Live from the Katnip Lounge, The Kat Pack!

Starring: The Baby *Tiny Johnson * Felix * Rupert * Scouty * CC * Sweet Pea * Maui * May Ling * Salem

and...*Angels Grayce, KonaKitty, and Sylvester* always loved, never forgotten

Monday, November 14, 2016

Meezer Melee


May Ling here.

Daddy put some primo nip in our giant sperm polliwog toy!  He pressed it down into itself to make a hollow for the nip.

  He calls this packing a bowl.
*I* call it delightful!

Really REALLY delightful.

Say, does anybody have any tuna-flavored Doritos?
Or Mountain Mew?

Happy Monday!

XX  May Ling  XX


  1. Mirsku is on his way over to help with the meezer munchies. He's packed his own giant polliwog.

  2. Wow, you sure know how to enjoy that nip! look at your furs!!! By the way, that's lick, lick, pass, May Ling, don't bogart!

  3. Your Daddy packed the bowl well. I see you are inhaling. Enjoy!

  4. That bowl looks very inviting to sniff in.

  5. "Sometimes the light's all shinin' on me,
    Other times I can barely see.
    Lately it occurs to me what a long, strange trip it's been."
    Lyrics from 'Truckin'' by the Grateful Dead

  6. caution- it's a gateway herb. checkout our posting today...

  7. Our mom is willing to try a tuna flavored doritos.
    Emma and Buster

  8. Tunafish and Doritos sounds yummy. You sure are havings lots of funs, May Ling!
    What a fun way to enjoy some nip. Purrz from Katie Too.

  9. Wish I had me some good nip like yours.... :)

  10. You look pawsitively happy May Ling, enjoy!

    Sasha, Sami, & Saku

  11. May Ling, you are so funny. We usually just get the sleepys after getting in the nip, not the munchies! Chris was here to clean the house today. She always brings nip and puts it on the foyer rug for us to eat and roll about in until it is time for her to vacuum. We usually get about four hours of fun! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  12. Those are AWESOME pictures! Mostly because you're a beautiful floofy girl ... but they are incredible shots on their own too. Don't give the Doritos people any ideas ...

  13. You need munchies? I heard that Catio Chips are good! :)


Oh Boy...this is gonna be GREAT!