Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Caturday, in the Yard


The Baby here.

Daddy took a bunch of photos of me the other day (you may have seen one) and I wanted to show you some more.
Because I'm just so cute.

And modest.

And oh, so filthy dirty... least on one side!

Kitties, Mommy is all geared up for her upcoming trip to Finland.  If you are on Facebook, she has created a page called Finnishing School, in which she'll be documenting her traveling adventures, and she will try and post here often as well.  Daddy has promised to email photos of us doing our usual annoying wonderful activities so paws crossed you'll get to see us as well as the Punapippuri Clan.  There are a few commemorative postcards still unspoken for, drop us a line at the email in the sidebar if you would like one.

And now I have to dash around the yard like a Madcat...yesterday I went up and over the back wall into the neighbor's yard!  (There are some excellent eating/barfing weeds over on that side.)  Mommy and Daddy were a tiny tad upset because they had to clamber over the wall after me but like they said at least I feel peppy enough to leap eight feet.

Happy Caturday!

XX  Bibs  XX


  1. A most excellent escape! Well done Bibbles, or should that be Biggles ?

  2. Looking good! Oliver loves to roll in the dirt to go from black cat to dirty gray! Crazy times!

  3. My human has already liked your human's page and we are both looking forward to hearing about all the adventures!

  4. We just liked your mom's FB page and can't wait to hear about her journey!
    Enjoy that fun roll in the rocks! We hope you can hit just the right spot. ; )

  5. Oh you little escape artist - aren't you the devilish one. I can't wait to see your mommy's adventures

  6. Will your FB page be public so those of us not on FB can read it? T.

  7. We can't wait to read your mom's adventures on her page ! Enjoy your roll in the dust and in the sun ! Purrs

  8. Soooo exciting! I like your Mom's FB already. OK, so jumping over a wall would not make this car Mama happy either! Glad you are feeling so frisky!

  9. So glad you are feeling peppy, The Baby. My Mom is excited for your Mom for the trip!

  10. With that kind of pep you could leap all the way to Finland.

  11. Sounds like you had a great adventure but don't climb too many walls. Enjoy your lovely sunshine.

  12. Lucky kitty Baby, there is still a little snow in our yard so mom bean says outdoor adventures have to wait. Good job on jumping the wall, we is glad you got back safely.

    Mom bean is excited to hear about your mom's trip to's going to be so much fun!

  13. Good girl. ..and your so pleasingly dusty! Our grass is greening up and I agree and barged some too!

  14. Oh yes! That feels so good to roll in the dirt.Well done getting over the wall. Even better making your Mommy and Daddy go over too.
    My mum should have sent you an email. She checked in her sent mail and can't see it there so must have forgotten. I will make her email right this very minute before she forgets again. I feel sorry for her. Her memory is going because she is old as dirt.

  15. as frustrating as it can be, a kitty in mischief is really a good thing.

  16. I look forward to reading about your Mom's adventures. You look adorable.

  17. That's why I dont' get to go outside, I roll in the dirt. And I'm a black it would matter! We can't wait to read about your mom's Finnish adventures. :) ~Ernie

  18. We wish your mom a safe and uneventful trip. Our angel (all white furred) brofur, Madison, loved rolling in the dirt until he looked like a brown cat. You don't look dirty at all. Adorable photos. Please join us tomorrow for our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. I just liked your mom's FB page and can't wait to hear about her journey :)
    Looks really good to role around and get dirrty :)

  20. love the photos and hoping your Mom has a safe and wonderful trip!

  21. *goggle-eyed look* Leapt eight feet - and over the fence into the neighbor's yard?!?! HIGHPAW!!!!!

  22. Finnland sounds fabulous! We hope your Mama has a wonderful trip and experience there.Drive safely! Heehee. We know she 's not driving the plane ...:p Have a great trip Trish!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  23. Uh oh. Bad kitty. Hobbes goes over the fence all the time, but he comes back. You gotta learn to come back.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!