Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, July 27, 2012

Frantic Fiscal Friday


The Baby here, with an Our Revenge Commentathon update!
So far, it's been a highly successful strategem on both fronts...we've raised OVER forty dollars for Ms. Stella O'Houligan's Footie Fix, AND Mommy is all panicky and stuff, thinking about writing out a big whopping check!  It's great.  She'll think twice before leaving us again.

The only downside is we've had to put up with her checking the blog (every 37 seconds--*sigh*) all day and listen to her screech at the rising comment count.  

Maybe next time she'll fill out the correct forms--in triplicate--requesting an authorized Leave of Absence, (which we will deny) and not just flit off hither and yon with no warning. 
Meanwhile, I am completely uninterested in her whining. 

Salem has no qualms, either.

Tough Teaties, Mommy.

 Rupert expressed his disdain in classic Cat fashion. 

KonaKitty, I never suspected you were such and excellent Evil Genius.
You GO, girl!

Kitties, if you want to add to Mommy's pain please leave a comment on our PREVIOUS POST by midnight PST 7/29/12.
One comment only per blog, please...we still need treat monies!

Happy Friday!

XX  The Baby  XX


  1. happy friday Baby. we think the revenge campaign went well according to your plan!! yay...

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow Family

  2. MOL, I'd say your revenge is working quite well! Good work kitties!

  3. We linked you up yesterdays, too (insert evil laff here). We hopes you kittehz raise lots of green papers to help Miss Stella and teach Mommy a lesson.

    Pee Ess - Salem, we bet those teaties aren't tough, either. HaHaMeow!

  4. I'd go again but apparently I can't help you. Of course, perhaps Ichiro could start another blog... HA HA HA!!!

  5. The Baby, You look sooooo beautifuls! And Salem, well that "teaties" comment nearly gave me a concussion or sumfing. Konakitty? Your eyes are just mesmerizing! Spitty is gobsmacked!

    Oh, and good job with punishing your Mommy. She'll think twice about going AWOL in the future.

  6. It's a good thing that is you guys are rasing the green paper and not us, otherwise it would be like $2 :)

    Good job kitties!

  7. I left a comment. I was going to make your mommy spend that fifty cents!

  8. We did our part and left a comment. Too bad each one of us couldn't leave one but we don't want to break your mom's wallet.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Krew

  9. Excellent work guys. Just make sure the moths from her checkbook get swatted too!

  10. Excellent work guys. Just make sure the moths from her checkbook get swatted too!

  11. Hi There.. we are a bunch of stray cats from Malaysia.... Helping the babies out in seeking revenge... Love ya Salem..

  12. Great job on both fronts! :)


  13. This is awesome... maybe I should Tweet about your post! I do have over 5,000 followers, you know...

  14. Beware kitty's costly!!!

  15. All 13 of us in the Maple Syrup Mob wanted to leave a comment. Our human said that wouldn't be playing by the rules. RULES???We are cats for crying out loud....rules do not apply!
    The Maple Syrup Mob.xxxxx

  16. Aren't you all a relaxed and handsome/beautiful gang this morning!!! We hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  17. your mom's never gonna leave the house again.

  18. Mum continues to learn her lesson! Yay! take care

  19. great work kitties, have a great day!

  20. I am proud to help with the 'revenge' but PLEASE don't tell my Charlie Kitty about this...I am toooo poor to take this kind of lesson!

  21. BRILLIANT strategy, simply BRILLIANT! "tough teaties"? ooh, we're writing that one down.

  22. We're glad your revenge is working and also helping Ms. Stella in the process!

  23. Kona is an ebil genious!
    Glad it's going well!

  24. I'll do it Kitties. I forgots yesterday. xox

  25. MOL Sometimes our humans don't think things through very carefully but this is all good and such a worthy cause!!
    Baby I think I see Johnny behind like the wind
    Hugs Madi

  26. That'll teach Sheebie to run hither and yon.

  27. We wuz it when plans all comes together. We never realized evil could be such great funs ;-)

  28. WOW -I see several tummies that I'd love to to give skritches to.

  29. Your revenge is working well and your mum will pay for her misdeeds.

  30. Haha! Making your mom pay for her transgressions....priceless!!

  31. Well, well, well...Miss Kona little she devil you! Never knew you had such cunning in you. Bet you don't get dumped again for a while...uummmmhmmmm...just sayin' paw pats Savvanna

  32. Well, if she dares do it again, you can have her give you one treat for every comment ;-)

  33. Good job all you kitties, and your Mom too!

    We're telling our mom to go check out the auction right now.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku (Mom Eileen)

  34. I think this was brillant plan that now it with us it is almost $50 for Stella. She is in our purrs

  35. KERCHING!!!!Sorry Mom, more dosh !!
    Yooo guy's rock..
    Hugs Mollie and Alfie xx
    mollie and alfie


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!