Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, June 1, 2015

Mean Mean Mommy Monday


The Baby here, and I'm elebenty kinds of Hissed Off at Mommy.

Apparently she objects to me helping myself to Teh Butterz, and, in a fit of dastardly thinking, rubber-banded the dish together!
With TWO rubber bands.  (She knows *just* how clever I am.)
This is not fair, kitties, not fair at all.  I only want half the stick a taste to make sure it's safe for the peeps' toast.  The little dab I get on Mommy's finger in the morning cannot possibly be anything close to a representative sample! 
 Terrible things could happen.

However.  I am determined.
Compare this photo with the next one:

See how far I slid the lid?
I struck fatty gold!
Told ya I was clever.

But not clever enough to not let Mommy see what I was doing...Teh Butterz now resides in a cupboard I can't open.


Happy Monday!

XX  Butterz Baby  XX


  1. Butter Baby! Looks like they cant keep you from what you want for long!

  2. we're watching and learning - that sliding lid is some achievement! A cupboard should be easy for you.

  3. No butter is safe with you Baby. We're MOLing to see the mommeh employ the two rubber band technique :)

    Emma and Buster

  4. I don't blame ya, butters are delishus.

  5. Ha ha - I had to hide the butter from Bella too - George & Gracie don't seem too interested in it. (but they do love half n half - They will sit and pray to the big white goddess of cold for a splash of it in their kitty bowl... T.

  6. Sadly, the humans here keep the butter firmly shut in the fridge. No fun for us kitties! No fun for the humans either, really - they are stuck with cold, hard butter forever.

  7. Ha. No device yet made can truly foil a very determined, smart feline. We have faith in you!

  8. Yummy! That golden butters is absolutely delish! Maybe one day the cupboard will be slightly ajar and you can get in and conduct the much-needed testing! :-)


  9. Well, that's not fair at all. You sure did good getting to the butter though!

  10. Hahaha, great job sliding the lid! Your mom did good job with rubber band, too, but you are so clever!
    I'm sure you'll eventually figure out how to open the cupboard :-)

  11. Oh that's why our butter is always in the fridge!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. I was waiting to see that beautiful butter dish on the floor! So glad that didn't happen.

    I like butter too. Unfortunately.

  13. I hate to see what your cholesterol level is.

  14. You are very determined The Baby. I don't think that butter will be safe for long, no matter where your mum puts it.

  15. Your Mommy will be like our Daddy very soon. He bought locks for the cupboards! He's up for Meanest Daddy Of The Year.

  16. The Baby, you go, girl! No human can outwit a kitty with a goal on her mind!

  17. You are be continued!

  18. LOL--I love it! --signed, Benny (fellow butter lover)

  19. Well, we're cheering for you -- if anyone can figure out how to get that cupboard open and get into the butter (mmmm, butter!), it's you!

  20. Nothing comes between a kitty and her butter.

  21. The Baby, your Mommeh is unconscionably mean. With all your sickies earlier in the year, doesn't she know that butters would be good for you, like medicines?

    I am still shaking my head in disbelief that she used TWO rubber bands!

  22. Drats, maybe you will get it next time. :)

  23. For being that mean we hope you get more than a little dab on her finger in the mornings now! Sheesh!

  24. Butter is so yummy ! You almost did it, well done sliding the lid ! Purrs

  25. the baby....ya wanna bet....therz knota pantree, fridge, rubber band, clamp, clasp ore any mixture oh de aye fore menshuned, that can keep me; butter lover boomer..... frum gettin two da goddezz oh all things dairy.....

    eye will send ewe... under sekrit cover....a way TWO get that butter



  26. If it's any consolation, Mom puts ours away too.
    But humans being humans, they are bound to forget one day...
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  27. Good job outsmarting your Mom. Apparently white cats are addicted to butter- my Millie goes for it every chance he gets.

  28. Good work Baby! If our brofur Silas was still here, he could show you how to open the cupboard - he used to open it when mom bean put our foods in the cupboard 'cuz he was supposed to be on a special diet. We watched him so we thinks we know how we did but we've never tried.

    First, he got up on the counter, then he banged the cupboard door 'til it bounced enough so he could get his paw in it, and then he opened it enough to get his head in there. Sounds pretty simple, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  29. Oh, The Baby, I think that is unbelievably mean. You could come here. We have butter.

  30. Persistence pays off. That is all I have to say

  31. Grandma's cats used to lick the butter too, until she also put in the the cupboard. You're a pro, The Baby.

  32. If you really want it, you will find a way to get at it.

  33. How mean! The mom does the same thing with the mayonnaise because I like to lickity lickity lick it. ~Wally

  34. Oh Noes! If MY Mommy did that, mes would be forced to BITES her!!!

  35. It's not that mommy is mean...she is just concerned about your cholesterol levels.

  36. I demand The Baby get her OWN CUBE. Or at least a daily PAT. On a PLACE MAT.

  37. Wow. A prime example of following your passion!

  38. Well, Lexy can give you some tips on openong the cabinet. She does it all the time.

  39. Well, Lexy can give you some tips on openong the cabinet. She does it all the time.

  40. To bad that your mom-person saw that you could get the fatty gold even with two rubber bands :(


  41. We actually think you are a very good boy. If that was one of us, we would have thrown that butter dish on the floor, breaking it and giving us immediate access to that butter. We think you should have received a reward of extra butter for not doing that. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!