Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Wednesday MYSTERY...


It's Spring, and that means Shedding Season.
Mommy furminated a passel of pussycats and for fun collected the lint* from the two most prolific fur factories.

Can you guess who's whose?
The answer is not as obvious as you think!

Happy Wednesday!

XX  Two Semi-Nekkid Kats  XX

*at the Katnip Lounge loose fur is referred to as "lint".
For example:  "Johnson, quit eating your own lint!"


  1. Oh, let's see... I will say May Ling (left) and CC (right). Interested in seeing everyone else's guesses!

  2. Let me see, we're gonna go with door #3 - Tiny Johnson and Felix.

    Did we win?

  3. *shouts!* WE WANT SHAVED MANCATS!
    MS STELL...
    er Ms Stella O Houligan

  4. MOL at the comment above!
    Mama has been furminating us too but hasn't collected that much "lint" yet.

    Kitty Kisses,
    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  5. Not sure, it could be so many. Hope they have some fur left. lol

  6. Well, the orange is easier to narrow down. Supposing Scouty thinks the furminator is some kind of kitty stew tenderizer, he would not come near that thing. That leaves CC and Felix. Since it looks like there's some white in there, I'm going with CC.
    Now, supposing you've already nuded up the two biggest hairballs, Tiny Johnson and Maui, they would not be getting furminated. "semi-naked" leads me to think it's been done... unless the two furminated ones are doing the talking and I'm way off base here.
    I think your next biggest fluffer is KonaKitty. So I'm going with KonaKitty and CC. How's that for deduction? MOL I'm probably totally wrong, right?

  7. I've eliminated tiny and the baby... I'll work my way down the rest of the list and have the answer by June.

  8. Kona and Johnson? That's a lot of lint!

  9. We don't have a clue. At least two of you have less hair now. Good job to the Mom. Take care.

  10. Maui and Scouty? We're not sure!

  11. sweet pea N de baby gived sum furz ta dad ta tie dye !!

  12. I'm not sure either but a impressive haul x

  13. I'm with Patti Woodland: KonaKitty and Scouty.

  14. That's a lot of furminated fur. Giulietta really needs a good furmination, but she hates it. Any plans for all that lint? We aren't even going to try to guess whose furs those are 'cause we always get things like that wrong. Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  15. Spring? Really? You'd never know from looking out our windows.

    We'll guess a couple of the kitties that haven't been mentioned yet...Sylvester and Felix. :)

  16. Our mom wants to get a furminator...but look what you get. naked kitties and no feline furs all over.
    signed the kitty brats

  17. We is guessing Maui and Scouty...but wait, Scouty is afeered of the beans so it can't be him, maybe it's CC. So maybe not Maui either, maybe it's Kona Kitty or ...oh we give up, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  18. We is guessing Maui and Scouty...but wait, Scouty is afeered of the beans so it can't be him, maybe it's CC. So maybe not Maui either, maybe it's Kona Kitty or ...oh we give up, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  19. Mum says we both need a good brushing.

  20. Um... you and the Daddy cat? :D

  21. May Ling and CC. Or Scouty. But we don't think Scouty allows brushings.

  22. Ugh, shedding season. How do you do it with 13?? My two are covering everything I own in hair, and hurking up hairballs all over the place.

  23. LOOK at that fur! WHAT a wad o' FURS! TWO wads o' furs!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!