beat back, if not completely eradicate, the infection.  I may be taking pills for a while, though.

The bad news is that I've racked up an impressive bill at the vet's office.  (fourteen hundred bucks!--ed.)  


...the best news is that Marg will be running an auction for my expenses!  We'll have more details in a few days, and Mommy will be putting up a PayPal link, too.  We have a bunch of cool stuff to auction so I hope you'll take a look.

Once again, thank you for all your purrayers, I think they're the best medicine of all.

Happy Whitesday!

XX  The Baby  XX


  1. The Baby, Oh my sweet darling! You look like you ARE feeling a mite better, lying in your nice warm rock-bed getting scritches from a man who looks like he knows his way around a scritch. XOXOXOXOX

  2. We are sending extra purrs and prayers for those pills to do their job.

  3. Oh aby Girl we are on Nip Cloud Nine for you!
    Pills arent fun but surgery is worse! We are so grateful to know you have a plan and it sou ds like a good one. We will donate stuffs too. Who Loves Ya Baby?

    Ms Stella

  4. Sweet Baby, you look so comfortable on those nice warm rocks. We hope all the pills make you feel better.
    We will be watching for the auction!

    Sending healing purrs your way.

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  5. I am glad that infection is treatable with pills, vile as they are! Sending lots of purrs so you get better faster!

  6. good to hear that what you have is treatable with pills. you look so comfy out there in the rocks.

    emma and buster

  7. That's good news that you are feeling better. Hope all those pills work. Enjoy your sunshine. :)

  8. We are sending lots and lots of purrs, as well as woofs and neighs. Get well soon, The Baby!

    The Chans

  9. Baby, we are happy to hear that you can control your illness with meds :)
    We purr you feel better soon.
    Enjoy the sun and those warm rocks!!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure, JJ
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  10. We're purring that the pills do the trick. Pills are so much better than surgery. We'll be looking forward to the auction!

  11. Well we sure send lots of purrs and prayers that all these pills help you Baby. We have our paws crossed for you too. Take care.

  12. Keep kitties healthy is not for the faint of heart! I sure hope you get feeling better soon sweetie!
    xo Catherine

  13. Keep on keeping on, Baby! It's what we kitties do best :)

  14. I'll be on the look out for that auction info, Baby! You use all your energy to get better, and we are sending you purrs of recovery from Michigan.

  15. Just keep on getting better,OK?
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  16. We're glad there's no sign of tumour, The Baby. Purrs for your recovery. That's a lot of pills, though. Ugh. They'd better do the trick!

    We'll look forward to the auction.

    Purrs, purrs and more purrs.

  17. Thank goodness there isn't a tumour making you sick The Baby and if taking pills makes you feel better it's worth the horridness of them. We'll be sure to come and look at your auction.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. Such wonderful news Baby!! We are so happy and sending purrs! Happy to help with those Vet bills also!

  19. hope this takes care of it and so glad the ultrasound didn't find anything (though for that price, the pills should be gold plated)

  20. That IS an impressive bill! Worthy of such a fine big whitey cat! With lots of love and best wishes for your healing from the Museum crew.

  21. We're so glad there was nothing in the ultrasound. You deserve many more days to lie on the rocks.

  22. Good wishes to the comfort hating, but nice, feline!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. You are taking more meds than Elvis. Glad to see your dad is well trained.

  25. You are almost up to my tummy trouble vet bills! Good for you, but I hope all that makes you feel a bit better too!

  26. the baby....we will still toss in sum blessings frum R pal frank for ewe & T johnson...

    him haz plentee ta spare N does knot mind sendin ewe sum everee day....

    long as he can get ther bee for it terns 972 in de shade...heez a kewl weather dood ya noe...♥♥♥♥

    glad yur ree port iz soundin prette good !!

  27. The Baby, I'm glad the result of ultrasound came back with nothing unusual. I hope the antibiotics and meds will work good and you will be all well.
    I sure will check the auction once it's up!

  28. Awww sweetie, we're so happy to know you are on the road to recovery. I'm still purring for you too.

  29. We hope all those pills make you the picture of health, sweetie.

  30. Wow, that's a lot of meds! I hope they do the trick. I don't blame your dad for taking you to the vet for pillage while your mom is away.

  31. Baby we are so glad your ultrasound was negatory! GREAT!! We were also delighted to hear that this thing will be eradicated with treatment. YOU are going to be back 100%! We understand about vet bills. Mom and Dad are still paying on Abby and Gracie. It gets expensive real fast.

  32. We are so glad to hear that news The Baby. Keep getting better!!!

  33. We're glad you're feeling better The Baby and sure hope those pills work! We had to giggle at your wimpy Daddy though! MOL!

  34. Sweetie Pie we are sending all of our purrs and prayers to you!!!! Don't feel bad, my Dad is a "that gutless wimp" too. Love, Cody

  35. Well that all sounds like good news (except for the bill) we send healing purrs to help you feel even better!

  36. Sending healing prayers to you. You look beautiful and like you were enjoying yourself tons! Glad to hear you are expected to make a good recovery and that medicine will help!


  37. Hugs and purrs and prayers for you sweet The Baby! And for your pawrents! We hope you kick the heck outta that infection!

  38. Sending continued healing purrs. Let me know what link to include to help when I post my feature story about you guys on Friday.

  39. oh, The Baby! we are thinking about you and purring and praying you'll lick whatever this is. yoW! you have quite the medicine chest going on, eh? We'll be on the lookout for your auction and will take a look and see if we have something to donate. Purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, HOllie

  40. That healing sun looks like it feels mighty fine on your bones. That's a lot of pills in one day but we are purring for you that they make a difference and get you all better.

  41. The Baby, we sure hope those pills help you feel better...though we don't envy you having to take all those pills.

  42. At least your have pills not surgery! And of course, there are plenty of lizards to keep you in shape. We are relieved it's not a bad diagnosis. That Marg is the greatest for helping other kitties out when needed.

  43. Oh The Baby, we sure hope those medicines help you get better. We're purring and praying for sure. We will check out that auction!

  44. Hey Baby,
    You look mighty comfy soaking up the warmth of the sun.
    We hope you get lots more satisfactory type scritchings.
    Sending purrs,
    the kitty brats

  45. any chance that any of the pills can be crushed and added to your canned food? looking forward to the auction!!

  46. any chance that any of the pills can be crushed and added to your canned food? looking forward to the auction!!

  47. We have some things for the auction. Glad you are feeling a little better. X

  48. First Bay, so relieved you are not having surgery. And we will find something for the auction. Paw hugs, Savvy

  49. We are still praying for you sweet Baby and hope for a speedy and total recovery sweetie. Thank you all so much for your sweet and comforting words on Snookums page. They are very much appreciated. Love, hugs and nose kisses

  50. The Baby, I had no idea you were sick, darling little girl. I am so sorry but I am HAPPY more than I can say, that things look good right now. Bless you sweetheart. xoxoxo

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. We just found this out - not been blogging much. Sending lots of healing purrs for Baby and maybe Mom ca rustle up something for the auction.

    Cats of wildcat woods

  53. Well the hissy hiss vet shaved my tail at least it was just your tummy but you has to take way more medicine the me. I just has something to spray on my tail and a liquid antibiotic to take. ~Scylla

    Healing purrs from all of us.

  54. Purrs have magical healing powers, but we will also do our best to pawticipate in the auction. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  55. Glad to see how well trained your dad is , Baby :)
    Sure hope all thoose pill's will do the trick !
    Sending lot of (((purrs)))

  56. That is great you got to enjoy the sun Baby. I think Dad has a really good thing to add to the auction so be ready for an avalanche of bids.
    We hope so anymeow


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!