Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Sunday With Sheebie


We ask you: is this our Mommy, or a pretzel?
This yoga business is getting out of hand--pretty soon she'll be able to bathe like us!

This is our entry for the Sunday Selfie Blog Hop,
 sponsored by The Cat on My Head

and now, a message from our Mommy:


Sheebie here.
As you can see, I'm progressing with my practice.  I made a commitment to attend three classes a week this year and as a result I'm accomplishing things I never thought I'd be capable of doing.  Not only with difficult (for me) asanas, but mental benefits as well.  There's something wonderful about not thinking for an hour and a half, losing my sense of self, simply moving and breathing.  It's addictive, and it carries into other areas of life.  I sleep better, think more, and let things go a little easier.  I enjoy the challenge immensely.  This pose--astavakrasana--has plenty of room to grow, in fact last week was the very first time I've been able to get my butt off the floor sideways, ever.  However, this doesn't mean that I've mastered anything, that isn't why I practice.  I do yoga because every day it's different.  Each pose always has a little something to extend, explore, breathe into.  I'll never be done, never finished, either physically or mentally, and this is the most important thing I've learned.  It is humbling. 
Which is why I occasionally feel a wee tad weird posting photos of myself; it wars with my pride of accomplishment.  Well, we see who won the battle this time...if only to document that, years on in my dotage, that I actually did this, once!

Namaste, and Happy Sunday!

XX  Sheebie and the Kats  XX


  1. You mean there aren't strings and pulleys holding your legs off the ground ?

    Respect! It looks great and I can only guess the centredness and feelings it brings - I hope to achieve that with running but that also feels quite punishing on the body whereas what you do is much kinder. And somehow I cannot start up a practice - I used to do yoga many years ago.......

    And I think it is fine posting photos of yourself when they show this sort of journey. It inspires others - especially me.


    So yes, life is good!

  2. Way to go mommeh! Hey kitties, when your mom starts bathing herself like a cat, you make sure you catch that with that flashy box and show us okay?

    Emma and Buster

  3. Our Mommy is way impressed and can only hope the kittehz will photograph you when you are able to bathe like them!

  4. Hm. WE DON'T LIKE THIS ONE!!! I mean, come on, humans are not supposed to hang out in weird positions. That's something we cats do, and we normally get a lot attention and admiration for that. So we think your Mom is trying to take over at your place and this is no good!

  5. I think y'all are just wearin off on her. ;)

  6. OMC, she fell on the floor. Is she injured? Should we call fer help?

  7. We are very impressed :)
    We cannot imagine mom doing that.
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. That picture makes our Mom hurt. That is terrific that Sheebie can do all that and good for her to do that Yoga. Have a great day.

  9. OMC! It takes my mum forever to get her butt off the floor from just a sitting position. Well done Sheebie and be proud not humble of your progress.

  10. The mom says she can't believe you can do that with your body. Good job!

  11. Our Mom took a free class recently, her first.... she was like WOW. Yoga looks so gentle but darn, it is hard. So she is very impressed by what you are doing.

  12. I am very impressed. We never got beyond the 5 classes we took last summer which almost killed me.

  13. Also impressed, congrats! So funny comment, too, washing like cats!

  14. Sheebie, that is amazing. Now you need to teach the kats to do the same!

  15. Bravo! If my Dad tried that I would have to call 911!

  16. Our mom is in awe of what you have accomplished and applauds you! She would love to do yoga, but having no independent balance, it is just a dream. She's not bad at the corpse pose, though. MOL! Keep up the good work. Thanks for joining our Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. WOW, M and I are very impressed with your mom. M said she's so full of arthritis that she'd snap in half if she tried that.

  18. That is fantastic and we applaud you for pushing yourself and your body. We wish for your continued evolution!

  19. My Mommy is gob smacked! Makes her think she should gets out her yoga tapes and get back at it...Mommy, wes don't has a VCR any more, yous will has to gets DVDs (sheesh another excuse).
    Sheebe - yous is fabulishious!

  20. I didn't know human bodies could do things like that. Our mom's sure doesn't!

  21. Wow, that's quite impressive!

  22. Well done! Our mom bean took a couple of yoga classes last January when she abandoned us for a whole month and she was soooo bad at it. You're inspiring her to try it again, someday...

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  23. I think your mom has got a lot of strenghts. Granny is still working on the easier parts. Compliments to your mom :) Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday :) <3

  24. What Mum admires the most is your regularity : it looks like you train every day at home. Concatulations, you're almost as supple as a cat ! Purrs

  25. WOW , your mom sure is good on that yoga stuff !!


  26. Catzowey! Your Staff doing the Downward DOG in front o you meowsters. Yikes!

  27. I hear that both Yoga and Pilates are beneficial. We are hoping to go and do pilates to strengthen or core body then attempt your wonders!

  28. WOW! Look at your strength!

    I need to get back to yoga. I miss exactly what you wrote--the "mind" time. Very nice, my friend. That is incredible.

  29. Yoga is so amazing. I never do enough of it. You are rockin' that pose!

  30. Our mom loves being able to do yoga when she can. They used to do it over lunch at work when things were less crazypsnts about a year and a half ago. She really needs to take her yoga mat back home!!

  31. We are very impressed! If our mom tried that, we'd end up having to call 911!

  32. That is very impressive and good for you for sticking with it

  33. Like me with my pilates, I keep plugging away and it feels good!

  34. Yes, soon you will be bathing with the cats! I am impressed! I can't do yoga now (I used to, before I got arthritis in my hand). I loved it, and it was just as you said, wonderful and peaceful and addictive. Sigh. Rock on!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!