Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sheebie, Singed

Friends and Kitties!

Sheebie here.

I forgot to upload any pictures to Picasa--of course I have a TON of them on a card--so today I offer you (off my phone) an AWFULly funny shot of Scouty, incinerating me with his laser glare.  Check out that hind footie in the air!  I interrupted him mid nether-washing.  He stakes out the same spot every evening, and gets elebenty kinds of indignant when I decide to get into bed, necessitating him to flee for his life.

And how could I have neglected to transfer my photos, you ask?  I was at yoga!  I bought a 30-day unlimited pass and my goal is two classes a week, minimum, for the next month.  Last Wednesday afternoon I was the only student so I got an hour and fifteen minutes of personal instruction and man, my ass was seriously kicked.  It felt great.  I needed it.

I'd like to thank you all for the supportive comments on my post last Sunday.  Depression sucks.  Despite my free-wheeling attitude my pathology usually stems from lack of control--I'm a wee tad OCD--and there's been some of that lately.  Scott's sciatica has been causing him serious enough pain (and crankiness, good God) to warrant a trip to Urgent Care, Sweet Pea and her Pinkle earned her a vet visit, and Grayce went to the vet, too--she may have intestinal lymphoma.  I'm a little stressed, keeping everybody medicated properly--hopefully I won't try scruffing Scott for a pill by mistake!  Not to mention I'm doing the house work that Scott normally does, he simply can't stand for more than a few minutes at a time.

However, I have enjoyed a few things this week.  On my Dad's recommendation I read The Rosie Project, which was the sweetest, funniest love story I've read in a while.  I've been binge-watching the FX series Justified with my Amazon Prime.  Nothing like a good old-fashioned blood feud and gunslinging to take your mind out of the present, and Timothy Olyphant is one HOT dude!   Scott and I have been eating fresh kale, lettuce and tomatoes from our garden, and I've cooked tasty meals with plenty of leftovers on my three evenings off.  My new vacuum cleaner inhales fur from across the room, practically--I enjoy vacuuming so this really does make me happy.  The weather has been wonderful and I've logged a few walks.  So there's sweet with the sour...but I sure will be happy when everyone is feeling better, including myself.

Take care of yourselves this week.

Happy Sunday!

XX  Sheebie  XX


  1. Mommy thinks the "black dog" is stalking her. She says she is just a day away from it at all times. We've had an abnormal amount of cold/nasty weather this winter and the Prancer Pie thing has taken its toll. She is ready for spring!

    We sincerely hope things get better at your house soon and your pretty Grayce has something else! Keeping our paws crossed and purrs sent for each of you. (including poor Scouty, he probably thinks he's headed for the stew pot! MOL!)

  2. Oh noes, when it rains it pours. Sending purrs for Grayce for it to not be lymphoma and something treatable. Sending more purrs for everyone or everycat to feel better soon.

    Meowm has been fighting her depression more and has recently started taking doTerra vitamins to see if that helps. Time will tell.

  3. Sorry to hear about Scott's sciatica - I know how much that sucks!!

    Just keep that "yellow" buttercup flower pushing the dark away.

    Thinking of you and Grayce. XOX T.

  4. Holy crap! When i catch my breath I'll go and catch up readi g...meantime; back injuries suck! Sick kittiies suck! Tim Oly-hell is HOT !and I heart vacuuming too. Sending hearts, coxo
    TW & Ms Stella

  5. Holy crap! When i catch my breath I'll go and catch up readi g...meantime; back injuries suck! Sick kittiies suck! Tim Oly-hell is HOT !and I heart vacuuming too. Sending hearts, coxo
    TW & Ms Stella

  6. I have some of those days too and it can really be tough.

    What kind of vacuum did you get?

  7. I hope Scott feels better soon.

    I hope you don't suck a cat up by mistake. heh

    Glad there is some good with the not so good

  8. We've been under pouring rain for a couple of months now! I guess that's how it goes... when it rains it pours!
    Hopefully things will get better soon and I really hope Grace will get all well very soon!

  9. You do sound like you are in better spirits this week! But yeah, you have been under a lot of stress lately, so no wonder you've been under a dark cloud. I hope it all gets better soon!

  10. What a super photo! Hope that kitties and humans get better soon. Sending hugs.

  11. That's way too much to be dealing with...What IS it with this winter??

    I have my fingers crossed that Grayce does NOT have lymphoma, Trish. Universal Healing Light to you all, including Scott, and mega purrs from the boys (who still haven't kicked their URIs and sound dreadful).

    P.S. You COULD post a pic of pilling Scott.... :-p

  12. Hugs and purrs to all of you! We hope you all feel better soon and that Grayce has something else!

  13. That is a lot for anyone to deal with. We hope it all gets resolved soon.

  14. Hoping everyone's health (physical and mental) improves a bunch and that you find joy in everything, not just the vacuuming. BTW, which vac do you have? Inquiring minds want to know. ;)

  15. Oh I so know all about medicating hundreds of cats. Sorry you have been down in the dumps but it sounds like you are slowly climbing out. There are those days and weeks when nothing seems to go right. Hope you have a great Sunday. Take care.

  16. The indignant stare... Ah I know it well...

  17. This is a lot! I know how hard it is to take care of sick kitties at the same time. It's so stressful but plus Scott isn't doing well so you have all the other responsibilities too. I truly hope Grayce does not have lymphoma. I am very intrigued by your vacuum and would love to know kind it is. I'm so glad you are finding the time to do things for yourself too. I hope Sweet Pea's pinkle is gone. I also hope Scott feels better very, very soon.

  18. YIKES! We are all sending purrs and prayers to sweet Grayce and hugs to you too.

  19. You've a lot on your plate...small nibbles is the way to go.
    Jane x

  20. You have your hands more than full right now. No wonder you're stressed. We're purring for Scott to feel better soon and for Grayce to have a better diagnosis... and for you to catch a break! Hugs and purrs from all of us.

  21. I got knots in my stomach after reading about everything going on there! I don't do stress well at all. Glad you've had good with the bad and yay on the yoga! That's gotta help! Hope Scott gets better and we're sending major purrs for Grayce!

  22. Karin here - somehow I missed your post last week - sorry. I have been very busy etc etc excuse, excuses. Paws crossed for Grace. I wonder if we should start a facebook group or something, 'cat bloggers against the black dog'. Go easy on yourself and keep doing those things you know that nourish, and with a deep breath you can keep on going.
    Seppo sends you virtual snuggles and cuddles - sphynx therapy is very effective (unless he's farty).

    And I'd also like to know more about the vacuum cleaner....

  23. We're sending hugs and purrs to all of you! Nothing makes me happier than the vacuum sucking up cat fur ;)

  24. Sending lots of purrs for Pinkle Girl, my bitey LadyCat Grayce and you and the Man too. If you *do* try to scruff Scott, let's have a photo, please! XOXOXO

  25. Trish am very sorry to be such a spotty commentor. I am so sorry to hear all of the things that have been on your plate. Why I can just see we are sharing from the same one. I was stopped cold when I saw your comment about Grayce and lymphoma. My own Gracie and lymphoma. If there is anything I can help with just let me know....manxmnewsATgmailDOTcom.


  26. No wonder you are feeling down with all that going on! I hope things start to look up. I would love to see you scruff Scott though!

  27. Wow. If you are low, I can see why! That is some plate you've got going there.

    I hope the yoga helps your spirit and everyone else in your house gets their stuff together. I will send some prayers for good health for everyone and that this week has better offerings, my friend.

  28. You really have a lot on your plate and no wonder the black dog has reared it's head. It sounds as though you are trying hard to keep it at bay with the yoga and walks. I hope the back starts feeling better and no more vet visits. I have you in my thoughts xx

  29. You're balancing SO much, dear friend. Just know that we heart you and are so very thankful you're our friend.

    Thank you for the joy and laughs you bring us. today's Scouty photo. MOL!!! Now THAT is incriminating at it's best!

    Glogirly, Katie & Waffles

  30. You have so much going on, it sure sounds stressful. I hope Scott, Sweet Pea and Grayce will all be better. And you, too!

  31. That's a whole lot of change and stress to balance. Health is # and I'm glad you're doing yoga. Calming purrrrrrrrs are on their way to all of you. Have you feng shuied your health area (center) of home?

  32. According to the paper today our winter is officially classified as "severe." It met some criteria or something. Well, you saw the pics of all the snow. We are at 3rd place for days below zero dating back to 1880's. However, we are off for two weeks to Phoenix to bask in the sun, Mike with his clubs and I with my kindle. This trip was truly EARNED this year!

  33. Sending good thoughts to you all and holding lovely Grayce in our prayers.

  34. Well who wouldn't be a little depressed? If I can help let me know. We send purrs to everyone and cross paws Grayce and Scott are okay.

  35. Oh, Scouty! I love a mancat who is always on his toes, even while bathing in bed. And those lasers! It's enough to make a ladycat giddy.


    Pee S, the mom wanted to say she is sorry you are going through a tough patch. She hopes everyone is healthy soon, and Grayce is ok. It's tough not feeling well, and it's tough holding everyone together, especially if you aren't 100% yourself. If you ever want to talk, she'll send you her phone number. In the meantime, we are purring.

  36. LOL! I felt a little heat from Scouty's laser eyes myself!

    For someone who has so much going on, you sound like you have things in hand. I wish I was more like that sometimes. I've been wanting to do yoga, but I've got a bum hip now (How did that happen? I'm not that old!) so I'm not sure I could handle it. I'm sorry to hear about Grayce...and I hope Scott feels better.

    Hang in there...purrs and hugs!

    Island Cat mom Sue

  37. Oh dear, that is a lot going on.No wonder you are stressed/upset/worried/off kilter
    etc. Sending lots of positive vibes,good wishes and hugs your way!
    Big purrs for Grayce too.
    Nancy and the kitties

  38. it really is the little things that can bring us joy when there seems none to be had..

  39. We are all purring that Grayce does not have the L. Keep away nasty! Keep away!
    Yoga sound grand. I sure miss the joy of physical activity. Great being handicapped, but, meditation is my thing. That and the furs keep me centered. They can drive me to distraction but that is another chapter. Prayers from me and Purrs from the Furs
    Dad Pete
    Timmy T too

  40. My special purrrs for Grayce...just purray she is not in any pain...we cats are so good at masking it. And Miss are among the best ever support community; therefore, never alone. So many have shared their own personal battles with the disease is not just a "word" to toss around is real and it can keep both cats and humans from moving; debilitating can be managed as you do so very well. Paw hugs from me and Mom Linda

  41. There was a lot to comment on, but the most important thing is that we will be adding Grayce to our ongoing 24/7 purr-a-thon, and we will be praying she does not have lymphoma. That claimed our Madison's life a few years back and several kitty friends lately. Of course, Sweet Pea will be a part of the purr-a-thon and efurrybuddy as well as the humans will be in Mommy's prayers. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  42. Hope that both 2-legged and 4-legged will feel better soon !
    Over here has my mom-person working like crazy and the day´s she have been off work she have been looking for a newer used car than the one she have.
    Thank COD she found one she could live with last thursday and it´s bright red :)

  43. Ok, so I laughed uproariously at the thought of you scruffing Scott! But I am sorry about the worries, especially for Grayce. I hope she is ok!! Anyway, sorry I'm late. You know what it's like!! Caro xx


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!