Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, July 22, 2013

Muncha Muncha Monday!


We got a package in the mail...


They sent us a package of treats to review.
(OMC, we love doing taste tests.)

We got a free bag of Instinct Raw Boost Minis to try!

We chose the duck flavor.
mmmmmmmm, duck.

Mommy whistled us all up with her "Treats" tune out on the Catio and we stampeded formed an orderly mob queue for our treats.

There was mild pandemonium.  CC went wild.  Heads may have been cut off in the melee.

Maui voted YES.

So did John, and The Baby!
Once again, food is the Great Equalizer between these two...they can always put aside their differences for a tasty morsel.

Sylvester voted Nay.  He's picky.

Scouty chowed his down!  
He totally ignored Mommy getting close, he enjoyed the minis that much.

Felix, true to form, was Deeply Suspicious.

He voted NAY, also.

The Baby said:  Good.  More for me!

May Ling is watching her girlish figure (expand) and turned her nose up.

KonaKitty didn't eat them either but she is the fussiest eater on the planet so Mommy wasn't surprised.

Rupert was enamoured with the box--

--and the contents!

Salem said:  Hand over all those minis, Mommy, and no one gets hurt.

Grayce liked 'em too, but she ate hers later.

So, the final vote was nine YEAS, and four NAYS for the Instinct Raw Boost Minis (Duck Flavor).  We liked the smaller size, we've had freeze-dried treats before that were too big and had to be crumbled for us to eat.  These were just the right size, and only two calories each!
(The link at the top of the post will take you to all the nutritional data.)

These treats were a success, and Mommy will be ordering them for us from in the future; we have a standing monthly order that's delivered for free since it's over $49!

Thank you for letting us do a review--all the opinions are our own.

Happy Monday!

XX  The Katnip Lounge  XX


  1. The Farm cats are reviewing these as well. Harry almost bit my fingers off trying to get to them!

  2. That's pretty good if nine of you like them.

    Tell May ling we're watching that figure of hers, too. Mee-yoww!

  3. we haven't had duck flavored biscuit or treats before. now we're curious.

    emma and buster

  4. So that'll be 'duck and cover' then, as in cover with an open mouth.

    Mirsku is in a fever after that photo of May Ling. He is all a quiver (can you feel the shock waves?). And Äiti thinks that photo of Salem is just fantastic! Wonderful expression - priceless.

    And I would politely ask that your Mommy relieves her stress and anxiety by watching our feature length ninja movie today - it is ace!

  5. We lost our concentration after seeing May ling's picture and started drooling for a different reason!

  6. Salem! Darling! Once I saw you, I forgot what this post was even about. Just saying, my sweet. Just *look* at you ~ XOXOXO

  7. Oh boy, those look yummy! I really need to try harder to find a treat that Leo will actually eat..

  8. That looks like it was a fun taste test for all concerned. I'll have to look for them at the PetCo Store. t.

  9. Fantastic review guys. Those treats sure do look tasty.

    The Paw Relations

  10. Awwwwww the Yeas have the floor (and the scrummy treats!)! Take care

  11. KonaKitty can't be the pickiest eater on the planet because I am!! We have so much in common!! ;)

    Austin xx

  12. Arrrrghhhh. More yummy reviews of this treat! And we can't get it here. No fair!

  13. Majority rules! I've had those treats too and I agree - they are AWESOME!

  14. Those look super-tasty. Looks like they got all but the fussiest paws up!

  15. Looks like a fun time had by all. :)

  16. this country would be a better place if congress could come to decisions like you guys and gals do.

  17. It sounds as though the treats were mostly enjoyed so we bet you'll be getting some more very soon.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  18. While we've had many freeze-dried treats before, we've never tried duck. Moooom, we want some!

  19. Duck? who wouldn't enjoy duck treats! Thanks for the review!

  20. I expect I'd be with the YAYS on that
    My motto is eat anything quick 'cause it might eat your first!!
    hugs madi your BFFF

  21. Hm. Wish I had some but don't wanna order. I'll admot to being a kitty wif empty pockets.

  22. They look like a resounding success and very yummy. Loved all the pictures of you enjoying them. Hugs GJ x

  23. We loved them too!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  24. We loved these too! We're glad that Scouty didn't even notice your mommy getting close! Maybe she can use these to distract him and pet him!

  25. Thank you for that very fair review. We wonder if they have them at any of the local stores in PEI, so we could get #1 to pick some up for us too...

    The Chans

  26. I just got this treat recently. I've been back and forth about changing my boys' diet to raw but haven't decided yet. I saw this is freeze-dried raw treat so thought to try this first. Both of my boys loved it! Even Niko, who is very picky :-)

  27. Pretty good percentage of YAYs! Funny, I though Grayson was the fussiest eater on the planet.... huh.

  28. Yum yum, I'd eat them all! Me-Ommmm

  29. YAY! Got to love it when more like it than don't :)

  30. Dad got the freeze dried on your suggestion and WE LOVE THEM MINIs
    Keep these great posts coming

  31. Mmm, thanks for your review, from each one of you! Purrs...

  32. It's a good thing each of those treats are only two calories 'cause Salem is looking a little chunky. We think that's the first time we have seen so many of you in one photo. We have read about these treats on many blogs and overall they seem to be well-liked, but since we have an entire case of treats on hand, Mom says she'll be waiting a while to buy any for us to try. Thanks for sharing your review. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  33. oh Salem...we are backing away worries dude, take them all...we weren't using them...please don't give us that ebil eye any moar!
    btw - are there really 13 of you guys?! that's just crazy. we use that term in the best possible sense of the word, which is it's crazy good to have that many cats

  34. We are glad so many liked them. Our fussiest ever eater, Oui Oui, might like them too, since she likes duck.

  35. I just have one question !
    WHY doesn´t any company in Sweden offer me to do some treat tests ??!!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!