Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, February 24, 2014

Scheduled Noodity


Once again the warmer weather is creeping in, and shedding season has started.
Maui toothily detests being brushed and is once again sporting a bumper crop of dreads all over his undercarriage.  (not pictured)

Johnson suffers from chronic PoopaLoons, and today opted to drag his butt on the sofa.*  Mommy was Not Amused.  Therefore she made an appointment with the mobile groomers to come out and give the boys their yearly shave!  Daddy requested pom-pom tails again, that dirty rat.  They both will pay.

Enjoy the floof while it lasts...

Happy Monday!

XX  Johnson and Maui  XX

*and on the floor.  also not pictured.  Thank Cod.


  1. Is this the official sign summer is coming ? Katnip Lounge Shaving Day - we will forget Groundhog Day, Nood Cat Day will be the official event! Poop trails are not good, but nor are pompom tails, leave them SOME dignity! But do snap a shot of the nutcases, please.....

  2. Hi guys!
    *Alice waves paw*

    You guys are going to get pompom tails? Hee hee hee Um, I mean, how HANDSOME you'll look.

  3. My mum mentioned the words "lion cut" at the start of summer and I nearly lost my pantaloons in horror! Thankfully, she didn't follow through. I've had dreadlocks in my pantaloons before but never on my belleh, that is very interesting!

  4. Oooooooh, Nekkid John on the way! I can hardly WAIT!!!

  5. We love bare nekkid kittehz! It so free-ing! Heh-heh. Enjoy, kittehz.
    Get revenge for those pom tails, later. Revenge is best served cold. MOL MOL MOL!

  6. Never a dull moment at your house! Come on down for some chill tea in the garden...

  7. Boodie was rescued from getting shaved by an all-wet, grain free diet - her dreads and mats totally went away!

  8. It's good you guys don't live here. It's still winter. BIG TIME

  9. Woah, that is pretty uncool of them... our floofs are SACRED!

  10. Its very hot where we live. If I can shave the kitties I think I will. We are looking forward to see the boys nekkid.

  11. Oh Bad Whitey's gonna have a gay ol time with those pom pom tails!

    Ms. Stella O'Houligan

  12. Sniff sniff, good bye floof... we will miss you!
    But not the clingons and dreads...

  13. Oh noes!!! Awwww beautiful Maui and Mr Johnson!! We so hope you get lots of yummy and delicious compensation afterwards!! Yay!! Take care

  14. Poor babies, your lovely fur. Sending hugs.

  15. Oh, the shame of Poopaloons! Gracie has the occasional incident on account of her special leg and her special stance complicated further by her floofaloons.

    So far, we have not had to do the shave of shame. Paws crossed. Sorry, fellas. srsly.

  16. Was it really a year ago that they were shaved, it seems like only yesterday,

  17. Pom pom tails? He'd better watch his shoes for hairballs.

  18. We are very sure you're going to be really happy once all that floof is off along with the yucky mats!

    PS/ Mommy WAS amused at the thought of Johnny scooting along the sofa with his poopaloons. MOL!

  19. Is it that time again? Wow. Time flies!

  20. Just think of how much better you'll both feel, though. :-)

    Plus we can admire your new "dos!"

  21. Oh dear, naked again. But you really need to get rid of those poopaloons Johnny. Beside just think how cool you will be in more ways than one. Have a great day.

  22. I had to get a 'bum shave' last week. Our vet calls it a Brazilian...she thinks she is sooooooo funny!
    Abigail from The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  23. Hey, dear LV Loungers, about Dad's sciatica . . . this kind of misery not to be tolerated, I know, I've been there. But the great news is, it's significantly relieved or entirely eliminated by the simplest thing and NO drugs -- check out Foundation Training. There are videos but the best thing is to find an in-person instructor. Didn't follow up to see whether there's one in LV, but I hope so for you. This method has WORKED for ordinary sedentary me and elite athletes too. Check it out:

  24. Hannah here - I sympathise with you and Johnson, Maui - Mum sometimes finds a tiny piece of dried poop in my furs and will insist on getting the scissors and cutting it out. Oh the indignity of it.
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  25. MoL, Someone here is due for her lion cut too...before too long!

  26. Johnson OMCs you are going to look like a poodle with pom-pom tails.
    You might as well suck it up Baby will laugh at you and you might have to eat her for real.
    hugs madi your bfff

  27. There's a payday for not letting the humans groom you!

    Pompom tails on lion cuts are the best :)

  28. Oh we sure enjoy your full furry floof! But also looking forward to seeing pom-pom tails :-)

  29. Ooh! We can't wait to see the nood pictures :))))

  30. we kinda got distracted by the comment about it being warm out there.... sigh

    anyhow - good luck boys!! MOL

  31. rock on tiny johnson !!!!! best trik uz catz ever lurned....butt smeerin on cloth, fabric, table topz, appliances, peepulz clothing !!! tho frank lee heet IZ on de way N ya noe itz gettin close two those 945 degreez in da shade... dayz ~~~

  32. We're kind of jealous that you have all that warm out there, kittehs. :)

    Our adoptable pal Buddy just got a lion cut, too. He was sportin' some dreads for sure.

  33. pom poms??
    Oh my...yes make them pay.
    bah ha haha

  34. teh human can not stop snorting over "poopa loons." i fink you are being mocked over here as well, so eva one must pay dearly. I'll get to work on it. Stay strong, Kittehs!

  35. Pom Pom tails, huh? Classy! But the bath that goes with it probably not so much. We feel for you!

  36. Pompom tails? We would make them pay too :o
    Treasure has dreaded locks and it is too cold to shave,not to mention he is a BIG fraidy cat, so Mom works on them a bit at a time.
    JJ has the PoopaLoons sometimes.
    A side effect of hyperthyroid condition. Maybe a trim is in order for him ;) heehee
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    and Angels Tiger and Tillie

  37. We kinda like seeing nekkid Mancats! :)

  38. Oh, we bet you two are going to look very handsome with your pom-pom tails. Hugs and nose kisses

  39. Oh what I would give for Waffles to be a long haired cat.
    heh, heh
    ; ) Katie

  40. ah yes...the "keep the poop off the furs" specialty trim...remember it well...good luck guys

  41. Ah!@ Just like the robins! Wes has had a winter regression with steady snow for the last 4 days. When Mommy walks the hairy slobbery sisters first thing in the morning she has been captivated by their spring songs! Shaved cats as a sign of spring would humor her!

  42. Oh, the indignity! I'm not sure what is worse--shaving or being shaved. :(

  43. Curses! And you guys are too big to hide too!

  44. Sorry but we had a little laugh at your expense over poop-a-loons. We are glad none of us get our furs shorn, but then only Giulietta has long hair. We will be around to laugh "at"…we mean "with" you after your shave. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  45. Looking forward to the 'after' photos! :)
    xo Catherine

  46. Poopaloons! Haha! We call them dangles. Sorry about the upcoming shaving.....


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!