Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Tasty Tuesday


The Baby here.
I may  have told you this before, but every morning I relentlessly politely pester ask to Go Outside.  I gotta pee in the soil of Nevada at least once daily or the Earth might go spinning off into space--really--it could happen.

Anyway, after I dig fifty holes and pee in only one I enjoy a nice snoop around the back yard.  One place I inspect is the peep's winter garden.
(Mommy needs to ramp up her lettuce-eating, it's starting to bolt!)

Behind the kale Daddy planted some oat grass just for me.

Actually, he takes some in for the other Kats but I deign not to notice that...


...because I'm the only one allowed Outside to eat the grass in situ!

Happy Tuesday!

XX  The Baby  XX


  1. You're clearly the chosen one! Nice perks you get! Keep on peeing in the earth!

  2. Cat Guy is right, The Baby--you *are* the chosen one! I wish I had grass to nibble.

  3. We're glad to know you keep the earth from spinning out of control!

    Jenna is upset that you have green grass. We have snow :(

  4. The Baby, do you go inside and tell the rest of the crew: "na na na na na na!"?

  5. I am sure you would not dream of lording it over the others....would you? Oh, I forgot! You're The Baby!

  6. Oh my dear... that does look like heaven - grass in the garden with a BOOOOTIFUL ladycat!

  7. Wow, that must make you feel extra, extra special to be the ONLY kitty who can eat the grass right where it was planted. Lucky!!

  8. You have your own patch of oat grass??? We will have to relentlessly pester our Mommy as soon as the weather improves. We might need our own box of dirt, too!

    Thanks! You've given us great ideas!

    Have a great Tuesday, furriends.

  9. You are one very special kitteh.

    Did you know we have a new Farm cat? He will be formally introduced on Friday but VisitorCat is now a Farm cat!

  10. How cool - that is even better than FRESH! I wish I could roll in the catnip that is in the outside planter, but my human worries I would bolt, kind of like the lettuce!

  11. dig fifty holes and only pee in one, sounds about right for a kitty, MOL.
    Know what I've always wondered? How did you get to be the only kitty out of ALL those kitties to get to go outside with your daddy? Does no one else want to or are you just spoiled? MOL

  12. Private grass dining. That's luxury, all right!

  13. Would you believe it? Mother Nature decided to allow a single blade of grass to grow up through the patio screened wall so that Gracie can gnaw on her own grass by her own self? She only chews a bit each day so she always has a nice little snack.

    And Gandalf is not fit to live with he if can't go Outside and is thereby forced to use the litterboxes. srsly. Not. Fit. To. Live. With.

    Have a sunshiney day, everybuddy!

  14. HOLEY MOLEY!!! Kale????
    Drool, drool slobber slobber drool.
    ..and the cats want the oat grass.
    Jane x

  15. you have a very complex pee routine.

  16. We're rather upset to see your cat grass too...Well, to be precise, we're upset that WE have nothing but a frozen winter wasteland!

    Enjoy the grass and we hope you finish off by barfing it up later...inside of course. ;-p

  17. You are so lucky to be able to eat fresh grass right now! We can't even see where our grass would be. . .

  18. What a lucky kitty cat. Enjoy your outside time.:)

  19. I am going to laugh all day long about the bolting lettuce!

  20. Yes, you are sure lucky to have your own PeeFreely Zone!

  21. Hi The Baby! How sweet of your daddy to plant oat grass for you (and other kitties!) Fresh grass out of garden must taste very good!

  22. baby...with 5000 holes in de yard ewe could open up a putt putt courze !!!
    that wood bee prette sa wheat :)

  23. Ohhh how we envy you!!! That fresh grass must taste delish! Enjoy...
    Thanks for visiting us...we appreciated it!
    Hugs & Purrs from all of us...

  24. Wow, that is one great winter garden! Our winter garden is only like... dead plants, mud and ice right now.

  25. Baby, we are so, so jealous of you! We will not see ANYTHING grow in our yard for a long time. You wouldn't want to go outside if you lived here - it is 'freeze yer butt off' cold where we are!


  26. I like to pee outdoors to The Baby, but I usually give the azaleas a blasting.

  27. I appreciate you keeping the world in place Baby.. :) Thank you :)

  28. oh, Teh Baby, I am so jealous/happy for you. There is a giant icicle hanging over the back door and it drips on my little headie eva time I try to go outside! Can you believe it? It's verreh upsetting. I'd complain to teh Management, but it's all deaf ears around here. Perhaps a scathing Yelp Review would get their attention, but I doubt it...anyway, I'm glad YOU'RE in charge of Earth's rotation and pulling in some extra hole digging hours. I'll do my best to catch up when this iceberg leaves our back yard. *headbonk*

  29. We is pawsitively green with envy Baby! You (and your peeps) are so lucky to have real live dirt and plants in your world. Ours is black and white with a little grey...blechh!


    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  30. We can't have the earth spinning of course. Pee, Baby, pee.

  31. You are so lucky. All the other kitties must be so jealous. Our mom is so jealous of your mom's garden. It looks so beautiful in your yard. Ours has snow all over it again! Phooey! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  32. The Baby, we're so glad you get outside to pee. We sure don't want the world spinning off its axis or anything like that.

  33. Well, we are furry impressed by the way you manage your peeps and your territory. Pawsome!

  34. As long as you don't dig any pee-holes in the garden......

  35. We are jealous Baby!

    Meowm loves you, she can't wait to squeeze you in May!

  36. Pretty nice to have your own snackin'-grass patch!

  37. Momma's drooling over lettuce and kale - she can't WAIT til it gets warm enough here to PLANT!!!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!