Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

A Very Exciting Occurrence, Part DEUX


When we last saw Sweet Pea with the lizard, she was starting to attract a crowd.
First CC, then Maui.

When Scouty joined the peanut gallery, Sweet Pea had had enough.

It was time to perform the Bloodthirsty Kitty Konga Line!

cue music: 
♫ do do dah dah DAH da ♫

♪ do do da da DAH ♪

♪ ba ba buh buh BAH BAA ♪

♫ bup bup bim boo BAH ♫ 


one last verse:
♪ bip bip bop bop GOOMBAH ♪

♫ la dee sis boom BAH ♫

To be continued...

Happy Wednesday!

XX  The Dansing Kats  XX


  1. You kittehz have had a very exciting week. New furniture to destroy and a real live lizard and it's only Wednesday!

  2. Wow. I never saw such a thing in my LIFE. The Human says THANK COD there are no lizards in the house, but I think it would be the most fun EVER.

  3. Huffle Mawson claimed she caught a lizard once. But mum and dad know it was really Poo Face Salvador who caught it, and Huffle just took the credit.

    She did catch that dragonfly one time, though.

  4. Most excellent. We want to know how fast the camera controller got inside to see the action completed!

  5. Oh noes. How many pieces of lizard are there.
    Did you eat the brains? Harry wants to know

  6. Oh boy! Our lizards have evolved to live on ceilings only! Can we come by and have a hunt with you?

  7. We love the conga line! You kitties are just too funny...and hey a "goombah" was mentioned! (Thanks for your purrs!)

  8. MOL! My human would have dropped the camera and gone chasing after Sweet Pea! She loves lizards... but not in the house!

  9. Oh dear! Lizard in the house!!!
    A whole lot of interested kitties too ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  10. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahah

  11. We always MOL at the Bloodthirsty Kitty Konga Line. We're not so sure the peeps would laugh at the results, though. We can't wait to see what happened after the Konga Line went in the house!

  12. That's amazing! Was Daddy at the back of the congo line? :p

  13. Nice of SP to bring the treat inside when it's time to bloody it. yuk!

  14. Glad Sweet Pea took that lizard. Love the conga line. Well done you Katnip cats. Take care.

  15. LOL that's too funny! I love the photo of you in bloodthirsty line :-)

  16. you kittehz are very brave. emma and buster would jump out of the way and only watch the critter from afar, LOL

    emma and buster

  17. It's sure hard to keep lizards a secret there isn't it Sweet Pea!

  18. Sweet Pea we aren't so sure your Mom wanted you to take that lizard into the house...ummmmm

  19. We think the lithard ith going to thoon altho have a lithp....

    On account the lithard will thoon have thome mithing parthth....

    the critters in the cottage xo

  20. The lithard ith pothibly feelink a bit thick!

  21. tooooooo funny Sweet pea knows how to draw a crowd
    Lots of hugs Madi your bfff

  22. THe plot thickens! Love the conga line.

  23. Oh my. We're sensing this will not end will for that lizard.

  24. We title that first picture:
    "You're gonna share that aren't you?"

  25. oh! oh! oh! wait for me! I'm coming too! c'mon, one more verse, here I come!

  26. That conga line was something else. We would venture to guess that things did not work out for the lizard...

  27. Look at them being so polite, each waiting their turn to go in! So cute!

  28. How nice that you all line up and wait your turn to jump through the kitty door. We can hardly wait to see what happens to the lizard...will there be enough to go around? Hugs and nose kisses

  29. I'm coming over to join that Konga line - Lizard - yum! I wonder how many bites you can get out of 1 lizard. Hmmm, you might need more than 1 if there is a pawty.

  30. You guys are just such fun! LOVE you bunches. xoxox

  31. A conga line AND a lizard???? You guys are livin' RIGHT!
    ; )

  32. The conga line is just fantastic. I have never seen anything like it. Those kitties...they have to keep you laughing a lot!

  33. Lizard now in the house. We will anxiously await part III. Love the last photo with the leap through the cat door. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  34. Did she bring it into the house? This is so exciting. Can't wait for the killing and eating part.

  35. NICE Conga Line! Is there enough lizard for a bite for each of yous?


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!