Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Thursday Thirteen

Mommy needs to put a few more decals on her truck!

May Ling: Here's my favorite perch. I can meeze at all I survey from up here.

Rupert: Mr. Suave and Debonair. You'll notice I needed a little "assist" to wear my tie!

Kona: Hi! here's my winter mane before it got trimmed off. Can you see my curly tummy fur?

Grayce: In my "chunkier" days...Daddy needs to take a picture of the new sleek me soon!

I am the Sweetest Pea there is! When I'm not stalking May Ling, that is.

Baby: I'm all sleepy here. Eat my belly so I can get all purry and ZZZZzzzzzzzz...

Maui: Here's my glamour shot. See why Mommy kisses me on the lips?

Salem: I'm a dainty little tuxie. I'm my own kitty but I'm starting to find uses for the People.

My name is Scouty ans NOBODY touches me, EVER. I'm CC's twin.

Johhny: This is me as a kitten...I've always been HUGE. The tiles are 16" across!

Felix: heh heh. First the contents, now to demolish the box! I love to chew & bite.

CC: Hi! I'm brother to Scouty. Our Gotcha story is coming soon! I purr like a motorboat.


  1. I love the decals! I need to make the Woman get some!

  2. MOL hehehe dem decals are so cute and dere is a furry lot of dem! Great pics of all of you, thanks for sharings.


  3. Cute decals! We need some for mom's car too! And we LOVE all of your pictures!

  4. We loved seeing all your photos. We're wondering how Scouty gets to the v-e-t, though, if he can't be touched! Lured in to the dreaded carrier? That could be challenging!

  5. What a family -good to see you guys :)

  6. Yes Kea it was a challenge to get the twins to the V-E-T for their pre-employment physical! We were able to lure them in the dreaded prisoner tranport unit for the 1st and probably only time! Hopefully by the time Scouty needs to go to the V-E-T he will have been handled by then. We've been working on him, he's VERY interested but his natural instinct sez, "they are going to throw me in the stew pot!"

  7. Thanks for visiting our blog. It looks like you have a very exciting family. We do think that you could use a couple more kitties. We didn't see a short haired tabby or a manx.

  8. Oh my, all y'all are looking good today!

  9. Thanks for stopping by our bloggie!

    Teri just put decals on her car similar to yours
    and the store only had 4 cats...she will have to go back for 1 more (she doesn't count kittens cuz they don't stay, hahameow!)

    We love your header photo--Teri likes Trader Joe's too. We liked seeing all your furrmily and noticed you have a Lotus cat tree-fancy! Teri has her eye on one she saw on Moderncat, and is going to buy it for us when her tax refund comes in.

  10. Oh wow!!

    It's so wonderful to meet you all together like this! You are all so beautiful and lovely with your own great personalities!

    Me and Charlie had such fun reading about your special "gotcha'd stories" and look forward to CC and Scouty's turn.

    We are so glad that you are now all together as one big happy family - even when Sweatest Pea stalks the lovely May Ling!


    Take care

  11. Love the decals on your truck=very cute!!...Great photos of your babies; they are all so beautiful and we love reading their stories...Hope you all have a fun day...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

  12. WE LOVE those decals!
    Where did you find them?

    Terrific photos of your beautiful kities!


  13. Sheesh, Scotchy, thrown in da stew pot? Our mom offers dad "kitty stew" when he sez he's looking fur something difirint fur noms. Den she laffs! NOT FUNNY...

  14. Wow those are all great - and super interesting too!! You are all so beautiful! And Grayce we think that you don't look pudgy in that picture at all - we know you have lost weight but we still think you look gorgeous!

  15. Scouty! You are a kitteh after my own heart. NOBUDDY (well, except mom) touches me either!! And even mom better be careful. I am NOT a lap kitty!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi to all that liked our family decals! Daddy found this place in outer space that he orders from ALL the time and they have great decals at cheap prices. Here is the outer space address: Check them out and represent your family! Amazing selection & quick delivery!

  18. Mom and I have kitty envy!!! Oh my CATS you have a lovely bunch of 'kiddy kits'!!!
    Grayce girlfriend...we need to did you slim down? Ummm it is hard to do. I could stand to shed a pound or two. Madi and Mom

  19. wowee, what a crowd!

  20. Hey parade time! All present and correct! Excellent.

    Parade dismissed!

    Whicky Wuudler


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!