Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, November 7, 2016

Hippy Dippy Doody


Tiny Johnson here.
This may look like nothing more than a photo of me squatting in the litter pool, but that's exactly what it is; a photo of me squatting!

After the infamous Anal Sac Experience I was still making use of...ahem...''inappropriate" areas to poop, like my heaty box bed, so the peeps decided on another vet visit for x-rays of my innards.  Well, it turns out my innards are fine, but I have severely arthritic hips. (We figure the only way TJ could go comfortably was laying down, we feel terrible.--ed.)

The vet gave me Metacam, which has helped tremendously, as you can see.  I'm back to laying large logs in the litter pool and I've been much more apt to venture onto the higher levels of the cat trees. and in the apartment house on the Catio.  The peeps think I'm less clingy, too.  
(I am NOT clingy--it's called Snoopervision.)

The vet said Metecam can impact my kidney function, long term, so she did a baseline kidney panel.  I'm pleased to report I have the kidneys of a kitten--so I only have to have blood work done every six months and follow up x-rays if I start limping, etc.  

I'm so happy to feel less creaky, and the medicine isn't icky at all--Mommy squirts it in my mouth and I don't fight or foam--and I get a treat afterwards!  Hopefully I'll feel good for a long time now.

Happy Monday!

XX  Jimmy John  XX


  1. Hurrah for squatting. I guess you have to forgive the Editors for posting a pic of you on the box, as it is such a source of joy seeing you there. No kitty likes pooping outside the box - so undignified. And metacam is good stuff, provided those kitten kidneys get monitored and you get the right quality foods which you are now able to demand loudly and proudly.

  2. Yay for metacam! I hope it makes you feel better for a long time.

  3. Poor darling Tiny Johnson! You need smooches! arthritis stinks! We're glad your medicine is helping though!
    We gave Star coconut oil for her arthritis and it made her furs so fluffy and she jumped up to places she hadn't been in ages! If that stuff bothers your kidneys, ask your mommy to try it, it's yummy, at least Star thought so.

  4. Oh thank Cod!! We are glad you are feeling better. There is nothing worse than not being able to squat to poop!!

  5. These people and their clickety-clickety will stop at nuffing! There is no low to which they will not stop, is there my furry furiend? Still, I am pleased to see you pooping in such a satisfying way--so MUCH litter to fling!

  6. That's great news that the metacam is helping you so much, TJ! Paws up for poop logs!

  7. Good to hear Metacam fights the arthritis :)
    Probably makes you feel young and frisky ;) MOL!
    Purrs Georgia and Julie,
    Treasure and JJ

  8. So glad to hear TJ is doing much better and doing his business in the pool!!

  9. Have you considered Adequan? It's an injectable (we give it at home, sub cutaneously). We've had Benny on it since May and it's helped him tremendously. There are no interactions with other meds or with kidneys. Just a thought.

  10. TJ, since I recently posted about Poop, I see no problem with this! May I respectfully suggest a cat chiropractor for you? They do some wondrous things to help a kitty's bones and ligaments get all happy, and they will massage.

  11. We're so glad the Metacam is helping, and that TJ's kidneys are in fact kittneys!

    The Chans

  12. Yippee for logs in the litter pool! Never thought we'd see our Mom type that! Way to go, TJ!

  13. I am glad that metacam is helping you and you can squat now, TJ.

  14. JJ glad the meds are helping you, go and jump and get around.

  15. Hi TJ
    We are very glad to hear you are feeling much better!

  16. Holy Cannoli! Your Litter Pool is da size of my Pacific Ocean! Dat should make you feels much much bettah!

  17. Yay ! We're so glad you're feeling better ! Purrs

  18. Well, this is all exceptionally good news. Just make certain you never miss that blood work. Those kidneys can turn on you at anytime. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Aww, Tiny, we're so glad metacam is helping! Keep an eagle eye on the kidneys, though.

  20. I'm so glad the metacam is helping!! We have had dog, cat and goat versions in this house. It really is a wonder drug. Hope you can use it for a long time without kidney problems. Tristan was on it for years with no probs at all!


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!