We take everything back.
Everything, that is, that we said was awful about Mommy leaving us, because we are just lucky she's ALIVE.
We all know that deer are vishus and on the lookout to eat tender young joosey kittehs, right?
Do you see what's in the background?
Kitties, it's creatures even MORE vishus...
...and it tried to eat our Mommy!
or click HERE
Although, on second thought, Mommy's pretty tough and stringy (and old)...maybe she was safe, after all.
In any case, we'd advise all of your peeps to beware of potentially vishus mooses if they ever visit the Ranua zoo in Lapland. Because you just never know...
Happy Wednesday!
XX The Kats XX
There once was a moose lookin in
ReplyDeleteAt the cats who were looking without
They argued all night,
Over who had the right,
To eat whom, and just when and what fight.
Wes gotted Mooses! One in our backyard and once, a few years back, one committed suicide on her car, in the middle of the highway, just after it got dark in August. Her and the hairy slobbery sisters Bob and Sam was lucky they survived.
ReplyDeleteThey is HUGE!
Be scared, bes very scared!
Ha-ha! We tell our MOmmy the very same thing!
ReplyDeleteBut this one was a young friendly one, just saying hello. You really have to be scared of them in the wild when they cross roads randomly in front of you. Nellie tells it as it is. Then it's scary.
ReplyDeleteMy human thought that moose was CUTE! I dunno... BTW, it didn't have any antlers - do they loose them at certain times of the year? Or was that a GIRL moose?
ReplyDeleteI'll tell my momma to be on da lookout, but I don't thinks we gots em here.
ReplyDeleteWow, up close with a moose! And a seemingly tame one at that. As common as they are in our country, I've never seen one up close and personal. What a great experience!
ReplyDeleteVery impressive! Apparently The Staff saw a moose or two when she was in Canada ... or was that a mouse? I dunno! She has a vowel disorder! ;)
ReplyDeleteWe'll tell Mum about it ; she's not old enough to be really safe ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteWe thought all moose had those big antlers. You mean the cartoons were misrepresenting them all along?
ReplyDeleteWow, she was so close! You kittehs ARE very lucky she escaped that thing.
ReplyDeleteThose things go on the roads,wait for a car to come by and then body slam the cars. Stupid and vishus.
ReplyDeleteThe REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx
OMC! That is beyond scary!!!
ReplyDeletethat is one vicious moose snout.
ReplyDeleteHeehee, love Mark's Mews's poem comment above!
ReplyDeleteOH MY COD! ::::::faints:::::::::
ReplyDeleteThe Florida Furkids
Narrow escape, guys. That looks like one mean moose!
ReplyDeleteNarrow escape, guys. That looks like one mean moose!
ReplyDeleteWe have a lot of moose up here in Maine (even one made out of chocolate) and they really are out of proportion. That one looked kind of small to me, considering some of the ones we grow up this way.
ReplyDeletelooks like you could have reached right out and touched it..
Might have been looking for her pal Rocky!
ReplyDeleteMaybe your mom smelled like chick-hen! :) Our mommy and daddy never saw one moose when they were in Alaska last summer so they're going back next year to try to see one!
ReplyDeleteHey, don't call your mom old, ladies can be very sensitive about their age ;) Seems like she is having truly an adventure over here.
ReplyDeleteWhat a big dood he is.
ReplyDeleteEmma and Buster
Moose and...wait!! Where's the squirrel?
ReplyDeleteYikes! He's waaaaaay more vishus looking!
ReplyDeleteOh, he's beautiful! How fun to see a friendly guy up close!! I hear they are very dangerous in the wild. Glad your mommeh didn't meet him that way.
ReplyDeleteShe didn't try to give it a smooch?
ReplyDeleteWhoa. That moose is vishus looking, for sure! Thank COD Mommy made it back home!