Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Thankful Thursday


The Baby here.
"Here" being behind the tomato plants, that is.

I have wonderful news: 
Mommy spoke with the Vet today, and Dr. Augustine doesn't want to see me until the end of July!  I am feeling so much better.  I'm back to playing and acting crazypants and being naughty and getting into everything and being bossy and running around like my tail's on fire, just like before I felt so ill.  Depending on how my blood work goes I may have to have another round of medicines--it seems that my gall bladder isn't working 100% any more--but the vet thinks my condition is manageable without surgery.  Paws crossed things stay that way...

And thanks to you, my pals (from all over the world!) the Extra Large vet bill and medications have been almost completely paid for!  As in, Mommy and Daddy only had to pay a little bit, and my total bill was almost fourteen hundred dollars...your generosity was (is) amazing.
A big shout out to Marg from Marg's Animals for being the World's Best Internet Auctioneer, and also to Ann from Zoolatry for designing the auction page header and badges.  
You ladies ROCK...

So I owe all of you the biggest THANK YOU, ever!
Your love, purrs, prayers, and donations warmed my grizzled flinty heart right down to the core.  
(and made Mommy cry a lil' bit)

It bears repeating that my/our Readers are just the absolute best group of folks in the world.
Thank you all, for everything.
I love you. 
Now, back to bird-watching.  I'm grateful to be here to do it!

Happy Thursday!

XX  The Baby  XX


  1. YAY! what wonderful news *hands the mom a tissue*

    You be as crazypants as you want, I'm sure your mom will really enjoy it even if she doesn't think so at the moment

  2. We loves you too Baby - glad you're getting back to good health. T. & the Gang

  3. so happy you are feeling better and is back on birdwatching.

    thank you for being our first commenter ever on our blog.

    emma and buster

  4. Wonderful!

    Now, for a little whap at those little tommy-toes....

  5. We are so happy to hear this good news! Enjoy your Bird TV!

  6. That is such great news! Paws crossed that the news from the vet continues to be good for a very long time to come!

  7. That's great news that you are feeling better. Looks like a great place to be.

  8. What wonderful news, The Baby - so pleased to see you enjoying the sun (and birds!); our paws are crossed and we send special purrs for continued good progress.
    Purrs ... Rainbow

  9. Oh The Baby we are SO happy that you are doing better!!! And so so glad you're crazypants again! That's awesome! We got some great stuff at your auction too, and we're real glad that it helped you!

  10. This is great news. We are glad your back to being crazy pants.

  11. The Baby, this is AWESOME news, we're so happy for you and your beans.

    And your mom (and the CB) helped us out with Derry's dental bill several years ago, and also with Toby the stray's neutering, which we've not forgotten. So we were glad to help in turn, even in a small way.

    Purrs and peace.

  12. Having The Baby back to her bossy self is the best news we are going to get all day! The blogosphere community is a pawesome family.

  13. Baby, it's all worth it if it means you're feeling better. That's so good. :)

  14. And we love you Baby...the Johnny you have a huge posse now if he tries to eat you again we'll giving him a lickin' he won't forget
    Hugs madi your bfff

  15. All that is wonderful news! We're so glad for you.

  16. so glad to read the great news about you feeling better.

    nice tomatoes.

  17. The Baby, it's great to hear you are feeling frisky!

  18. We are very glad you're feeling better. Cat bloggers sure are special people. We love them. :-)

  19. We are so happy to hear you are feeling lots better! What a great undercover location to do your birdie watching :)

  20. That is great news The Baby. I am glad you are feeling so much better. I hope your next vet report will be a good one too.

  21. That's wonderful news The Baby! We're so happy to hear that and wish you many more years of being crazypants!

  22. We love you, too, Baby. I'm so happy to hear you are doing much better. Love the photos of you this morning. You look fit as a fiddle. :) Sending a big hug.

  23. Yay for feeling better! We loves all you too, you are like part of our family. Catch something good in the garden!

  24. the baby....we bee mega way happee ya iz bak ta feelin grate N hope ya due knot need any sir jerry...MOR blessings from St Francis two ewe; ewe can stock pile em coz he haz plentee ta spare....

    N hope ewe can sneek sum oh thoz toe may toez in de houz N make sum sghetti sauce....nothin better N sghetti N pizza less it bee flounder N friez ♥♥♥♥♥

  25. Awww bless your little heart! We are so very happy to hear your very good news. The Blogosphere is filled with awesome people isn't it.

  26. Loves to you Baby and your Mommy and Daddy too!

  27. Yippee!! Glad you're feeling better!!

  28. Baby we are so glad that the Vet gave you such great news! We will continue to purr that you will only need medication to help you maintain your great health!

  29. Oh The BAby, we sure are glad that you are feeling so much better. That is just really happy news. Glad we could all help you with the green papers. The blogging world is a wonderful thing. Thanks for letting us know that you are doing so well. Take care.

  30. Happy to help and that is great news that you might not need surgery!! xoxo

  31. The Baby, we are doing the happy dance for you! Our mom is all impressed with those delicious-looking tomatoes! She is filled with envy, because she has to wait until August for hers to ripen.

  32. Oh boy...what a bunch go good news. We were so happy to bid on and win some auction items. So happy that helped and your mommy and daddy won't be left penniless by your bills. We will now start praying and purring that you won't have to have the surgery. Enjoy your most beautiful yard. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  33. Yay! We sorry the bill was so big, but, we sure are glad there is medicine to fix sweet kitties :-) And we are especially happy you feel so much better sweet Baby!
    Hugs to you all.

  34. Now that is the best news ever ...that you are doing the crazypants dance and feeling full of vim and vinegar ! You keep getting stronger pretty Baby! It leaves us all delighted :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  35. Hooray!! So glad you are feeling better!

    Isn't that Marg something? She has the BIGGEST heart!

  36. We are so glad you are feeling better, Baby.
    Now go act all crazy pants!
    Paws crossed for you
    the kitty brats

  37. We are so happy to hear that you are getting better and acting yourself again. We hope you just keep getting better and better and you will not have to have surgery. Hugs and nose kisses

  38. P.S. We love your Mama's clever comment... ". . . ad infinitum". Clever :)

    the critters in the cottage xo

  39. Baby, I am so so happy you are getting to be about back to normal. Mom said she has always loved all of you there. I know she tells the truth.

  40. Yay for that the money almost covered your vet-bill and for that you are feeling better !!

  41. Fantastic news xx


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!