Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An Exciting Arizona Event!!!


Shadow here.
I've cleverly hidden myself behind this wall.

Why, you ask?

Because there was one of THESE:
in my yard today!!

Several times.

I'll let my Daddy tell the story.

Today was the first time we saw Shadow see a bobcat.  Actually it was the first five times!

      At about 6:45 AM (which is about 15 minutes before horizon sunrise and 45 minutes before it clears the mountain) it's pretty dark outside and Shadow is at her kitchen window when I notice her all tense.  Mr. Bobcat is on our upper patio waiting for birds to come to the feeder. No action so he exits stage right into Bill's yard.  She zips to the patio door to watch him leave.

     7:00 AM.  Birds are coming in when Mr. Bobcat reappears from outside our wall jumping and missing his target.  So he jumps down into our yard not knowing about the piercing eyes that are watching him--and exits stage left into Clark's yard.

     Five minutes later he saunters back right in front of her and into Bill's yard again.

     It's later now and we're eating breakfast inside and we again have a tense cat; Mr. Bobcat is crouched again on our upper patio.  Birds know there are fresh peanuts but face either death by starvation or death by being eaten.  They choose starvation so he exits stage left again.

     Five minutes later he reappears in front of Shadow again with a quail in his mouth and goes into Bill's yard for the last time.

     We had no bushy tail, no growl, no scream.  The window was closed and she probably saw his size and decided to leave well enough alone.  Of course, she didn't leave the two windows for the rest of the morning!

Kitties, I was a very keyed up pussycat the rest of the day...I need a nap!  That ginormous Tailess Menace could come back, at any time, day or night.  Maybe I should lobby for an assistant.

Happy Wednesday!

XX  Shadow XX


  1. hocky puck! As soon as that tailless tart showed up with a quail for breakfast you KNOW Ms. Shadow was all "Damn! Now that's what I call results!" Gotta respect the Bob's!

    BTW; we are saddened at the lack of quail puns. We felt sure there was room for one or two but apparently Ms. Shadow quailed at the thought.

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  2. Holy Cat! We think you're a very wise kitteh indeed, Shadow. Psst ... the bobcat is gone for now. You can come out from behind the wall!

  3. He is a pretty kitty but I don't think he wants to be friends Shadow. And I wouldn't take his quail from him

  4. OMC I would've been besides myself Shadow that was snart and brave to keep mum, but watch for tha introder.

  5. That would be very exciting around these parts. Best to stay behind the window.

  6. ::Shivers::

    We have many of these where we live and they are known to give outside kittehz "bobcat fever" by way of contaminated ticks. Scary!

  7. Whoa! It is a good thing you are an inside kitty, Shadow! Although I have to say, that bobcat is stunning!

  8. Isn't nature awesome! Wow. Thanks for the report, Shadow - you are one brave kitty to stick at your window.

  9. WOW! That is one beautiful cat. Yes Shadow, we mean you of course. The bobcat is quite pretty too. Its a good thing you're inside the house.

  10. Wow, with a BIG introoder cat like THAT around, we probly would stay a bit quiet ourselfs!

  11. Wow, scarey & exciting at the same time- what an ADVENTURE!!! Glad you are an inside kitty Shadow, you might have been breakfast for Mr. Bob! T.

  12. Holy cats! We agree, both scary and exciting. We're glad you were safe and sound inside, though!

  13. Yikes, I'd be hiding from that guy! But I definitely think you need a buddy!

  14. I think you definitely need a minion *nods*

  15. Nothing can faze Shadow...nothing.
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  16. um shadow... i think it's best you live up to your name in this situation...

  17. Wow, pretty. It's hard to tell from the picture, but it does look big. I think I'll ask mom and dad to get me some ears like that for Christmas!

    -- Zazou

  18. We're glad you are an indoor kitty! Perhaps a very big dog is needed instead ;)

  19. holy smokes!!! that kitty is HUGE! (though mom says says he is kinda cute)

  20. That is a handsome kitty, but I think you are smart to keep out of sight Shadow. Handsome as he is, I am glad we don't get them here.

  21. Yikes! Stay inside and out of his way! Bobcats are not soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur kitties... nosirree, Bob!

  22. Staying hidden sounds like excellent strategy. Us kitty brats would have done the same. Well, maybe not Winston, but sometimes he has fluff for brains!
    Signed, Oscar, Lucy and Winston (who is feeling slightly insulted!)

  23. shadow....frank lee we bee thinkin thiz iz way kewl ta see unka bob... tho why him wood bee crazed enuff ta eat stooooooooooooooopid quail burd iz any ones guess...prob ablee de 847 degree heet getted ta him huh !!

  24. That's a big kitty! Glad you were safe inside watching with your daddy Shadow!

  25. Oh yes! You stay away from that bob cat! It catches things on a regular basis, and we don't want you to get caught!

    Luf, Us

  26. Wow, how exciting to see such a beautiful creature. Best to see him from the safety of the indoors!

  27. Wow! What an exciting event! Glad you were safely supervising from closed windows, though.

  28. I would stay safe indoors if I were you.

  29. oh boy oh boy, good thing you had your daddy home with you to keep you safe.

    emma and buster

  30. Yeah baby you did the right thing...I would hide too...I scarified...Meow
    Miss Kitty

  31. QUAIL??? I'd say you've got some work to do. I'm guessing you've never had QUAIL for breakfast.
    As for Mr. Bob..I'd steer clear. He's obviously got a lot of street cred.
    ; ) Katie

  32. Yikes, that is pretty darn scary. Glad you didn't have to deal with that character. He is kind of pretty. Good picture of him.
    Take care.

  33. Lawdy mercy Shadow...I don't know how you manged a nap after that excitement. Here I get riled up over a bushy tailed tree telling what I'd do if I saw a bob cat
    Hugs Madi your Friend in NC

  34. Wow, that's gorgeous bobcat but glad there was a window between.

  35. Oh my gosh! That is scary!! I don't think I would like to see that in my yard. I hope he moves along...and keeps going.

    Stay safe, kitty friends!

  36. That is an incredible sighting. We don't have anything like that around here. Mauricio just took his test for Bobcat rank at Cat Scouts. Is he going to turn into one of those if he passes? That would be really frightening. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  37. Holy canoli! That cat is something! But best from a distance, Shadow.

  38. That bob cat is mighty cool!
    However, we would be very happy to have a window between us and him !
    Come on out now Shadow ;)

    Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
    Treasure,Tiger, JJ and Julie

  39. That's the kind of show you want a SAFE seat for. Poor quail...but a bobcat's gotta eat, right? Nobody's opening cans of Fancy Feat for that good boy!

  40. This is so cool! You have the bestest wild life out there!

  41. How exciting, Shadow! We will never see a bobcat in our yard! Clarissa & Sable saw a wild turkey hen in the back yard once. We don't have any idea where it came from since we live in a residential neighborhood with an expressway along the back side.

  42. Whoa and oh my Cod all rolled into one! Shadow you are a brave kitty! That must have been something else to watch, no wonder you didn't move!

  43. Wow, nice capture of the bobcat! Our mom once came face to face with one, and he was beautiful. Good thing he found a quail instead of a kitteh for breakfast!

  44. Wow so cool to have a Bobcat right outside your window !

  45. OMC!!! Shadow, I cannot believe I missed this post!!! Were you afraid?? Do you think you could have tossed him to the ground and put the bitey bite on him?? ummm...did ya ask him to share that birdie???...*pink ears* sorry, I got carried away. I KNOW we cats are destroying all the bird population in the whole world...probably all gone by Thanksgiving Day...MOL


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!