Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Friday, June 12, 2015

Feathered Friday


We have a daily visitor to our bird bath.
A roadrunner!

He comes in to drink and bathe between noon and one o'clock. 
hee hee hee...bedraggled!

Our roadrunner is a Greater Roadrunner, and unlike the cartoon roadrunner, he doesn't say "beep beep", he makes a clacking noise.  He hunts snakes and lizards an scorpions, and all the coyotes we've seen around here would eat him up in one gulp.  And he's NOT purple!

The cartoon got the classic "Roadrunner Stance" correct though...

Happy Friday!

XX  The Katnip Lounge  XX


  1. They are silly looking, yet very cool birds

  2. They is totally cool birds!

  3. We want one! Or 13. Well, a breeding colony so we could have the forever. And chasing him would exhaust the ninjas. We are so totes jealous (and we can speak your lingo now).

  4. Wow, that is COOL Bird TV! It sounds like you can tune in at the same time every day too.

  5. You have really good birdie TV. We wish we could get that channel!

  6. Betcha you kitties are wishing you could get at that bird!

  7. you should keep an eye out for a coyote in the area.

  8. You gotta love a bird that eats snakesand scorpions! The roadrunners we have here in Oklahoma are quite large.

  9. ^beep beep^ Our Mom when she was little loved the RoadRunner cartoons!

  10. Not "beep beep" ? Really ? You're lucky to meet a TV star in purrson ! Purrs

  11. faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....wearz de acme anvil & coyote when ya knead him......{ just stay a way frum R palz in de lounge mizzturr coyote.......yea.... } ♥♥♥

  12. Beep beep :) That is really cool.

  13. Yep mommy used to see da woad wunners in west Texas where she gwu up too, and they never looked like da cawtoon. Hims looks very cute. Enjoy watchin' woad wunner teevee and have a gweat weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  14. Very cool! When does Wylie Coyote show up??

  15. OMC that is a funny looking burd. Do you suppose he tastes like chic-hen? We think maybe not since he eats snakes and other bitey things.

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  16. No beep-beep? You got a defective roadrunner there. I say to the grill with him.

  17. That was a treat and CK said it FOR me. Heeeee

  18. Oh, COOL! Even Joe had to come over and see the photo! Those are some great shots of him.

  19. Oooh, our mom is impressed. She saw one once when she was in California, and she had to tell everyone and brag about it. Big deal, because you guys see one every day! We don't have those in Boston, but we are lickin' our chops. We love the silhouette shot.


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!