Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Mommy is CHEAP! And also Revenge.


KonaKitty here.
As you all know, our Mommy went away on vacation for a week without our permission, and we've been waiting for an opportunity for payback.

Today, that moment arrived.

I'm proud to be a member of the Pet Blogosphere, which has so many caring folks. 
I sleep soundly, knowing that we look out for one another.

What does this have to do with our revenge? 
We're appealing to your kindheartedness to hit Mommy where it really hurts, in her pocketbook!  She's a terrible cheapskate--you guys need to free the moths in her wallet.

We're holding a commentathon for Ms. Stella O'Houligan, who had to have her middle toe amputated last week.  The vet's bill came in at nearly a thousand dollars, and her Mom needs some help--so we will force our Mommy to donate 50 cents per comment, from now until Midnight PST on Sunday, 7/29/12 to Ms. Stella's surgery costs.
(One comment per blog, please!)

Also, Furriends of the CB is sponsoring an auction to help defray costs; please check out the auction items--and if you have something to donate to the auction please contact Marg, from Marg's Pets.  
ha ha ha ha ha!
Mommy's gonna have a COW when she finds out what we've done...

Happy Thursday!

XX  KonaKitty  XX


  1. We are first. Glad to help out on the comment-a-thon.

  2. Wow! Revenge that helps other kitties?? What a great idea! I'm glad to help you kitties get 50 cents worth of revenge! MOL

  3. Wow. Not good having a toe amputated.
    I am happy to leave a comment to help

  4. Oh noze, missing a toe? We are sad to hear that.

  5. Aw poor kitty! I bet your Mom will be happy to I'll be commenting away! Hugs, Linda

  6. Well, we're up to 3 big ones, so far. I'll let efurrybody know! MOL!

  7. Make that 3.5, MOL! Do we get to comment once per post, or just once between now and Sunday??

    Great punishment for Mommy!!

  8. Loosen those purse strings, Mommy.

  9. Goodness can't resist getting in on the action. Revenge for abandonment and all the ongoing harassment. Let's see if we can break the bank!

  10. Your mommy is a good sport and I'm sure she'll even throw an a little extra - Do you know if they have a Chip-In button for her somewhere? T.

  11. What! $1000! Holy cow, our mom is having a heart attack. Of course, we'll be happy to help.

  12. I am happy to help with that. I love spending other people's money!

  13. Heh heh heh... good job you guys, that'll teach her!!

  14. Ha! She'll never go away again! I at least hope there is enough money left in your wallet for stinky goodness...and lots of it!

  15. I am more than happy to add my comment to the till.

  16. We're glad we can leave a comment to help Ms. Stella! We absolutely understand how high those vet bills can be so it's nice of you to help out.

  17. Very nice from you to try and help poor Ms Stella! I will make a small donation too. Every bit helps!

    Smoochies to all of you!

  18. Wow, that is great revenge and all for a fantastic reason too. Let's hope it doesn't come out of your kitty food fund :0 xx

  19. This is excellent revenge. We are not so happy about one comment per blog: it should be one per cat!
    Seriously, you are a very thoughtful kitty, Kona, and it is a most excellent cause. Here's to many many comments.

  20. This is excellent revenge. We are not so happy about one comment per blog: it should be one per cat!
    Seriously, you are a very thoughtful kitty, Kona, and it is a most excellent cause. Here's to many many comments.

  21. What a sweet revenge!!
    We are glad to help.

  22. Revenge is best served with a side of Katnip and a Commentathon? Who knew?!

  23. Yay! It's not the 29th yet! Something we not too late for :-) yippee! We wuz this revenge stuff!

  24. Ms Stella, hope you recover quickly!

  25. That's a great way to get revenge on your Mummy! LOL You look very beautiful today. :)

  26. you go will surely show whose boss of the household...:)

  27. Not only are you kitties good revengists, but also great philanthropists. I'm happy to help you be both

  28. Here's "my" 50 cents:)
    You are such clever clever cats! Mummy should have known better...

  29. Of course we'll be happy to help with the comment-a-thon!

    Mom donated a homemade scarf to the auction.

    Hugs Madi and Mom

  31. You kitties are very naughty. But we know Stella and her Mom will appreciate your generosity.

  32. Kona you sure are a wise 'ole gal. I knew you'd think of something to teach that mean Mommy a lesson.

    Trish and Scot, you are so thoughtful and generous. I do not have a blog, google account, or any other identifier. I have commented a couple of times before so I hope that is legitimate enough.

  33. such a great way to help Ms Stella and get revenge at the same time

  34. You're making us laugh now KonaKitty - we think your laugh is very infectious. We hope your Mom isn't going to borrow some money from your
    savings to fund the commentathon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  35. That commentathon is a great idea, and very generous.

    We saw some things in the auction we'd love to bid on, but our mom just can't do that right now, especially after Nicki's dental bill! We hope this and the auction raise lots of money to help cover Ms. Stella's bill, though.

  36. NEVER mess with a cat!!
    The Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  37. Sweet KonaKitty!!!! Me and Charlie love your revenge for mum!! Yay!! You are all so fiendish and fantastic! Take care

  38. Kona Kitty, you are brilliant! Nice job.

  39. Now I like our style pal. We're going to help you make your mommy pa. I'm also going to make a donation myself just because.

  40. This is a great thing your mommy is doing! :)

  41. You are very good kitties to help out Miss Stella!!!

  42. Careful - mom might have to rent you out to make the money back!

  43. Am more than happy to help!!!
    Revenge is sweeeeett.

  44. Kona que ideia brilhante a sua. Vocês
    se vingam e ainda ajudam uma amiga.

  45. Good job.... Here's my comment to help the cause.

    hugs, Max

  46. your mom better not have a cow. those things are expensive.

  47. I, also, do not have a blog, google account, but have been reading your wonderful account of all the kitty fun in your household for many months. It is the first site I go to on my computer each morning. I only have one kitty, Buffy, but she adds alot of love to our home. Don't have too much of a cow...the kats mean well!

  48. We must say you guys are purty clever! Hit mummy where it hurts and help anofur kitty. WOHOO!

    the amigos

  49. good job guys - that should get her attention (and help Miss Stella - so it is all good). :)

  50. Nothing sweeter than a good revenge!

  51. MOL - I'm always happy to help you kitties get your revenge on your Mommy - here's another 50 cents flying from her moth-laden wallet...

  52. So KonaKitty, tell me, would you ever give permission for the Mom to go if she asked??

  53. MOL! You´re amazing, KonaKitty!

  54. PlumaB here...Rebenge is going around today! These Mom's better watch out! How ebber this is a good cause.

  55. Revenge and helping other kitties? Sounds wonderful to us! Too bad we can't comment three times, one for each of us!

  56. Andy, Kiefer and Gus' MomJuly 26, 2012 at 2:14 PM

    Poor Stella. My kitty Tinker (when I was a youngin) had to have it toe amputated too. He got an infection and we tried and tried and we could not fix it. He was on some antibiotics that made him so sick he could not eat and got very skinny and he started to wobble until my brother brought home some chicken from the restaurant he worked. Tink loved chicken and would eat it even if it made his tummy upset.

  57. Maybe your Mommy seems so cheap because she has so many mouths to feed -- including all those moths in her wallet!

    It's very thoughtful and generous of you kitties to organize this commentathon on behalf of your Mom. I sure hope it doesn't cut into your treat money.

  58. We think this is wonderful.
    We love how everyone pulls together to help when one of our own needs it.


  59. Glad to help a fellow kitteh!
    Sorry about the toesie, but so glad you're helping out where you can!

  60. That is a great way to get your own back on your mum.

  61. Hooray for a commentathon! What do I say... hmmmm, my mind is blank. I am having performance anxiety. Does this comment still count?!??

  62. oh yeah! I am totally gonaa comment! I'm IN!! so there Miss Trish, for leaving Miss Kona Kitty all alone...just cost ya another 50!...what? you're kidding, right?! Ya mean its only "50 CENTS"...I thought it was 50 bucks!!! wow...that's like, cold...
    I'm hopping over to Miss Marg to check out the auction stuff

  63. Happy to add my two cents worth - or rather, 50 cents worth. A good thing you're doing.

  64. WOW! You sure know how to train your human! I could learn stuff from you guys!
    I hope Stella gets better real soon!
    (*** Ka-ching***)

  65. After all, Kitties known best & besides they come together for their own!

  66. we hope we help!!!
    best of luck guys

    BoBo Salem
    Meow Meow family

  67. Oh my-you guys play hard ball =)
    No more moths, I hope!

  68. My pleasure!! The Brinks truck will be at your house tomorrow

  69. You're a sly one KonaKitty!
    We're glad to help a needy kitty and take down your mom a peg or two!

  70. well, rats, one comment per blog? we each wanted to post our own for revenge, hee hee! we think it's great what you are doing, Kona! wriggley sure can commiserate with Ms Stella. purrs,

    Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

  71. Haha! We love making your mommy pay and pay and pay!!

  72. Way to go, kitties! Happy to help out with your revenge :)

  73. OK! Teddy and I are in. Very generous of you.

  74. Hi Guys!
    Your Mommy ROCKS!
    But then yous knows that!

  75. What a great idea kitties! Hope you raise lots of monies to help your friend!!

  76. When you guys extract revenge you do it right! We're gonna send our mom over to the auction too.
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  77. Wow, we nearly missed the opportunity to comment because Mom has taken to seed skimming through friends' blogs on her blog reader instead of actually reading their blogs! So glad we are not too late to be counted in. We are bidding on one of Stacy's catnip quilts in the auction. She has some super stuff there!

  78. Purrs to you all for helping Ms Stella, and warmest wishes for her speedy recovery.

  79. That's a great idea...I will be over every day..:)
    Mollie xx

  80. We read about Ms. Stella O'Houligan's toe amputation. What a sad thing for a kitty to have to have done! We thing the comment-a-thon is a great idea!!! Headbonks!!!

  81. YAY Kona! Revenge is suh-WEEET! MOL!
    *comment*comment*comment* HEH.

  82. Oh Kitties! YES! What a super idea and Ms Stella is mine and Admiral's hero you know.

  83. Great idea for revenge, And for a good wonderful! I hope the commentathon will be a huge success!

  84. Oh, Kona, you good/naughty kitty! Best. Revenge. Ever!

  85. Wow! What a wonderful thing to do for another kitty! We are gonna have our mom head over the auction too. AND you have given us great ideas for revenge the next time she even THINKS about leaving us for a trip!!!

    Dip & Dot (oh and Mom too)

  86. We certainly will leave a comment for Ms. Stella. This is terrific.

  87. Such a nice thing to do for poor MS. Stella. You guys are great.

  88. This is a definite dual revenge plan so good to help Stella with her footies.

  89. Oh, my. What a wonderful thing to do to help Ms. S, but I'm afraid my guys will pick up on the revenge factor! Aaaaaahhhhh! :)

  90. You kitties are really wonderful! Tell your mum we saw her photo with shorter hair and new glasses. She looks 10 years younger! And so pretty!
    Love from us.
    PS our mum always pulls her hair in a big plastic jaw clip. She has thinning hair and a high forehead.
    We think our mum relishes being a mess.

  91. Revenge is a dish best served by kittehs!


  92. Excellent way to let your Mom know what she did is wrong, just wrong!

    We hope you get lots and lots more comments!

    ~ The Bunch

  93. Can you please add another 50 cents? Cuz I got behind on my blog reading. And, uh, I'm in another time zone five days behind you. Yeah, it's, uh, the FIVE-DAY international dateline. So really I'm not late at all. So cough up the fifty cents!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!