Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Thermal Thursday


The HOTS have arrived here in the desert.
About time!
It was 104F out on the Catio, (finally) hot enough for KonaKitty to abandon her heated beddy-box and head for the concrete.  May Ling is wedged up against the foundation keeping her back cool.  DO NOT think the yellow stain next to Miss Ling is's spilled varnish!  Truly.

Scouty, who normally sleeps in the Sky Lounge during the day has moved down a floor to the floor, venturing occasionally inside to cool off on the tile.  Rhino is oblivious to the heat.  He stays on the shelf, no matter the weather.  He's a trooper!

The Baby is enjoying the heat, but her forays Outside are now curtailed to the times the yard is shady--the rocks are too hot for her paw pads for very long.  She'd be happy to snooze in the tomato plants all damn day but Daddy is a wiener and refuses to stay out for hours, watching her.

Mommy says she hardly sees any of us anymore, and that the outside Cat Boxes have considerably more dung than the indoor ones, now.  We love Summer.  Nothing beats pooping al fresco in pleasant warm weather!

Happy Thursday!

XX  The Lounge Kats  XX


  1. Oh you like it hot eh? We like hot too, up to a certain extent, and that's 80F.

    emma and buster

  2. That's far too hot for us. We like it semi-hot here but not like you have to endure.

    Keep cool dudes! Unless of coure May Ling wishes to become a little more heated by popping over to the bloggie today.......

  3. That's far too hot for us. We like it semi-hot here but not like you have to endure.

    Keep cool dudes! Unless of coure May Ling wishes to become a little more heated by popping over to the bloggie today.......

  4. I am with you kats - I love the heat

  5. I am with you kats - I love the heat

  6. MOL, I love that you can tell the weather by the litter boxes!

  7. I certainly think having litter boxes al fresco would be great! Jenna isn't exactly good about covering her deposits...

  8. Wow, al fresco litter boxing - can anything be more elegant?

  9. Enjoy your warm weather, it's very wet here.

  10. Well 104 F is way to hot for me !
    Me think that 80F is moore right summer temperature :)


  11. I have read all the rave reviews of those lucky enough to visit catio. How great it is you provided concrete floors for the hot months!

  12. At this stage, we have mostly forgotten what hot feels like as the temps have stayed so cool for the season. But who knows, maybe it will change all of a sudden?

    The Chans

  13. Amazing that you like it more the hotter it gets out there! As spoiled, air-conditioned cats, we don't know how we would do with those temperatures. (Newton is not heat tolerant at all, even in the house.) You sure look happy out there in the heat, though!

  14. We prefer the cold weather although ours is not snowy or anything. If it gets too hot we would get the haze. It always gets worse in June.

  15. If that's a tinkle, somebody has an ENORMOUS bladder!

    Glad you kitties are enjoying the frying pan, I mean, heat.

  16. 104F! Hot! It's about 80F here and I'm hoping it won't get any hotter. Glad you are enjoying summer, though :-)

  17. LOL! I love that you explained the varnish. Too funny! Oh my gosh - that is hot!!
    Enjoy the heat kitties!
    xo Catherine

  18. I've got photos of the outside cats hiding in shade, during our recent heat-up in Michigan, but it's nothing like your temps! Keep cool, kitties!

  19. We'll take any spare hots!
    The REAL Maple Syrup Mob xxxxx

  20. pooping al fresco does sound more refreshing than sleeping next to tinkle.

  21. I have to say, the cats look sort of like liquid when they lay like that. :-)

  22. We would love to have your hots - it's only 41F here today and it's raining!
    Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

  23. Pee Ess: Those are some good looking tomato plants!

  24. It was over 88 INSIDE here yesterday.

    We despise the hots.

  25. That is far too hot for me! It is too cold here though, only 46. Mum is shivering and I am snuggled up to her. Dad started a cold on Sunday which he must have caught on the ship. Now he has given it to mum and she has lost her voice.

  26. guys....noe.....783 in de shade iz two dam hot......ya could seer a mackerull on de pave mint in that kinda heet.... ♥

  27. If we lived there in the desert, we'd be getting lion cuts fur sure! Enjoy the hots!

  28. I'm so cold here, I's happily share the heat with you if you could just send it up this way.. ;)

  29. Ah, that looks so comfortable! Even in with the tomatoes! Purrs...

  30. that is a little TOO much hot for us...though we could be all over sleeping on the cool concrete :)

  31. Mom says when the weather gets hot, cats get L-O-N-G.

  32. Meez fells ya'. It's not yet in da 100's hewe, but when it is wees will be chillin' in da a/c and purrawlly da pawdee box woom sink or tub. ☺ Stay cool!!!

    Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses ♥♥♥


  33. thank COD it wasn't like that when we were there!

  34. You all look like us in the heat except our heat isn't as bad as yours.
    Please tell the Mom, that I going to start sending out emails, Sat. morning for people to pay for their auction items. All she has to do is send me the receipt from Pay pal so she can tell who has paid and can send people addresses to mail items to.
    Take care.

  35. Yow Kittehz of Katnip Lounge iz Nylablue frum Da Purrfect Pad (on Werdpress) here wif me Mum. We wanted to stop by n say we iz purrin n purrayin fer yer sweet baby. We red dat she iz nott well n dere iz an auckshun n we looked at all da pawsum fingz...
    Mum wantz to help wif green papurrz butt me iz chronickall sick so me usez all her xtra green papurrz....we iz gonna purray LOTS tho'.
    Pawz crossed Baby will bee all rite!
    Yer furendz Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum

  36. 104! We agree al fresco pooping and whizzing is #1. Our guys love doing their business in the edge of the bushes.

  37. MOL! Pooping al fresco! That's something we've never experienced...and we think we're missing out on something good.

  38. Phew, that is fur too hot for us. But pooping outside, that sounds like fun!

    We has those stains on our basement floor too! MOL

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  39. We are pretty sure if it was 104 degrees here that we would abandon the catio for the cooler temps in the house. Looks like most of you have adopted what our humans call summer position. try to stay cool and comfy. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!