Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Saturday Siren Song


Sweet Pea here.
I don't always sit in Mommy's lap, but when I do it's here:

The Ebil Vet's office!

Yes, I got hauled off to see the vet...a couple of day ago I tinkled on the ESS--which is totally out of character for me--and when Mommy was wiping it up she noticed the tinkle was pink.  I tried to convince her that I was making PINKLE for Valentine's Day but she wasn't buying that story...and the next morning when I tinkled pinkled in the tub (which I DO do sometimes) Mommy was able to collect a sample...and then, the inevitable happened.

Damn, damn, damn.

Naturally I sang the dirge-like Song of My People in the car.
And on the sidewalk.
And in the waiting room.
Not even the yipping of fourteen hyper Flyswatter Dogs* waiting in the lobby deterred me from my caterwauling!

Of course, when we got into the exam room I decided to use my Indoor Voice (thank Cod--ed) and Mommy and I had a little inane civilized chat while I explored the top of the shelves.

see it HERE on YouTube

So...I have to take the Dreaded Pink Juice (amoxycillin) twice a day for ten days as a precaution.  Since I didn't have any visible bacteria or crystals in my pinkle Mommy and the vet are betting I'm stressed out from constantly sparring with May Ling (no kidding!) so I have to take a anti-anxiety pill every day for a month.  Fortunately Mommy is a champ at pilling and I get a tasty crunchy treat afterwards so it's not all bad.  And (for once) Mommy is hoping I'll whiz in the tub when she's watching--that's a first--and paws crossed my pinkle will be merely tinkle again in a few days.

Because after singing all elebenty-seven verses of The Song I need a nap, not a return visit!

Happy Caturday!

XX  Sweet Pee (hee hee)  XX

*those tiny shivery sorts that never shut up...


  1. You have to take the same meds as my human after Binga bit her thumb! (The amoxycillin, not the anti-anxiety meds.) Except she is taking big, horse sized pills, not dainty pink juice! I hope you feel better soon and may all your tinkle be yellow!

  2. Darling, You have NO IDEA how much I identify and sympathize with your plight. I sort of wish I had some of those anti-anxiety meds myself. Pfft. Sending your purrs of empathy and singing a faint chorus of The Song (I sang many verses also).

  3. Dearest Sweet Pee, er Pea, we do so hope that your pinkle goes away quickly. We hatie to hear about your V-E-T visit. How unsettling!

    We're hoping that all this unpleasant stuff fades from your memory quickly.

    Happy Caturday, kittehz!

  4. Oh poor Pea. (Wouldn't that be ineVETible?)I hope you are better soon. Do you want AbbyGoat to come give May Ling a butt for you?

  5. We are sorry that you has to be so unceremoniously hauled off to the vet Sweet Pea. My mom just mists the house now with some Stress Stopper 2x a day to make us all feel a little
    less anxious. The anxiety meds did not work on our sisfur cos mom was anxious when she gave her the meds, which made sisfur anxious as well. Your mom is a champion.

  6. Pinkle? You crack me up. srsly.

    Well, except that anything that has to to do with pee or poop is usually a run of no fun at the vets.


  7. Poor Miss Pee with the Pinkle tinkle. We hope the pink juice helps clear up your tinkle and the anti-anxiety pills keep you stress free.

  8. Wow, you sang more verses than we knew about! Hope you feel (and pee) better soon pretty girl!

  9. Happy Caturday. Sweet Pea is amazingly beautiful.

  10. Oh no. Car rides, Stabby Place visits, medicines.... what a rotten episode this has been for you.

  11. Feel better soon Sweet Pea, you gorgeous kitty. Hugs

  12. Oh dear Sweet Pea it sounds like you
    have been violated at the vet place - still it could have been worse you could have been left there for
    nasty tests and things. We wonder if your tuneful singing made the vet decide to let go home straight away so your Mom could enjoy it more.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  13. I got anti anxiety pills too..the world now looks like one of your Daddy's shirts...coooooooooool.
    Get better soon.
    Jacob from the REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  14. We are sure purring to the Normal Pee Gods Sweet Pea and hope everything comes out fine really soon!

  15. Poor Sweet Pea. The VET? At least you are paws-up to tinkle in the tub now. We hope you feel better soon!

  16. Oh the pinkle is not a good thing, hope its back to tinkle soon and you climb in the tub and all that stuff. Hey at least you get a treat with your pills! May Ling, back off!!
    hugs, Charlie Kitty!

  17. Lesson to be learned: be more strategic where u tinkle.

  18. Sending purrs and prayers for you to get better quick Sweet Pea! Meowm wants to pick you up and snuggle you!

  19. not the valentine's present your mom wanted. we hope you are feeling better soon Sweet Pea!! good job with the singing - we bet those little dogs were amazed

  20. Jenna knows that song, too. She sings it for everyone en route and the vet's staff!

    We hope your pink pee problem goes away in no time. Maybe you need to discuss May Ling with Mirsku (or better yet, ship her to him ;)

  21. Poor Sweet Pea, hope you got some extra treats for going to the vet! Sending lots of hugs and purrs for you to get better.

  22. Oh my poor Sweet Pea! You should have told me and I would have come and held your paw for you, and we could have sung warrior songs together. I hope your pink medicine makes your pinkle turn back into tinkle, and your chill pills help you...chill. Purrs from your concerned Flynn

  23. Sweet Pea, send May Ling over to live here with us, and all of your troubles will be over ;)


  24. We is sending our purrs Sweet Pea that your pinkle isn't pink furry soon.

    You's furry brave to be around those noisy woofies!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  25. Bless your heart Sweet Pea..I do think I heard the first and last verse of the song of your people yesterday.
    Healing hugs. I'm napping today aver a month of helping mom with the Queen of Hearts Ball we are both tired.
    Madi your bfff

  26. Oh Sweet Pea, so sorry you had to go to the vet! But glad vet didn't 't find anything bad in your pinkle. Stress cause many things. I hope the pill and treat afterward will help you!
    Niko had to go to vet, too, for his annual exam. He checked out fine :-)
    Happy Caturday xoxo

  27. Sweetpea, we sure send lots of purrs that your Pinkle gets to be the right color and that you feel better too. No one wants to visit the vet twice.Got our paws crossed for you. Take care.

  28. Flyswatter dogs…MOL! Mom's been going through this with both Lisbeth and Astrid. Our V-E-T also thinks it is stress, but we are now all eating the Hill's C/D food. Mom has also got this cat attract litter and sprinkle stuff for the regular litter and the two of them are getting calming collars put back on. Good luck Sweet Pee (HaHa). Hope your pinkle turns back to tinkle really super fast. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  29. Aw, SweetPea...we hope you feel better soon and not pinkling any more.

  30. You have to take pink to get rid of pink????

    Ducky was at the VET too but thankfully just for the checkup.

  31. Sending healing, calming purrz so you won’t have to sing The Song of Our People again.

  32. I used to have two girls fighting a lot. I put the Bach Flower stress remedy called Rescue Remedy in their drinking water dish. Just a few drops in the big bottle. I'm into alternative medicine and my husband is absolutely not a believer. The difference in their behavior with and without drops was huge, so he started calling it the "get along drops".

  33. Feel better soon, Sweet Pea Pee. Pee Pee. Pea.

  34. Aw geez, sorry this happened to you Sweet Pea. Has your mom tried corn silk? We are using it for Tucker and his urinary issues. It's supposed to calm the lining of the bladder.

  35. Sweet Pea you beautiful girl, we are so sorry to hear you had pinkle and had to go see the Vet. They should have left that box open on that shelf so you could have crawled right in it. We hope your tinkle is back very soon and you will be doing great after that. Hugs and nose kisses

  36. Ooh, you have our sympathy. Going to the v*t is bad, but pinkle tinkle is worse. We hope you're back to normal soon.

  37. Oh! That is so awful! Mes glad that yous serenaded everybody with our warrior song!
    Mes hopes yous gets better soon!

  38. Oh sweet Sweet Pea, we hope that the meds help you feel better and less stressed-out and purrs to you for a quick recovery!

  39. oooh.. interesting term Pinkle..

    well valentines' day or not, I hope you stop producing pinkle.. cause you know it isn't good for you..


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!