Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, October 21, 2013

A Very Exciting Occurrence, Part the First


Thweet Pea here.
Thorry about the lithp--you may have notithed that I have a lithard in my mouth!

The Baby wath out for her Morning Conthititional when she rutheled the lithard out of the bushes and it ran onto the Catio, an Exthtremely Faulty Tactical Move.
 I thnatched it right up.

Now, the quethtion ith:  Where to partake of my delithious morthel?

Uh oh.
Houthton, we have a problem...

To Be Continued!

Happy Monday!

XX  Mith Pea  XX


  1. Is that all white meat or dark? We don't get many lizards where we live...

  2. Oops - I can see remnants of the ill-fated fly paper tail haircut...

    We don't have lizards here, but the crew like to bring in a frog once in a while. T.

  3. Oh, poor lizard. Sherpa brings me lizards - Western skinks. Well, theri tails anyway. My girlfriend says it's better than bringing me Western skanks....

  4. we is all drooly over here and waitin' with baited breath for episode two

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  5. Sweet Pea, you are LUCKY this wasn't MY house - my human would have stolen that lizard from you, petted it and set it free!

  6. If you pull the tail does it come off ? Could be a compromise. But if we know girlcats, no one else stands a chance!

  7. Are you going to give CC the lizard's tail to keep him away? :)

  8. May we say that the photography is extheptional! And the adventure too!

    The Chans

  9. You are an exceptional hunter. We look forward to further harrowing tales.

  10. Looks like meat is back on the menu, boys!

  11. Everykitteh is gonna want their share. And there is not too much of the lizard to go around...

  12. OMC! We obsess over the lizards outside our windows, but never actually get them in our mouths. We're drooling, waiting for the rest of the story.

  13. Yea/Yuck!

    Do you get sick if you eat those? There isn't much meat on those lizard bones---I can't imagine they are good. Blech.

  14. Hope it was tasy and you got to eat all.

  15. Holy carp! Is that considered a delicacy is your parts?

  16. Quite the conundrum you have there. I am looking forward to seeing how it all ends!

  17. Oh dear. What a silly lizard. We hope you got to gobble it all up to yourself.

    The Paw Relations

  18. We hope you haven't got to carve the lizard up so you can all have a piece.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  19. Oh my CATS you have fresh meat and my mom didn't even buy me canned meat.
    It is final!!! I'm moving to Katnip Lounge
    Hugs Madi your bfff

  20. RUN!!! we don't get those here (and mom mumbled something about "thank cod")

  21. So The Baby and Sweet Pea work together to catch lizards? That's almost scary.. what else are they collaborating on?? I hope its not "kill all humans" Because I think they'd figure it out!
    Perhaps when that certain someone steals the lizard they'll rethink their plots? We can only hope!

  22. OMC that is one huge lizard!
    They scare me but I gotta see how it will end!

  23. Whoa! I was just talking to raz and the gang over at cat scout about lizards. You deaded the lizard. Did you eat it? How was it like? I'm really curious.

  24. Ah, the other OTHER white meat! Too bad about the poor lizard but then again, you can't have lizards running all willy-nilly everywhere! Purrs...

  25. We were just thinking of your Georges a few days ago wondering how the hunt progresses.
    He almost looks like he is still alive in your mouf, waiting to shed his tail & make a run for it.

  26. You are truly great hunter. The biggest thing we catch around here is a juicy bug now and then!

  27. i heard they taste like chicken.

  28. whoefur catches it should get to eat it alone!

  29. Happy tails gang! Thanks for all the purrs, I am trying to use them wisely.

  30. sweet pea....leep ta a nite stand, jump on de bed and crunch away on yur prize....leeve yur mom N dad a nice tip tho for use oh de mattrizz....

  31. That lizard ran from one cat into the lair of 12 other cats! Not too bright! We can't wait to see what happens next!

  32. Oh, poor wittle lizard, I smell doom! Tastes just like chick-hen?

  33. OMC !
    What a grreat catch !
    Sure hope you did get to eat it :)

  34. We don't got leezards here so we're a little jealous of your catch, Sweet Pea!

  35. oh no! are you going to be able to partake or not?? did you have to share? did it get away?? why do we have to wait for the answers!! *feigns dramatic soap opera waiting pose*

  36. Sweet Pea, good spotting and catching. We don't have lizards around here. Mauricio had to study them online to get his Reptile Merit Badge. We're anxious to find out the fate of that delicious looking nom. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  37. Uh oh, that doesn't look like enough to share!

  38. HAH! This is exciting (unlike my horror story). I can't wait for part 2. Do we get to see somecat eating brains?

  39. Tillie and Julie are the hunters here and they do NOT like to share ;)
    Looking forward to part 2 ;)
    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  40. So who will win that Lizard. We can't wait to see. Good catch.

  41. Tho that lithard ith thwarted! That'th for thure!!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  42. We's never had lizard, does it taste like chick-hen?

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  43. how very exthitiing!
    hope he wath delithithous.

  44. We won't get lizards here, maybe a stray mouse in the house.

  45. OMC - I would LOVE to have the Lizard. You are so lucky to have those to play with. Now who's going to win the prize lizard?

  46. Oh, dear! There could be a dozen or so problems if you aren't careful, Miss Pea.

  47. Oh oh - poor lizard! LOL!
    xo Catherine

  48. We have lots of lizards here. One note of caution: If you eat it, do not go back inside to hack it up. Human really don't approve of that.

  49. Holy CAT. You get REAL LIVE COOL PREY. We're soooooooooooooo SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sooooooooooooo Mistreated.

    (Uh, Faraday, we think Mommy gets the message)

  50. Now THAT looks Nommy!!!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!