Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Turist Tuesday


Upon further perusal of the damning cloud files it has become apparent that our floosey Mommy was able to tear herself away from the Finnish Felines long enough to get a few quick snaps of the Great Outdoors.

Water is abundant in Finland, which really charmed our desert-rat Mommy.
This is an old quarry-turned-swimming hole, complete with a tiny sand beach.  Crazypants people swim here in the winter too!  The building in the background is (according to Mommy) the nicest service (petrol/gas) station she's ever been in. (more on that in an upcoming post.)

The ground is quite marshy in the springtime; this is actually a little bit inland from the smaller lake near the house.

And the lake directly behind the preceding shot.

Mommy loves pathways.  This one is leading to a bird-watching tower through (yet another) marsh.  The ground in Finland is rising fairly rapidly from the release of the weight of the glacier retreating from the last ice age.  As recently as fifty years ago, this land was still under water! 

The ice on the rivers has just broken up and the water was in full spate.  Mommy says the roar was incredible, and the water is tea-brown from all the peat and organic matter that leaches into it.

And here is Mommy's host/patient, sitting on a submerged dock.
On purpose.

They do some weird things in Finland...

Happy Tuesday!

XX  The Kats  XX


  1. We are pretty used ta lots of water here too. In fact sometimes we even complain about it sitting around on the ground. That must sound strange ta you kittehs!

  2. All that water must have been really awesome for you human to see! Such a beautiful landscape.

  3. Äiti was not sat there with a fishing rod - she should have been ! Maybe we would have had fishies for our supper. But yes, there's loads of water, and SWAMP, and soon, zillions of mosquitoes so your Mommy was lucky to miss them.

  4. Lots and lots of water but I see no kitties. How can this be?!


  6. Wow!!!!! Dat all looks so pawsum. Well all 'cept da snow. OMC they still have snow. MOL All da posties have been pawsum.

    So sowry weez so faw behind in commentin', weez been havin' weally bad stowms here and not been on da puter.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. Looks like your mommy saw some awesome stuff while she was away! Bet your glad she's back though!

  8. Really beautiful landscape. What a wonderful visit your mom had.

  9. Finland looks like Canada..are you sure floosey Mom went to Finland?
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  10. Eek, the photos are lovely, but thinking of upcoming mosquitoes curled my toes! Ick!

  11. That Mom sure did have an amazing time!

  12. Beautiful shots. So glad your Mom got to visit. We do appreciate you stopping by our blog and commenting - Mom promises to get her act in gear and get to blogging and commenting again. She is still blue over losing Lily.

  13. looks a lot like northern Minnesota which makes sense I guess.

  14. Yes, we truly do weird things over here :D

  15. Wow, what gorgeous scenery! I enjoyed all the photos!
    Can't believe there are people there swim in winter. Crazypants indeed, but maybe it's kind of normal in Finland... :-)

  16. What great photos! We hope there are lots more of Finland to see.

  17. It's quite a beautiful place! Mom says about that last pic... she's from Florida, and all she can think is GATORS!!! Pretty sure Finland doesn't have any though.

  18. It looks beautiful there. Are those your mommy's wet footprints in the first photo?

  19. Do they swim nekkid in the winter? Here in Minnesota we have a large number of Finlanders in the northern part off the state. Apparently they love to run nood , or nearly nood, through the snow to their saunas,get all heated up, then run back to their house again. Yes, tis true!

  20. What beautiful country they have there! It looks like your human was there at a great time of year as seasons were changing.

  21. Such a beautiful country!! Me and The Staff have been smiling about the huge difference between the desert and the land of the Finn :)

  22. What a beautiful place! Those are great pictures.

  23. Thanks for sharing these photos of a place mommy never expects to see in person. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. Gosh...Finland looks like Canada!!!!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!