Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, July 6, 2015

A (Brand) Spanking New Week!


Rupert here.

Mommy made a video of me, and in it you can see and hear lots of things:

1.  Me chirping at her

%.  Mommy nattering on at me

q.  a green grass-barf on the concrete

73.  my one white whisker

7.  my weirdo white whisker (on the other side)


z.  me getting a firm spanking

or click HERE

Happy Monday!

XX  Rupert  XX


  1. Lovely video - it might attract some undesirable links and visitors though (just looking at the youtube clip afterwards!).

    But Mirsku says you need to improve your technique: he is far less subtle and just sticks his rear up the moment he leaps on the sofa. But he is just a tart. You have style, and the chattering and chirping is sooo sweet.

  2. Looks like your video covered all the basics, Rupert. Well, it could have had treats in it. That's always a nice touch.
    We love your chirps!

  3. I loved this video!! Maybe I should try some spanking as well.

  4. Lovely video - you look very content, Rupert.

  5. Awww, we liked seeing all those things! Well, maybe not the barf but you know what we mean.

  6. Rupert, we usually give stritches to the cats in the place that you got a bit of a spanking...hmm, gonna try that!

  7. Rupert our Ping likes a spanking too! Loved your video.

  8. My Ollie used to have one white whisker. As he was growing up it would move back and forth from his right eyebrow to his left but once he grew up it settled down and I used to call him my unicorn.

    When he died, I took that whisker.. I keep it with his ashes.

  9. Dang, that was a great video and we think you are ready for prime time!

  10. Check, check,check, we saw
    them all!

  11. That was a good spanking Rupert. I like it too and it makes me bunny kick my nippy toys.

  12. None of us like spanking like that, but some of the cats in our previous generation did. You sure look like you enjoyed it, too.

  13. I love Rupert!! Such a handsome kitty. :)

  14. Rupert! Yous a man cat after my own heart! Mes LOVES spankings too!

  15. Rupert, you sure was putting your stink on everything. I do the same thing. ~Wally

  16. Loved your video, your mum loves you and you love your mum.

  17. Pawsome video Rupert, but we'll leave the spanking to you....that's just not our thing, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!