Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Tuesday Toesies


Johnny the Genie here, granting wishes...

We had a request from Ayla, Iza, and Marley from Marks' Mews to show our Mommy's toesies!
We aim to here they are, in all their glory:

Wanna know a secret?  
Mommy has webbing between the index and middle toes on her right foot!
Considering all the time she spends in the shower, we suspect she might be part duck...

Happy Tuesday!

XX  Johnny  XX


  1. What's with the webbing? And it's only on one toe???

  2. Are those the Frodo toes she was talking about a couple months ago?? Or was that some other kitty mom?

    Our mom is Aquarius but no webbed toes...sorry. You mom is an anomaly.

  3. Let me guess... you kitties were too lazy to show off your own toes today, right? ;-)

  4. Aw come on, we want to see the webbing!

    And the duck impression.

  5. Webbing? Can you maybe commercialize on that or sumthing?

    Heh-heh, thanks fur the info, Johnny Boy!

  6. That's quite a scoop, Johnny! What other little known factoids have you to share?

  7. This picture would be more fun if you were NIBBLING on those toes, John. Or if she'd flaunt the webbing. That would be fun.

  8. Are you about to put the bitey on those toes? Now that would be a heck of a picture, MOL!

  9. Webbing, awesome!!

    Your unwebbed Aquarian friend. :)

  10. !!!! Mummy Janey has webbing too! Our mummies must be related!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  11. We hope your Mommy is not going quackers!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  12. that's kind of a bizarre request from Ayla, Iza, and Marley.

  13. With 52 kitty feets in the house somebuddy wanted to see your mommy's feet? Hmmmm. We are surprised she doesn't have bright polish on them to match her outfits.

  14. WE go with Beaded tail's comment. What is with the Mommy's toes?? They are looking good though. You all have a great day.

  15. We're really disappointed Mrs. Crazypants doesn't have wild colored toenails!

  16. dood...seer ee iz lee..... pleez knot ta insult yur mom like that by sayin her iz any kinda any thing ree lated ta "burd"....whoa......

  17. oh kay...we iz bak N haza sew lewshunz....

    spider...her could bee spider women...course ther IZ de hole taran toola izzue.... but if herz knot afraid o em...... !!!

  18. Oh my! Merry Toosday and bite those toes..they are up for grabs or biteys.

  19. Your mom isn't alone in that. My mom does too. she is also lacking several toenails on her smaller toes..

  20. It is wunnerful to have curiousity satisfied! An TBT has a Special toesie surprise planned fer Next Toesday.

  21. Oh my COD!!!
    Can she fly????
    Or just quack...
    ; ) Katie

  22. I thought you were showing your feet to brag about your cute little toes all stair-stepped in a row - like mine, all my siblings, and our mom. I didn't realize people had their second toe longer than their big toe till I got married. I thought John's toes were deformed! Our daughter has normal toes, like yours and mine.

  23. She's part duck?? Now that's something!

  24. Toe funny, MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  25. Very odd request. We definitely are not into human toes as our mom is into kitty toes. As they say, to each his own. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  26. wow. so, I'm not the only one with a Freak for a Human. At least your Frea...I mean, Human has some redeeming features, like I bet you could feature her in a Circus Side Show, or sumfing...the One-Webbed-Toe-Wonder!!! have fun wif that...

  27. Sweet Johnny we think your mommy has pretty toes. You should see Mumsy's she has webbed toes on both feet and her middle toe is the longest toes of all now we think her toes are weird. You should have shown us your toesies too us kitties swoon when we see mancat toesies. Hugs and nose kisses

  28. quack, quack, quack...ROFLMFTO...I am surprised she doesn't have furrs growing in there somewheres...


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!